What does face to Pubes mean?

The mother may have an urge to push before full dilation, but the midwife should discourage this. If the occiput comes directly into the posterior position (face to pubis) a vaginal delivery is possible if the pelvic diameters are reasonable.
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Can face presentation delivered vaginally?

Face presentation is a rare obstetric event and most practitioners will go through their carriers without ever meeting one. Face presentation can be delivered vaginally only if the foetus is in the mentum anterior position. More than half of the cases of face presentation are delivered by caesarean section.
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What is the difference between Malpositions and Malpresentations?

Malpositions are abnormal positions of the vertex of the fetal head (with the occiput as the reference point) relative to the maternal pelvis. Malpresentations are all presentations of the fetus other than vertex. The fetus is in an abnormal position or presentation that may result in prolonged or obstructed labour.
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What is Occipitoposterior?

INTRODUCTION. Occiput posterior (OP) position is the most common fetal malposition. It is important because it is associated with labor abnormalities that may lead to adverse maternal and neonatal consequences, particularly operative vaginal delivery or cesarean delivery.
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What is malpresentation before labor?

Malpresentation refers to when your baby is in an unusual position as the birth approaches. Sometimes it's possible to move the baby, but often it's safer for you and the baby if you have a caesarean.
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Should You Shave Your Pubes?

What is Malpositioning?

: wrong or faulty position.
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Why does a fetus have to turn three times as it is born?

As your baby passes through the birth canal, the baby's head will change positions. These changes are needed for your baby to fit and move through your pelvis. These movements of your baby's head are called cardinal movements of labor.
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What does Sunny Side Up baby mean?

Also known as the occiput posterior position (OP), or posterior position, a sunny side up baby is a baby positioned head down but facing mom's abdomen, so the baby's occipital bone (the skull) is against the back of your pelvis.
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What is the McRoberts position?

McRoberts' position is used during the second stage of labour to facilitate delivery of the fetal shoulders. Few clinical studies have been done to measure its efficacy. We measured intrauterine pressure in 22 women in term labour, after the vertex reached 3+ station, in the dorsal lithotomy position.
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What is lie midwifery?

The position or attitude of the fetus in the womb in relation to the long axis of the mother's body.
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What is molding in pregnancy?

Overview. During a head first birth, pressure on the head caused by the tight birth canal may "mold" the head into an oblong rather than round shape. This is a common occurrence that usually disappears after a few days.
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What is pregnancy malpresentation?

Description. fetal malpresentation occurs when the part of the fetus which is closest to the pelvic inlet is not the vertex of the fetal head, whereas fetal malposition occurs when the occiput of fetuses who are in vertex presentation is rotated so that it is not oriented anteriorly in the maternal pelvis.
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Why would a baby be born face first?

The pushing stage, in particular, may be longer. Babies born face first will often have swollen or bruised facial features for the first few days of life as a result of the pressure during birth.
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What part of the baby comes out first?

Breech position. In most vaginal deliveries, the baby's head passes through the birth canal first and the rest of the baby's body follows. In a breech delivery, the baby's feet, knees, or buttocks appear first.
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What is a brow birth?

If your baby is in a brow presentation, this means the largest area of her head will be trying to fit through your pelvis during birth. Brow presentation happens when your baby's neck and head are slightly extended (deflexed), as if your baby is looking up.
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What is the Ritgen maneuver?

Ritgen´s maneuver means that the fetal chin is reached for between the anus and the coccyx and pulled anteriorly, while using the fingers of the other hand on the fetal occiput to control speed of delivery and keep flexion of the fetal neck. Condition or disease. Intervention/treatment.
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What is corkscrew maneuver?

Wood's corkscrew maneuver. (A) The posterior shoulder is rotated counterclockwise until (B) it becomes anterior. The anterior shoulder rotates out from under the symphysis pubis and descends during this process.
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How do you do the Leopold maneuver?

A simple adjustment involves alternating two hand palpation of lateral uterine surfaces. By placing the right hand steady on one side of the abdomen while using the palm of the left hand, the right side of the gravid uterus is palpated gently. This is then repeated using the opposite side.
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What is C section in delivery?

Overview. Cesarean delivery (C-section) is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. A C-section might be planned ahead of time if you develop pregnancy complications or you've had a previous C-section and aren't considering a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).
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Why is posterior birth more painful?

Posterior position

This means the baby's head enters the pelvis facing your front instead of your back. This can mean a longer labour with more backache.
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What is difficult labor?

Dystocia of labor is defined as difficult labor or abnormally slow progress of labor. Other terms that are often used interchangeably with dystocia are dysfunctional labor, failure to progress (lack of progressive cervical dilatation or lack of descent), and cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD).
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Does turning baby head down hurt?

When the baby's head is up, you're more likely to experience discomfort under the ribs and to feel kicking in the lower belly. When the baby is head down, you'll probably be feeling kicking higher up in the belly, and discomfort or pressure in the pelvis rather than the upper belly.
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What does baby dropping feel like?

You might feel a lot more pressure.

Once your baby drops, you might notice a lot of increased pressure in your pelvis. This may be a time when you develop a significant pregnancy “waddle” as you adjust. This is probably the same feeling as walking around with what feels like a bowling ball between your legs.
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What is the last organ to develop in a fetus?

Most babies move to a head-down position in the uterus toward the end, with the head on the mother's pubic bone. The lungs are the last major organ to finish developing.
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