What are the green villagers in Minecraft?

Like other villagers, a nitwit's appearance depends on the biome it spawns in. However, the top part of their robe is always green. Apart from their clothes, there isn't a noticeable difference between them and other villagers. Since they cannot take on any profession, their appearance does not change.
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What does it mean if a villager is green?

Villagers emit green particles if they join a village, set a bed or acquire a job site/profession.
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How do you cure a nitwit villager?

In order to Cure the Villager, after it has been converted: Zombie villagers can be cured by using a golden apple (regular) on them while they are under the effects of Weakness, which can be applied by: A splash potion of Weakness thrown by the player or a witch.
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What's the point of nitwit villagers?

They can take on different professions and offer trades - a handy feature allowing the player to acquire useful items in exchange for common items. Nitwit is a unique type of villagers that can spawn in any village. Players can differentiate between them and other villagers by inspecting their appearance.
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Why do villagers turn into nitwits?

A Nitwit is a villager who has no profession. Once a child grows up after 5 or 6 days it is automatically turned into a nitwit. Nitwits serve no daily functions in your village. They eat your food and produce nothing.
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Employing Nitwits - Minecraft Bedrock -WORKING 1.18

Do green villagers do anything?

They may burble benevolently like their fellow villagers, but these green-robed layabouts don't have any trade at all, and just spend each day pottering about aimlessly. You can wave all the emeralds you want - they have nothing for you.
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How common are nitwits?

From the wiki's page on Villager: In Bedrock Edition, every baby villager has a 10% chance to become a nitwit.
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How do you kidnap a villager?

Kidnapping from a village

Boats can be moved on level ground (without water). A villager can be made to enter the boat by pushing the villager into the conveyance (or driving it into the villager), and the villager does not leave until the boat is broken. However, boats can move only downward but not upward.
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Can I put a lead on a villager?

Additionally, villagers, wandering traders, and monsters other than the ones listed above, can be leashed using a map editor or NBT editor.
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Can you create a village in Minecraft?

There is no right or wrong way to make your own village as long as your houses have beds to accommodate villagers. You can use any materials to build your houses, decorate as you wish, and make as many structures as you like. You can even build apartment buildings or condos for your villagers.
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How do you revive a dead village in Minecraft?

To cure a Zombie villager, players must throw a Potion of Weakness at them and then give them a Golden Apple. More specifically, they must be under the Weakness effect and then be given a golden apple. After they're cured, the player can then transport the villager to the village of their choice.
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What happens if you cure a nitwit?

Aside from losing nitwits, this has two consequences: Cured nitwits/unemployed do not have a schedule. They simply wander (possibly away from the village) and they do not sleep. Cured nitwits/unemployed do not pick up or share food.
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Can nitwits summon iron golems?

Nitwit has higher rate to summon Iron Golems when hurt by other mobs. Nitwit now seems to be useless in Minecraft. Give them a hidden ability could be fun. When hurt by any mob they could spread more rumors and summon Golems faster than any other villagers.
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How do you summon a nitwit in Minecraft?

To get nitwits, do /summon villager ~ ~ ~ {Profession:5,Career:1} .
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How do you tell if a villager is unemployed or a nitwit?

The way you differentiate them is with what colored clothing do they wear! The ones with green coats are Nitwits, and those who have brown are unemployed.
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How do I assign a villager job?

How to Change Villager Jobs in Minecraft. To change a villager's job, all you need to do is destroy the job site block that they're currently using as their profession. For example, if you want to change a Farmer villager's job, you'd destroy the Composter block that they're using.
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How do you talk to an NPC villager?

In order to trigger a chat message "from" NPCs - say villagers - when approaching them, I am using an always-active repeat-command block (A), a redstone-signal-sensitive impulse-command block (B) and a redstone comparator between them, pointing from A to B.
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How do you make an iron golem stay?

Iron golems without a village will wander and attempt to find one. You can attach a lead to an iron golem so that they never stray too far away, or attach the golem to a fence post to ensure he does not wander too far. Alternatively you can create a village yourself and spawn iron golems that will stay in the village.
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Do villagers need to see the sky?

Not completely, no. You will need some sort of air shaft. Villages, in Minecraft, are just a collection of doors that meet the condition of having more spaces on one side exposed to sunlight (This page on the Minecraft Wiki goes into the details).
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How do you make a iron golem flower?

Right-clicking a iron golem with a flower makes it hold it : r/minecraftsuggestions.
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How do you turn a witch back into a villager?

First you give the witch the weakness effects and then you give her an enchanted golden apple (just like turning a zombie villager back into a villager, just with an enchanted golden apple and not a golden apple).
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Why is zombie not attacking villager?

Given that a zombie can't jump to the same elevation as a villager, it won't attack it. There's not much to be said; to reproduce make sure the zombie is one block below the villager and can't jump to the same elevation. If done correctly, the villager will never be harmed regardless of proximity to the zombie.
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Are abandoned villages rare?

Abandoned villages (also known as zombie villages) are a rare occurrence in Minecraft. These villages are completely run-down and empty, with all of the previous inhabitants turning into zombie villagers.
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How do you turn a zombie into a villager?

Zombie villagers can be cured (converted to normal villagers) by first giving them the Weakness effect, which can be applied by: A splash potion of Weakness thrown by the player, a dispenser, or a witch.
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