What are the long term effects of degenerative disc disease?

The degeneration of the bony structure can increase the risk of fractures in the vertebral bones, contributing to overall instability and aging of the spine. Spinal stenosis. A narrowed spinal canal can occur as the discs flatten, stiffen, bulge into the canal, or strain the facet joints.
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Is degenerative disc disease a serious condition?

Degenerative disc disease isn't actually a disease, but rather a condition in which a damaged disc causes pain. This pain can range from nagging to disabling. The condition can be caused by the drying out of the disc over time, daily activities, sports and injuries.
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Can you become paralyzed from degenerative disc disease?

That said, if degenerative disc disease contributes to a disc herniation, especially one that occurs from trauma, paralysis is possible. Warning signs for possible paralysis are sudden loss of bowel or bladder function or rapid onset or worsening back pain, weakness, or numbness.
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What happens if degenerative disc disease is left untreated?

Without appropriate treatment, degenerative disc disease can cause lasting, debilitating back pain. The pain may become so severe that you find it difficult to carry out your normal daily activities. It can interfere with your mobility and your overall quality of life.
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What is the prognosis for degenerative disc disease?

Indeed, over 90% of individuals specifically diagnosed with degenerative disc disease will find that their low back pain and other symptoms go away or subside within three months.
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Good News!! If diagnosed with DDD (Degenerative Disc Disease) Must Know This!!

Can you live a normal life with DDD?

Can you live a normal life with degenerative disc disease? The answer is yes, even it forces you to be out of work for an extended amount of time. Do not give up. There are many methods of pain relief that you can do at home that can help you live a normal life.
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What stage is severe degenerative disc disease?

Stage 4. The final stage of degenerative disc disease is the most severe and is typically considered irreversible. Discs are at their thinnest or gone altogether. The flexibility of the spine is extremely limited and pain is often considerable.
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What are the 4 stages of degenerative disc disease?

The Four Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease

They can result in pain, degenerative scoliosis, and loss of mobility. These four stages are the Dysfunction Stage, the Dehydration Stage, the Stabilization Stage, and the Collapsing Stage.
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What activities should you avoid with degenerative disc disease?

Skip movements that involve significant axial loading on the lower back, such as squats and leg presses. Avoid toe-touches, sit-ups, and yoga poses that worsen the pain and lead to significant bending of the back.
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Is walking good for degenerative disc disease?

Walking can help treat degenerative disc disease since it's a mild form of physical therapy, which is good for your spine and joints. The pain of degenerative disc disease could be in your lower back or the neck. It can extend to the hands, arms, legs, and butt.
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What is the best thing to do for degenerative disc disease?

Physical therapy can help stretch and strengthen the right muscles to help the back heal and reduce the frequency of painful flare-ups. Lifestyle modifications, such as changing your posture, losing weight or giving up smoking, can sometimes help reduce stress on the damaged disc and slow down further degeneration.
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How should you sleep when you have degenerative disc disease?

Side sleeping is okay and sleeping on your back is the most supportive and comfortable position to sleep in if you have DDD. However, it's best if you use supports to keep your spine neutral all night long. Back sleepers: Sleep with a pillow under your knees to maintain your spine's natural lower back curve.
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What is the best treatment for degenerative disc disease?

Bed rest, or reduced activity, for the first 1 to 2 days after onset of severe pain, combined with anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, and ice and/or heat therapy. Prescription muscle relaxant medications, as needed, for up to 1 week. Gentle stretching and aerobic exercise, for at least 3 times a week.
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How can I prevent degenerative disc disease from getting worse?

Preventing Degenerative Disc Disease
  1. Stop smoking, or better yet, don't start — smoking increases the rate of desiccation.
  2. Be active – regular exercise to increase the strength and flexibility of muscles that surround and support the spine.
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Why is disc degeneration so painful?

Because the disc itself has very little innervation, pain usually occurs when the degenerating disc affects other structures in the spine (such as muscles, joint, or nerve roots).
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Is degenerative disc disease an autoimmune disease?

Recently, on the basis of in vitro experiments, a number of workers have suggested that degenerative disk desease may have an autoimmune basis. In order to corroborate these findings, a histopathologic study was undertaken on 218 specimens.
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What causes flare ups in degenerative disc disease?

These flare ups can be caused by a simple action, such as bending over to tie your shoes, or twisting. Or, you can just experience this discomfort without being able to pinpoint the exact cause. You may experience a rise in pain for several days to several weeks before it diminishes.
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Can surgery fix degenerative disc disease?

If back or neck pain caused by degenerative disc disease doesn't respond to medication or therapeutic injections, NYU Langone doctors may recommend a surgical procedure. Surgeons may remove some or all of a damaged disc, take pressure off a pinched nerve, or eliminate movement between the bones of the spine.
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How can I strengthen my lower back with degenerative disc disease?

Cat Stretch

This is another relatively simple exercise, meant to relieve pressure on your hips and spine. Step 1: Start on your hands and knees, hands below the shoulders and knees below the hips. Step 2: Now gently arch your back by lowering your neck down toward your chest as far as comfortable. Hold for 30 seconds.
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Does degenerative disc disease get worse with age?

4. Will Discs Get Worse With Age? For a vast majority of degenerative disc disease sufferers, the condition will eventually resolve itself. For a select few, however, the condition will continue to get worse and lead to reduced range of motion throughout the aging process.
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Can degenerative disc disease make you tired?

While symptoms vary, they generally include pain along the cervical spine, neck, lumbar spine, or lower back. The pain often radiates throughout the arms, buttocks, and extremities. Fatigue can increase with prolonged periods of sitting, standing or walking.
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Can degenerative disc disease affect your legs?

Degenerative disc disease may cause back and/or leg pain, as well as functional problems such as tingling or numbness in your legs or buttocks, or difficulty walking.
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Can degenerative disc cause hip pain?

Pronounced pain in your lower body

It may be degenerative disc disease if you notice persistent pain in your lower back, hips, thighs, and buttocks. This is the result of your aggravated nerve sending pain southward.
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Is arthritis and degenerative disc disease the same?

Degenerative joint disease is just another name for osteoarthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis – and it occurs when the components of a joint wear down. So whether we call it degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, or arthritis, we're really talking about the same condition.
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What is L4 L5 degenerative disc disease?

The L4-L5 disc is at a high risk of degeneration. This risk may be due to increased loads at the L4-L5 motion segment and decreased movement in the segments below this level. A change in disc height due to degeneration may affect the lordosis of the lumbar spine.
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