What has 12000 eyes living?

The monarch butterfly has 12000 eyes that help it to practically see in every direction. These butterflies have two types of eyes- Simple and Compound.
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Do butterflies have 12 000 eyes?

Butterflies have two different types of eyes. Both single, and 12000 compound eyes. The single-chambered eyes focus mainly on individual objects. Whereas their 12000 compound eyes are used as their main eyesight.
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What creatures have the most eyes?

3. Dragonflies (Anisoptera) Some species of dragonfly have more than 28,000 lenses per compound eye, a greater number than any other living creature. And with eyes covering almost their entire head, they have nearly 360-degree vision too.
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How many eyes are butterfly?

Butterflies have two eyes just like we do. But butterfly eyes are called compound eyes because they have many, many lenses. That means butterflies can see many different things in many directions all at the same time.
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How many eyes do caterpillars have?

5. Caterpillars have 12 eyes arranged in a semi-circle. Caterpillars have 12 tiny eyelets that are known as stemmata.
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Wow Facts: Who has 12,000 Eyes! || So many Eyes - Amazing animals facts

How many eyes do ants have?

Most ants have two large compound eyes.
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How many eyes does a mosquito have?

Eye: Mosquitoes have two large compound eyes that detect movement.
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How many eyes does a grasshopper have?

Grasshoppers have three simple eyes called ocelli — one above the base of each antenna and one centrally located in the frontal costa. These and other parts and appendages of the head are illustrated in Figure 3.
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How many eyes do jellyfish have?

Now, researchers have evidence revealing that four of those eyes always peer up out of the water, regardless of the way the rest of the animal is oriented. Box jellyfish may seem like rather simple creatures, but in fact their visual system is anything but. They've got no fewer than 24 eyes of four different kinds.
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How many eyes do spiders have?

Most spiders have eight eyes.

Some have no eyes and others have as many as 12 eyes. Most can detect only between light and dark, while others have well-developed vision. Experiments have demonstrated that some spiders can recognize and respond to specific shapes on television monitors.
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What animal has a thousand eyes?

While this mollusk may not look like much, it has a few defenses and surprises up its sleeve. This chiton, also known as a sea cradle, has thousands of tiny eyes on its shell — all equipped with a light sensitive cell and a lens.
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Do any animals have 1 eye?

The answer is yes. And they are everything but big monsters. There are 44 species of the genus Cyclops, also known as water fleas, all with a single eye that is either red or black. Cyclops are between 0.5-3 mm long, have 5 pairs of limbs on the head and another 7 pairs of limbs on the mid-body.
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Is there an animal with 100 eyes?

If you spot a West Indian fuzzy chiton, it has most likely spotted you too. Chitons may lack a brain, head and eyes in the classic sense, but nestled in the shell of this primitive marine mollusc are hundreds of tiny 'eyes', complete with lenses that focus light to create images.
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Do spiders really have 8 eyes?

Spiders usually have eight eyes but few have good eyesight.

Spiders usually have eight eyes (some have six or fewer), but few have good eyesight. They rely instead on touch, vibration and taste stimuli to navigate and find their prey.
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How many eyes do tarantulas have?

Like most spiders, this species has eight eyes but poor vision. The spider depends more on sensitive hairs on its legs and body to orient itself. These two appendages end in fangs that inject venom into and hold onto prey. Females also carry egg sacs between the fangs.
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Do jumping spiders have 8 eyes?

Jumping spiders are active hunters, like tiny lions chasing down their prey (bugs). They usually have eight eyes: two very large front eyes to get a clear, colour image and judge distance, and extra side eyes to detect when something is moving.
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Does a jellyfish poop?

Any waste – that's poop – then comes back through the mouth. That's because jellyfish only have one opening into their stomach, so waste comes out the same opening as food goes in.
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Do starfish have eyes?

Starfish have eyes—one on the end of each of their arms—but what they do with them was anyone's guess. Starfish have historically been thought of as simple animals. Since their eyes are also relatively simple and because they lack a brain, it was difficult to figure out how or even if they could see.
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Do jelly fish have a brain?

They have no brain and are mostly water, yet jellies have plenty of superpowers. When we think of dangerous animals, a bag of water without a brain may not seem like it should be on the list. But if ocean bathers hear “jellyfish!” they'll stand at attention like meerkats, because jellies can pack a wallop.
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How many eyes does a cricket have?

Crickets are small to medium-sized insects with mostly cylindrical, somewhat vertically flattened bodies. The head is spherical with long slender antennae arising from cone-shaped scapes (first segments) and just behind these are two large compound eyes. On the forehead are three ocelli (simple eyes).
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How many eyes do locusts have?

The insects are equipped with five eyes in total, three of which are simple eyes and two of which are compound. The sizable compound eyes are situated on the sides of their heads, while the other eyes are directly between them.
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Where are an ants eyes?

In addition to the compound eye, several species of ants have one to three simple eyes called ocelli on the dorsal surface of the head.
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Does a mosquito have 47 teeth?

Mosquitoes bite, but they don't have teeth.

A female mosquito finds her target mostly by smell. She looks for the smell of CO2 in the breath of an exhaling mammal. Other odors may also attract a mosquito, such as the smell of lactic acid or the scent created by the collection of bacteria on your skin.
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Do flies have 1000 eyes?

To be precise, flies do not have thousands of eyes; they just have thousands of lenses in their eyes. This provides them with a very wide vision to see.
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Do cockroaches have eyes?

A cockroach has compound eyes. Found on the lateral sides of the head, each compound eye is in the form of a dark kidney-shaped structure made up of around 2000 hexagonal units called the ommatidia or simple eyes.
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