What does 8 ever 9 never mean in bridge?

Declarer. Eight ever, nine never. This refers to guidance for the common situation where declarer has eight or nine cards in a suit including the Ace and King, and is trying to choose a strategy for drawing the opponents' queen without losing a trick.
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What is 8 ever 9 Never in bridge?

Definition. “Eight ever, nine never” is a designed to help the declarer who has eight or nine cards in a suit including the Ace and King and who is trying to decide whether or not to take a finesse and cannot afford to lose a trick in the suit.
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What does 8 ever 9 never mean?

�Eight ever- nine never' is a saying that says whether you should finesse a missing queen when you have 8 and when you have 9 cards in the suit. With just 8 cards you should always finesse - eight ever; but with nine cards you should play for the drop - nine never (finesse).
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What is the rule of eight in bridge?

If the result is 8 or fewer, then the defender should pass or bid. A simple example would be that if the contract is 4 ♠ and one defender holds 5 Spades, then the total number equals 9 and that player should double for penalty. Rule of 10.
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Why does rule of 11 work in bridge?

The Rule of 11 is a mathematical corollary to fourth-best leads. It enables the third hand player to count how many cards declarer holds which are higher than the opening lead.
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Eight Ever Nine Never

Should you lead an ace in bridge?

“NEVER underlead an ace against a suit contract” is one of the more reliable rules of thumb at the bridge table. Nevertheless, there are occasional exceptions. These usually occur when dummy seems likely to be strong in the suit, perhaps because of a one no‐trump opening bid.
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What is the rule of 7 in bridge?

Rule of seven

The rule assumes play in a 3NT contract and is as follows: Subtract from seven the total number of cards that declarer and dummy hold in the defenders' suit and duck their lead of the suit that many times.
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What is the law of 9 in bridge?

The Rule of 9 may help one decide whether to pass for penalty or bid. To use the rule, add the level of the contract, the number of the trump, and the number of trump honors held including the ten. If this sum is nine or more, pass the takeout double for penalty.
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What is the rule of 10 in bridge?

In contract bridge, the Rule of 10-12 is applied when the opening lead is the third or the fifth best from the defender's suit. By subtracting the rank of the card led from 10 or 12 respectively, a defender can determine how many cards are higher than the card partner has led.
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What is the rule of 17 in bridge?

Rule of 17: If your partner opens with a preempt bid, add the number of your own high card points plus the number of your partners bid suit that you hold. If the sum is 17 or more, bid game in partner's suit.
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What is a finesse in bridge?

In contract bridge and similar games, a finesse is a type of card play technique which will enable a player to win an additional trick or tricks should there be a favorable position of one or more cards in the hands of the opponents.
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What is Tenace in bridge?

tenace. / (ˈtɛneɪs) / noun. bridge whist a holding of two nonconsecutive high cards of a suit, such as the ace and queen.
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What is meant by Ruffing in bridge?

In Bridge, to ruff means to play a trump card on a trick when that player has run out of the suit which was led. If trumps were the suit led then following suit and playing a trump card is not 'ruffing' . As all the other players must follow suit if they can, even a low trump card can win a trick.
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When should you not use a Stayman?

RULE: Do not use Stayman when you have a 4-3-3-3 hand. We are programmed to always want to play a hand in a major when we have an 8 card fit. We can draw trump and still have one trump left in declarer's hand and one in dummy.
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When should I play for the drop in bridge?

A Queen will not usually drop if you cash Ace-king. If you have 9+ cards in a suit, you should usually play for the drop instead of finessing. Since the defenders have only 4 cards in the suit, their Queen is likely to fall if you cash Ace-king.
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What is suit preference in bridge?

A suit-preference signal is used when either leading a suit or following suit. A high card suggests a shift to the higher side suit, while a low card suggests a shift to the lower side suit. Of the three types of defensive signals, suit-preference signals have the lowest priority: Attitude. Count.
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What is the rule of 1 in bridge?

Rule of 1. Rule of 1 - When opponents have only 1 remaining high trump, it's often best to ignore it and take tricks in other suits -- assuming there isn't a transportation problem accessing a long suit.
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What is the rule of 2 in bridge?

Mel's Rule of 2: In the pass out seat, bid if you have two or more shortness points, regardless of HCP and Vulnerability!
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Can you open with 12 points in bridge?

Here are the rules for the opening bid: Opening Strength. You need to have 13 points to open the bidding, counting both HCP and distribution (see counting points). You should always open when you have 13, and you should never open with 12 or fewer.
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What is the rule of 12 in bridge?

The Rule of 12 is used when a lead is third-best. It works the same as the Rule of 10, except that the starting number is 12. Partner leads the 5. Assuming this is a third-best lead, how many hearts are in declarer's hand which are higher?
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What is the rule of 13 in bridge?

Always respond to a one-of-a-suit opener with six+ points. THE RULE OF THIRTEEN: Bridge is based on four small numbers that add up to thirteen - the pattern of an individual hand; the pattern of a single suit around the table. The more acquainted you become with the common patterns, the easier the game will become.
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What is the rule of 22 in bridge?

Rule of 22

Add together the number of HCP in the hand, and the number of cards in the two longest suits, and the number of quick tricks in the hand. If the resultant number is 22 or higher, then an opening bid is suggested [the choice of which bid depends on partnership agreement].
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What does rule of 20 mean in bridge?

You can open the bidding with slightly fewer than 12 points when you have a shapely hand. Use the Rule of 20 – which states that you can open the bidding when your high-card point-count added to the number of cards in your two longest suits gets to 20.
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When should you duck in bridge?

On defense, "ducking" or "holding up" means to purposely refrain from taking a winner. The purpose to disrupt declarer's communications. In bridge parlance, the terms "hold-up" and "duck" are often used interchangeably, although the former is more common when the opponents lead a suit.
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What is the rule of 15 in bridge?

Add your high card points and the number of spades in your hand. If the total is 15 or more, then you should open the bidding. if the total is 14 or less, then you should pass the hand out.
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