What is associative container Mcq?

Explanation: Associative containers refer to a group of class templates in the standard library of the C++ programming language that implements ordered associative arrays
associative arrays
In computer science, an associative array, map, symbol table, or dictionary is an abstract data type that stores a collection of (key, value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. In mathematical terms an associative array is a function with finite domain.
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. 2. By using which of the following the elements in the associate container can be efficiently accessed? a) Key.
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Which of the following is an associative container?

The following containers are defined in the current revision of the C++ standard: set , map , multiset , multimap . Each of these containers differ only on constraints placed on their elements.
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What are unordered associative containers Mcq?

Explanation: Unordered Associative Containers is the subset of Containers that implements unsorted(hashed) data structures for quick search in O(1) amortized O(n) Worst case complexity.
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What is set associative container?

Introduction. A set is an Associative container which contains a sorted set of unique objects of type Key. Each element may occur only once, so duplicates are not allowed. There are four kind of Associative containers: set, multiset, map and multimap.
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What are the types of associative containers?

The four ordered associative containers are multiset, set, multimap, and map.
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MCQ Questions Cplusplus Programming Questions And Answers Associative Containers with Answers

What are associative unordered and ordered containers?

In the programming language C++, unordered associative containers are a group of class templates in the C++ Standard Library that implement hash table variants. Being templates, they can be used to store arbitrary elements, such as integers or custom classes.
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What is meant by an associative array?

In computer science, an associative array, map, symbol table, or dictionary is an abstract data type that stores a collection of (key, value) pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection.
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Which of the following is unordered associative containers?

The four unordered associative containers are called unordered_set , unordered_multiset , unordered_map , and unordered_multimap .
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Do associative containers provide iterators?

In Simple Associative Containers, where the elements are the keys, the elements are completely immutable; the nested types iterator and const_iterator are therefore the same. Other types of associative containers, however, do have mutable elements, and do provide iterators through which elements can be modified.
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What are containers in C++?

A container is an object that stores a collection of objects of a specific type. For example, if we need to store a list of names, we can use a vector . C++ STL provides different types of containers based on our requirements.
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What is the difference between map and multimap Associative containers Mcq?

The map and the multimap are both containers that manage key/value pairs as single components. The essential difference between the two is that in a map the keys must be unique, while a multimap permits duplicate keys.
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What is a container in programming language?

A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.
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What are iterators Mcq?

Explanation: Iterators are STL components used to point a memory address of a container. They are used to iterate over container classes.
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Is a map a container?

std::map is a sorted associative container that contains key-value pairs with unique keys. Keys are sorted by using the comparison function Compare . Search, removal, and insertion operations have logarithmic complexity. Maps are usually implemented as red-black trees.
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How many items are presented in the associate container?

Explanation: There are 4 items presented in the associate container. They are set, multiset, map and multimap.
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What is a container library?

The Containers library is a generic collection of class templates and algorithms that allow programmers to easily implement common data structures like queues, lists and stacks.
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What are the various types of STL containers?

The three types of containers found in the STL are sequential, associative and unordered.
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Which of the following are not full container classes?

6. Which are not full container classes in c++? Explanation: Container adaptors are not full container classes, but classes that provide a specific interface relying on an object of one of the container classes such as deque or list to handle the elements. 7.
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What is associative array in C?

Associative arrays in C++

C++Server Side ProgrammingProgramming. In c++ programming language, an associative array is a special type of array in which the index value can be of any data type i.e. it can be char, float, string, etc. These associative arrays are also known as maps or dictionaries.
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What is associative array in Java?

An associative array is a collection of unique keys and collections of values where each key is associated with one value. An associate array is an abstract datatype like a map that is composed of a (key, value) pair, such that each key-value appears at most once in the collection.
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What is associative array How do we use it?

Associative arrays, also called maps or dictionaries, are an abstract data type that can hold data in (key, value) pairs. Associative arrays have two important properties. Every key can only appear once, just like every phone number can only appear once in a directory.
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What are sequence containers derived containers and associative containers?

Sequence containers implement data structures that can be accessed sequentially. Associative containers implement sorted data structures that can be quickly searched (O(log n) complexity). Map: Collection of key-value pairs, sorted by keys, keys are unique (class template).
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What is an ordered container?

An Ordered Associative Container1 is a container for which a criterion order has been fixed, and that guarantees that whenever iterating over a slice of its elements you'll always encounter them ordered according to this criterion. A Hashed Associative Container on the other hand is different.
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What is sequence container SSIS?

The Sequence container defines a control flow that is a subset of the package control flow. Sequence containers group the package into multiple separate control flows, each containing one or more tasks and containers that run within the overall package control flow.
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What is an abstract class Mcq?

A class that has direct instances, but whose descendants may have direct instances.
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