What happens if you plant a popcorn kernel?

It is possible to grow plants from the kernels you get for making popcorn, but remember this is a corn that isn't any good as sweet corn. it it very starchy and not sweet. it would only be good to use for more popcorn.
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Can you plant a popcorn kernel?

Planting Your Homegrown Popcorn

Once you've located fertile seeds, you are ready to grow your own popcorn. Plant the seeds exactly the same as you would sweet corn (soak the kernels for 12 hours before planting, then set them 1 to 1-½ inches deep and 8 to 10 inches apart).
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Can you germinate a popcorn kernel?

Plant seeds one inch deep in heavier soils, and up to two inches deep in sandy soil. Space the seeds about 8 inches apart. Plant in at least four rows, with 18 to 24 inches between rows. Popcorn germination takes longer than sweet corn, and most varieties require 90 to 120 days to reach full maturity.
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Can you grow corn from corn kernels?

Corn seeds are really just dried corn kernels. So you can try growing corn from an ear of corn. Just let the ear dry out and plant the kernels.
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Can I plant popcorn from the store?

No, you can't open a bag of popcorn from the grocery store and plant it. Most store bought popcorn isn't fertile because of the heating and sterilization processes it undergoes. You'll need to buy fertile popcorn from your local garden center and there are plenty to choose from on the internet.
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Can you sprout popping corn?

It is as simple as swapping the seeds you sow for popcorn kernels. Yes, the same ones that are probably sitting in your kitchen cupboard right now. Taking Stateside foodie culture by storm, popcorn shoots are the just-emerging sprouts of popcorn kernels that are sowed in shallow seed trays after being soaked overnight.
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Do you need to dry corn kernels before planting?

Removing and Storing Seeds

Let them dry in a single layer for a couple more weeks. If the kernels are still a bit moist they can mold in storage, so you want to make sure to dry them well. At this stage, the kernels will have corn silk and bits of cob mixed in with them.
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How do you germinate corn kernels?

How to Germinate Corn Kernels
  1. Find a sunny area to plant. ...
  2. Prepare the soil. ...
  3. Amend with compost and manure. ...
  4. Saturate the soil before planting. ...
  5. Plant the corn kernels. ...
  6. Water according to a schedule. ...
  7. Control weeds. ...
  8. Thin the seedlings.
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How do you plant corn kernels?

Plant the corn seeds about 1 inch deep and 3 to 4 inches apart in the row. Space the rows 2½ to 3 feet apart. After the plants are up, thin them to 1 foot apart. If you plant them closer, your corn will have small, poorly-filled ears (Figs.
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How do you start a popcorn plant?

Plant popcorn cassia in full sun and rich, moist, well-drained soil. Start it from seed or begin with a rooted cutting. Seeds will germinate more readily when soaked in water for 24 hours. Sow seeds shallowly indoors in February or March and wait until all danger of frost has passed before transferring outdoors.
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How long does it take for popcorn seeds to germinate?

Because corn is wind-pollinated, it pays to plant in blocks of four rows, following the sowing instructions for depth and spacing. Compared to other corn, popcorn is slower to germinate, taking about 10 days to shoot up, and slower to grow.
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Are popcorn kernels living or non living?

You could find out by heating all of these popcorns for the same amount of time, counting the number of popped corns, the number of corns that did not pop, and seeing what percentage popped. I'd love to know the answer to this one! Answer 2: Popcorn kernels contain water, as do all living things.
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Can you plant fresh corn seeds?

Start with fresh corn seeds for the best results. Directly sow seeds approximately 1.5 to 2 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. Cover with soil, space your rows of seeds 30 to 36 inches apart.
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Can you start corn seeds inside?

Corn thrives when it's planted directly into the ground, but you can grow it inside in a pot. It doesn't transplant well, so it's best to put the seeds right into a big container, such as a washtub or large planter.
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Can I grow corn from fresh corn?

Fill a dish with 1 inch of water and place the corn cob in the water. Place in a sunny spot and then admire your corn as it grows! Within a few days you will begin to see the shoots sprout upwards, you will also see the roots grow in the water.
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Are corn kernels seed?

Each kernel of corn is actually a seed that, like most seeds, contains an embryo (a baby plant) and a seed coat for protection.
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Can you grow fresh corn?

There are many types of sweet corn available to gardeners. New varieties have made it easier to bring quality sweet corn to the table. New types are sweeter, crisper and tenderer. They hold their sweetness longer without becoming starchy after picking, but growing these new types can be more challenging.
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How long does it take to grow popcorn shoots?

As for time to harvest, after the pre-soaking period, it takes 10 to 14 days to get shoots 2 to 4 inches long. The shoots are simply snipped off at the base when they have grown to the length you want. I plan to use them in stir fry dishes and salads of course. This is such an easy crop to grow, even in the winter!
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What does popcorn microgreens taste like?

They're a bit sweet and have a very subtle taste of sweet corn.
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Does sprouted popcorn pop?

The steam expands and expands, until, “pop!” Since sprouted corn has a higher moisture content, you get more steam. And more steam means fluffier popcorn. Plus, you end up with far fewer un-popped kernels rolling around in the bottom of your snack bowl!
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Where are the seeds on a popcorn plant?

Each flat brown pod contains up to 16 smooth, flattened, bean-like seeds with the pod depressed between the seeds when dry. Popcorn cassia produces typical legume-type pods (L and C) with small brown seeds inside (R). The large, compound leaves offer good contrast to many other plants.
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