What are villagers scared of in Minecraft?

Villagers should be scared of zombie pigmen, they are zombies after all why wouldn't villagers be scared of them. I mean iron golems attack zombie pigmen why wouldn't villagers be scared of them.
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What mobs make villagers scared?

#3 - Iron Farm in Nether/Portal based farms

He uses a pillager to scare villagers in this design. Villagers are more scared of pillagers than zombies.
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What can villagers not walk through?

Description. In a two-block high house (meaning the ceiling is the third block up, with two empty blocks under it), a carpet makes a villager too tall to walk around. If there is a carpet in front of a door on the outside (like a doormat), the villagers can't get in.
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What causes villagers to be angry?

Villagers tend to get angry whenever you destroy their beds or workstations. Therefore, give them a reason to be happy. Simply make new houses for them to stay in and let them do their stuff.
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Are villagers scared of water?

Are villagers scared of Drowneds?? yes, they are the same as zombies, assuming you are on java.
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How do you kidnap a villager?

Kidnapping from a village

Boats can be moved on level ground (without water). A villager can be made to enter the boat by pushing the villager into the conveyance (or driving it into the villager), and the villager does not leave until the boat is broken. However, boats can move only downward but not upward.
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What happens if you talk to a villager too much?

We've found that if you talk to a villager more than five times, they'll get burnt out and won't want to talk to you for a bit. You don't want to seem clingy, so make sure to restrain yourself a bit.
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How do you make villagers hate you?

Also, dabble in bullying to make them extra uncomfortable. The game recognizes bullying as hitting villagers with nets three consecutive times, pushing a villager for an extended period, and dropping a villager into a pitfall. Do everything listed, and any villager will hate you in no time!
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Do villagers get mad if you steal Minecraft?

Villagers and iron golems will do nothing when you break down their houses or steal from their chests. The chests at the blacksmith can contain great items, like obsidian and diamond. The library is a great source for free books by destroying the bookshelves.
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How do you make villagers happy?

Villagers usually carry some food around with them, and sometimes you can see them givng food to one another. If you throw food to villagers then that will ensure they have plenty and will encourage them to breed. Bread works best, but carrots and potatoes are good too.
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Can villagers open chests?

Villagers cannot open chests.

It may be possible for you to put bread into a dropper (or dispenser) and then automatically activate the dropper with a redstone clock, but you need a good setup for this to solve your problem.
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What blocks do villagers avoid?

Villagers can open all wooden doors and find paths or blocks of interest behind the doors. However, they cannot open any trapdoors, fence gates, or iron doors.
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Does iron golem protect your house?

If you just build the golem inside your house, they can't get through doors and they protect your house.
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How far away do zombies scare villagers?

Zombies target villagers within 42 blocks, and they can always see villagers through walls. If a zombie is attacking a villager and sees the player, it interrupts its attack on the villager to attack the player instead, even if the player has not attacked it‌ [JE only].
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Can villagers get scared through glass?

Currently the way it works is that only zombie-type mobs can see through doors, and only when a villager is behind the door. So mobs can see through doors, trapdoors, fences, fence gates, glass, stained glass, glass panes, and stained glass panes.
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Does hitting villagers make them leave?

Will hitting a villager with a net make them move out in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Best answer: No! It doesn't! Don't do it!
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Do villagers ask to leave again?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. You will need to wait 5 days (at a minimum) for someone else to ask to leave. The 15 day wait is only if you say 'yes' to the villager moving out.
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How do you kick out villagers?

Other Ways to Get Rid of ACNH Villagers
  1. Stop talking and interacting with them, even when they call the player by name.
  2. Tell Isabelle that they are no longer wanted around.
  3. Ignore mail from that villager.
  4. Use an amiibo to bring in a new villager and use that one to replace the unwanted villager.
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Why does my villager have a black cloud?

A dark purple cloud with a swirl means the villager is either sad or sick (indoors only until New Horizons). An exclamation mark above a villager's head appears either when they are realizing something or, if not talking to anyone, wanting to talk to the player.
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Can you bully a villager off your island?

The good news is that it is possible, but the bad news is that it takes a while, can't be guaranteed and is actually quite unpleasant to actually pull off. That's because you basically have to bully someone off your island to actually get them to leave.
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Why do my villagers want to leave?

New Horizons villagers often request to leave a player's island when they have been ignored by them for a very long time. This is one of the easiest ways in which players can get rid of villagers they don't want on their island anymore.
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Can you cure a zombie horse?

Zombie horses, in common with other undead mobs, take damage when affected by a Potion of Healing and are healed by a Potion of Harming.
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How do you make baby zombie armor?

You'd drop the item or armor on the ground that you want the zombie to equip, and if the given item is better than the current things the zombie has, then the zombie will swap it's pre-existing item or armor for the new one.
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