What human food can turkeys eat?

Adult turkeys will get as much as 50% of their intake from pasture or range grass. Range grass is grass that is four to six inches long. Turkeys like to eat the growing tips of the grass. They will also enjoy any kitchen or garden scraps: lettuce, tomatoes, sweet corn, summer squash, and so on.
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What should you not feed a turkey?

Here is some food that you should not feed to turkeys:
  1. Low-Quality chicken feed.
  2. Dairy foods.
  3. Onions.
  4. Raw meat.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Processed foods.
  7. Fruit pits and seeds.
  8. Tomato and eggplant leaves.
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What snacks can turkeys eat?

Their exact diet depends on the season and available food and their age and stage in life. Turkeys eat insects, snails, slugs, lizards, snakes, and grasshoppers. They enjoy nuts, acorns, seeds (including many wild weed seeds), corn, grain, and peas. They eat berries, flowers, bulbs, foliage, and fruit.
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What fruits and veggies can turkeys eat?

These feathery animals enjoy consuming just about any type of fruit or nuts. They are quite fond of beechnuts, pecans, hickory nuts, berries, grapes, cacti fruits and much more. They will even consume poison ivy berries as well as any other wild berries they can find.
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What do turkeys like to feed on?

Generally, turkeys thrive in and near mature forests that produce abundant amounts of mast, the fruits and nuts of woody plants. In the spring, they tend to eat leaves and grasses, and in the fall, they feed more on fruits, berries, seeds and insects.
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What Turkeys Eat

Can turkeys eat table scraps?

Types of Turkey Feed

Turkeys like to eat the growing tips of the grass. They will also enjoy any kitchen or garden scraps: lettuce, tomatoes, sweet corn, summer squash, and so on.
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What kind of fruit do turkeys eat?

Other planting suggestions include black cherry trees, blueberries, wild grapes and dogwood. Wild turkeys consume cacti fruits in arid areas and like many species of wildlife, will even consume poison ivy berries too.
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Can I feed turkeys raisins?

portion, or 16% of the entire ration for turkeys in the late growing periods with- out markedly affecting the gains in body weight, efficiency of gain or market grade of the birds. Cull raisins are frequently available- and in times of surplus-top grade raisins are relatively inexpensive for livestock feeding.
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Can turkeys eat banana peels?

Bananas, beginning with the peels to the edible part, can be a great reward to provide to your birds. You should not provide them a raw banana peel. They are thought-about edible as soon as boiled and have some advantages to them!
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Do turkeys eat grapes?

"The turkeys eat a lot of grapes," Mr. Garro said. "They eat whatever they can find -- like cows. They taste better in the fall.
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How do turkeys drink water?

While the Eastern wild turkey can get most of its water from dew and insects, western turkeys such as the Rio Grande and Merriam's do not have that luxury. These birds can be found in arid parts of the plains states and must have free standing water to survive.
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Can turkeys have peanuts?

If you want to feed Wild Turkeys, I would recommend our Wild Birds Unlimited Wildlife Blend. It's a nice mixture of peanuts, sunflower seed and corn. Our Choice Harvest Blend also has enough tree nuts, sunflower seeds, dried cherries, and suet nuggets to satisfy any turkey as well as a wide variety of other birds.
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Do turkeys eat blueberries?

Like that certain uncle at your holiday dinner, wild turkeys will eat just about anything that fits into their mouths. They are the quintessential omnivores. Acorns and azalea galls, bluegills and blueberries, crabgrass and caterpillars … they all go right in.
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Why do turkeys follow you?

Turkeys “may attempt to dominate or attack people they view as subordinates.” This behavior is most common in the fall when young male birds start competing with elders of the flock, according to MassWildlife. If you're cornered by a belligerent bird, it's important to not let the turkey intimidate you.
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Can turkeys eat corn?

Since wild turkeys are a ground-feeding type, sprinkling cracked corn in an open area of dirt is a sufficient way to attract them. Seeds- Another easily attainable food source, seeds provide even more nutrition for wild turkeys. Mixing seeds and cracked corn makes a great spread out meal.
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Do turkeys eat raw potatoes?

Turkeys eat seeds, grains, vegetables, and insects. As omnivores, turkeys mostly eat seeds, grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and insects. But they also eat many surprising foods like fish, snails, and lizards. The birds spend all of their awake time hunting, scratching, pecking, and foraging for food.
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Do turkeys eat peanuts in the shell?

My mother looked at the turkeys and said, “They will eat the entire peanut, so I like to crack the shells open and just give them the inside to make it easier for them.” My mother and I began shelling peanuts, and by the time I reached 10, the two turkeys were standing at attention at the bottom of the porch stairs.
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Can turkeys eat cat food?

Some cat food can have ingredients that aren't particularly good for birds — things they can't digest, their body can't fully process or is just too much for them. But it can depend on the food, the bird and how much it eats. Filling up on cat food also could stop them from eating the foods that are good for them.
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Can turkeys eat meal worms?

Providing mealworms, whether dried or live, is a great and very, very safe way to attract birds into your yard. I encourage you to try them as an added treat to provide to the birds coming to your yard. They won't last long, especially live mealworms, but you will enjoy watching the many birds who love this food item.
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Can turkeys eat oatmeal?

Provide cracked corn, millet, milo, wheat, oats, or other seeds and grains. Wild turkeys are not picky and will readily eat less expensive birdseed mixes or will eat the waste seed scattered beneath bird feeders.
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Do turkeys eat walnuts?

Therefore, plants on the floor not only provide food but also creates a wild turkey's natural habitat. They may also consume nuts like hickory nuts, beechnuts or walnuts. Since their diets rely heavily on nuts, you may want to plant more native oats such as chestnut oak, red oak, and black oak.
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Can turkeys eat cherries?

Wild cherries are important turkey foods in autumn, and their seeds are important complementary menu items anytime. Summer grapes ripen in early fall, but turkeys consume them for months afterward as well. Honeysuckle is not a major turkey food, but it produces fruits that turkeys will eat.
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Can turkeys be pets?

Since turkeys are so docile and loving, they make excellent pets for children. They like to play and are more resilient than smaller, delicate birds, like chickens. Once your turkey has bonded with their family, they will enjoy spending time around you.
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What can baby turkeys eat?

Baby turkeys need to eat turkey/gamebird starter mash or crumbles, a blend specially formulated for their growth and development. Layer or breeder mash, crumbles, or pellets should never be fed to poults, not even as an emergency ration.
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