What did ancient trees look like?

From a distance, the trees would have looked like palms, with bases up to a metre in diameter. There were no leaves as such, just branched twig-like appendages which presumably had a photosynthetic function in the carbon dioxide rich atmosphere of those times.
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How would you describe an ancient tree?

Most ancient trees usually have a hollow trunk, although this isn't always the case. It can be difficult to identify hollowing unless there is a cavity to look into. Other common characteristics of ancient trees include coarse or crevices bark and aerial roots growing into the decaying trunks and cavities.
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What was the 1st tree on earth?

Cladoxylopsida were the first large trees to appear on Earth, arising almost 400 million years ago in the Devonian period.
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How big were trees millions of years ago?

“The ancient organism boasted trunks up to 24 feet (8 meters) high and as wide as three feet (one meter),” said National Geographic in 2007.
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What trees existed millions of years ago?

The earliest trees known in the fossil record are Wattieza and Archaeopteris (which shouldn't be confused with the similarly named Archaeopteryx). Around 10m tall, Archaeopteris was a progymnosperm, a group of trees that looked like modern gymnosperms but reproduced via spores instead of seeds.
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The Biggest Trees in the World ! How big it could be ?!

What did the first tree look like?

The first "tree" appears during the Devonian period, between 350 and 420 million years ago. This Progymnosperm is called Archaeopteris. Its wood resembles that of conifers, its trunk is thick, and it can reach up to 50 m. But it reproduces with spores, much like ferns.
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Did trees exist with dinosaurs?

The dinosaurs lived among and munched mostly on flowering evergreen trees, such as ferns, cycads, gingkoes, and beeches, all of which keep their foliage year-round. According to the fossil record, these sorts of trees and shrubs thrived during the time of the dinosaurs.
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How big were trees when dinosaurs were alive?

The researchers conclude that the log represents part of the trunk of a tree that may have been over 50 metres in height, making this Cretaceous giant, roughly the same height as Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square, London.
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Did sharks evolved before trees?

Fun fact of the day: Sharks are older than trees. The earliest species that we could classify as “tree,” the now-extinct Archaeopteris, lived around 350 million years ago, in forests where the Sahara desert is now.
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What was the tallest tree that ever existed?

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the tallest tree ever measured was a Eucalyptus regnans or gum tree from Victoria, Australia. A forester, William Ferguson, reported in 1872 that it was 435 ft. tall. Some have questioned the reliability of logging records almost 150 years old.
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How tall were trees in prehistoric times?

Fossil trees that approached the heights of today's tallest redwoods have been found in northern Thailand. The longest petrified log measures 72.2 meters (237 feet), which suggest the original tree towered to more than 100 meters (330 feet) in a wet tropical forest some 800,000 years ago.
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How did trees appear on Earth?

The very first plants on land were tiny. This was a very long time ago, about 470 million years ago. Then around 350 million years ago, many different kinds of small plants started evolving into trees. These made the first great forests of the world.
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What did trees evolve from?

Land plants evolved from a group of green algae, perhaps as early as 850 mya, but algae-like plants might have evolved as early as 1 billion years ago.
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What is a very old tree called?

However, one species in particular outlives them all. The Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus Longaeva) has been deemed the oldest tree in existence, reaching an age of over 5,000 years old. The Bristlecone pines' success in living a long life can be attributed to the harsh conditions it lives in.
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What is an ancient oak tree?

All oak are classed as ancient from 400 years onwards, although many will have ancient characteristics from around 300 years. Typically a veteran oak is 150-300 years of age and a notable oak is 150-200 years old.
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Why did sharks survive when dinosaurs didn t?

Having a skeleton made of lightweight cartilage allows sharks to conserve energy and swim long distances. Because shark skeletons are made of soft cartilage, which doesn't fossilize well, most of what scientists know about ancient sharks comes from teeth, scales and fin spine fossils.
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Are sharks afraid of dolphins?

Sharks do not fear dolphins. Dolphins will hunt in packs to kill larger prey such as seals or tuna fish, while sharks prefer to be solitary hunters who ambush their prey below before eating them alive.
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What did sharks look like millions of years ago?

The first recognisable sharks

By the middle of the Devonian (380 million years ago), the genus Antarctilamna had appeared, looking more like eels than sharks.
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Did grass exist during dinosaurs?

Although grasses are dominant in habitats across the world today, they weren't thought to exist until some ten million years after the age of dinosaurs had ended. Dinosaurs ruled between 275 and 65 million years ago, but the earliest verified grass fossils are from about 55 million years ago.
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What did trees look like in the Jurassic period?

Palm tree-like cycads were abundant, as were conifers such as araucaria and pines. Ginkgoes carpeted the mid- to high northern latitudes, and podocarps, a type of conifer, were particularly successful south of the Equator. Tree ferns were also present.
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Was there grass in the Jurassic period?

Answer and Explanation: There was probably no grass in the Jurassic period. This is because the Jurassic period ended 145 million years ago but the earliest fossilized grass... See full answer below.
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Why did dinosaurs grow so big?

They had hollow bones, didn't chew their food, they had incredibly long necks, and likely possessed huge stomachs. These traits are theorized to be key in how they attained their enormous size.
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What plants were around in the time of the dinosaurs?

When dinosaurs first became numerous in the late Triassic Period, nearly all of the major groups of vascular plants except the angiosperms were in existence. Conifers, cycadophytes, ginkgoes, ferns and large arborescent horsetails dominated the landscape.
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What plants survived the dinosaur extinction?

The dinosaurs were lost, forests were leveled and four out of five species of plant went extinct in areas close to the impact site. And yet, from the ashes of the impact, the first life to recolonize these areas were the ferns.
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