What does the function call return?

A return is a value that a function returns to the calling script or function when it completes its task. A return value can be any one of the four variable types: handle, integer, object, or string. The type of value your function returns depends largely on the task it performs.
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What does a function call return in C?

When a program calls a function, the program control is transferred to the called function. A called function performs a defined task and when its return statement is executed or when its function-ending closing brace is reached, it returns the program control back to the main program.
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How do you return a value from a function call?

To return a value from a function, you must include a return statement, followed by the value to be returned, before the function's end statement. If you do not include a return statement or if you do not specify a value after the keyword return, the value returned by the function is unpredictable.
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What should a function return?

A function should return the value you want to return to the caller. What that value is depends on the function's purpose. Often 0 and 1 are used to indicate success and failure, or failure and success, or false and true. Often a function returns a value that is computed from its parameters.
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What does the main function return?

The return value of main() function shows how the program exited. The normal exit of program is represented by zero return value. If the code has errors, fault etc., it will be terminated by non-zero value. In C++ language, the main() function can be left without return value.
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C return statement 🔙

What does a function return quizlet?

What is the purpose of the Return statement in a function? The Return statement specifies the value that the function returns to the part of the program that called the function. When the Return statement is executed, it causes the function to terminate and return the specified value.
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Do all functions have a return?

Every function must have at least one return statement. A procedure is not required to have any return statements. The expression in a function's return statement must evaluate to a type that matches the return type in the function's declaration. Example program illustrating both types of return statement.
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Does a function return a result?

After the function calculates the value, it can return the result so it can be stored in a variable; and you can use this variable in the next stage of the calculation.
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Does a function end at return?

A return statement ends the execution of a function, and returns control to the calling function. Execution resumes in the calling function at the point immediately following the call. A return statement can return a value to the calling function. For more information, see Return type.
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What type of function returns a value?

A function that returns a value is called a value-returning function. A function is value-returning if the return type is anything other than void . A value-returning function must return a value of that type (using a return statement), otherwise undefined behavior will result.
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What is return address of a function call?

The return address is specified in the stack when a program contains a function call or subroutine. When the function is called then, after its complete execution it has to return back to the original program i.e., the next instruction after the function call in the program.
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Can a function return a function call?

You can store the function in a variable. You can pass the function as a parameter to another function. You can return the function from a function.
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What is function call by value?

The call by value method of passing arguments to a function copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function. In this case, changes made to the parameter inside the function have no effect on the argument. By default, C programming uses call by value to pass arguments.
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What happens after function call?

Series of operations when we call a function:

Stack Frame is pushed into stack. Sub-routine instructions are executed. Stack Frame is popped from the stack. Now Program Counter is holding the return address.
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What is a function call?

A function call is an expression that passes control and arguments (if any) to a function and has the form: expression (expression-listopt) where expression is a function name or evaluates to a function address and expression-list is a list of expressions (separated by commas).
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What does the exec () call return?

The exec() functions return only if an error has occurred. The return value is -1, and errno is set to indicate the error.
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Can a function return any value?

If a function is defined as having a return type of void , it should not return a value. In C++, a function which is defined as having a return type of void , or is a constructor or destructor, must not return a value. If a function is defined as having a return type other than void , it should return a value.
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Can a function return a variable?

As you already know a function can return a single variable, but it can also return multiple variables. We'll store all of these variables directly from the function call.
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Is return 0 a function?

'return 0' means that the function doesn't return any value. It is used when the void return type is used with the function. It is not mandatory to add a 'return 0' statement to the function which doesn't return any value, the compiler adds it virtually.
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What is the result of a function?

A function only returns one result. Within the function you have to assign the result to the return value result. After the function has been executed, Plant Simulation returns the contents of this variable to the caller.
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What happens when you call a function with a return value?

What happens when you call a function (which has return value) without assigning it to anything? -->The function will be executed, either make no sense like your case or make a lot of senses like modifying a static variable or a global variable. The return value will be ignored.
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Does a function need a return?

NO, a function does not always have to have an explicit return statement. If the function doesn't need to provide any results to the calling point, then the return is not needed.
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What does all () return?

The all() function returns True if all items in an iterable are true, otherwise it returns False. If the iterable object is empty, the all() function also returns True.
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Which function does not return?

Void (NonValue-Returning) functions: Void functions are created and used just like value-returning functions except they do not return a value after the function executes.
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Do functions only return one value?

Even though a function can return only one value but that value can be of pointer type.
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