What is a Tokenizer in NLP?

Tokenization is breaking the raw text into small chunks. Tokenization breaks the raw text into words, sentences called tokens. These tokens help in understanding the context or developing the model for the NLP.
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What is word tokenizer?

What are word tokenizers? Word tokenizers are one class of tokenizers that split a text into words. These tokenizers can be used to create a bag of words representation of the text, which can be used for downstream tasks like building word2vec or TF-IDF models.
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What is a tokenizer in machine learning?

Given a character sequence and a defined document unit, tokenization is the task of chopping it up into pieces, called tokens , perhaps at the same time throwing away certain characters, such as punctuation.
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What is sentence tokenizer?

Sentence tokenization is the process of splitting text into individual sentences. For literature, journalism, and formal documents the tokenization algorithms built in to spaCy perform well, since the tokenizer is trained on a corpus of formal English text.
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What is an example of tokenization?

Examples of tokenization

Payment processing use cases that tokenize sensitive credit card information include: mobile wallets like Android Pay and Apple Pay; e-commerce sites; and. businesses that keep a customer's card on file.
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Natural Language Processing - Tokenization (NLP Zero to Hero - Part 1)

What is the purpose of tokenization?

The purpose of tokenization is to protect sensitive data while preserving its business utility. This differs from encryption, where sensitive data is modified and stored with methods that do not allow its continued use for business purposes. If tokenization is like a poker chip, encryption is like a lockbox.
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What is Tokenizer in Python?

In Python tokenization basically refers to splitting up a larger body of text into smaller lines, words or even creating words for a non-English language. The various tokenization functions in-built into the nltk module itself and can be used in programs as shown below.
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How do you use tokenizer in Python?

  1. 5 Simple Ways to Tokenize Text in Python. Tokenizing text, a large corpus and sentences of different language. ...
  2. Simple tokenization with . split. ...
  3. Tokenization with NLTK. ...
  4. Convert a corpus to a vector of token counts with Count Vectorizer (sklearn) ...
  5. Tokenize text in different languages with spaCy. ...
  6. Tokenization with Gensim.
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What is tokenizer in keras?

The Tokenizer class of Keras is used for vectorizing a text corpus. For this either, each text input is converted into integer sequence or a vector that has a coefficient for each token in the form of binary values.
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What is Bag of Words in NLP?

The bag-of-words model is a simplifying representation used in natural language processing and information retrieval (IR). In this model, a text (such as a sentence or a document) is represented as the bag (multiset) of its words, disregarding grammar and even word order but keeping multiplicity.
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What are Stopwords in NLP?

Stopwords are the most common words in any natural language. For the purpose of analyzing text data and building NLP models, these stopwords might not add much value to the meaning of the document. Generally, the most common words used in a text are “the”, “is”, “in”, “for”, “where”, “when”, “to”, “at” etc.
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What is byte level tokenizer?

About the Byte-level BPE (BBPE) tokenizer

Representing text at the level of bytes and using the 256 byte set as vocabulary is a potential solution to this issue. High computational cost has however prevented it from being widely deployed or used in practice.
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What is the difference between encryption and tokenization?

encryption is that tokenized data cannot be returned to its original form. Unlike encryption, tokenization does not use keys to alter the original data. Instead, it removes the data from an organization's internal systems entirely and exchanges it for a randomly generated nonsensitive placeholder (a token).
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What is token and tokenization?

Tokenization replaces a sensitive data element, for example, a bank account number, with a non-sensitive substitute, known as a token. The token is a randomized data string that has no essential or exploitable value or meaning.
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How do you use sentence tokenizer in NLTK?

NLTK contains a module called tokenize() which further classifies into two sub-categories:
  1. Word tokenize: We use the word_tokenize() method to split a sentence into tokens or words.
  2. Sentence tokenize: We use the sent_tokenize() method to split a document or paragraph into sentences.
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Is word tokenizer split?

Space and punctuation tokenization and rule-based tokenization are both examples of word tokenization, which is loosely defined as splitting sentences into words. While it's the most intuitive way to split texts into smaller chunks, this tokenization method can lead to problems for massive text corpora.
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What is Tokenizer in TensorFlow?

Tokenization is the process of breaking up a string into tokens. Commonly, these tokens are words, numbers, and/or punctuation. The tensorflow_text package provides a number of tokenizers available for preprocessing text required by your text-based models.
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How do you prepare text data for NLP?

To prepare the text data for the model building we perform text preprocessing. It is the very first step of NLP projects.
Some of the preprocessing steps are:
  1. Removing punctuations like . , ! $( ) * % @
  2. Removing URLs.
  3. Removing Stop words.
  4. Lower casing.
  5. Tokenization.
  6. Stemming.
  7. Lemmatization.
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How do you use the Tokenizer in foundry?

Tokenizer registers itself automatically in the most game systems, and opens up when you click on the avatar image from a character sheet. It enables you to create both a new Avatar image and Token image by using multiple stacked layers and easy to use interface.
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How do you tokenize a string in NLP?

Tokenization is the process of tokenizing or splitting a string, text into a list of tokens. One can think of token as parts like a word is a token in a sentence, and a sentence is a token in a paragraph. How sent_tokenize works ? The sent_tokenize function uses an instance of PunktSentenceTokenizer from the nltk.
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What does it mean to tokenize a string?

Tokenization is the act of breaking up a sequence of strings into pieces such as words, keywords, phrases, symbols and other elements called tokens. Tokens can be individual words, phrases or even whole sentences. In the process of tokenization, some characters like punctuation marks are discarded.
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What is tokenization in NLTK?

Tokenization in NLP is the process by which a large quantity of text is divided into smaller parts called tokens. Natural language processing is used for building applications such as Text classification, intelligent chatbot, sentimental analysis, language translation, etc.
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What is tokenization in deep learning?

A Quick Rundown of Tokenization

It's a fundamental step in both traditional NLP methods like Count Vectorizer and Advanced Deep Learning-based architectures like Transformers. Tokens are the building blocks of Natural Language. Tokenization is a way of separating a piece of text into smaller units called tokens.
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How do you Tokenize source code?

You can tokenize source code using a lexical analyzer (or lexer, for short) like flex (under C) or JLex (under Java). The easiest way to get grammars to tokenize Java, C, and C++ may be to use (subject to licensing terms) the code from an open source compiler using your favorite lexer.
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Why is tokenization harmful?

Naturally, people who are tokens often experience anxiety and stress. They might even be tempted to overwork in order to try to be a 'good' representative of [that] identity group, which can lead to exhaustion, guilt, shame, and burnout.”
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