What are my chances of having twins?

It is estimated that 1 in 250 natural pregnancies will naturally result in twins. While twin pregnancies can happen by chance, there are some factors that may increase your odds of having two babies at the same time.
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What makes your chances higher to have twins?

Women who are over age 30 — especially women in their late 30s — have a greater chance of having twins. That's because they're more likely to release more than one egg during ovulation than younger women. Mothers between ages 35 and 40 who already have given birth have an even higher chance of conceiving twins.
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Which parent carries twin gene?

The gene versions that increase the chance of hyperovulation can be passed down from parent to child. This is why fraternal twins run in families. However, only women ovulate. So, the mother's genes control this and the fathers don't.
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Can you raise chances of having twins?

Although there are no proven ways to increase the likelihood of conceiving twins, there are certain factors that can make this type of pregnancy more likely. Twins can occur either when two separate eggs become fertilized in the womb or when a single fertilized egg splits into two embryos.
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What is the percentage chance of getting twins?

Just over 3 percent of babies in the United States are now born in sets of two, three or more, with the majority — about 97 percent — of these multiple births being twins. So your chance of having twins is about 3 in 100.
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Can I do anything to increase my chances of having twins?

What are the signs of twins at 5 weeks?

In the first few weeks of your twin pregnancy, you might notice some typical signs of early pregnancy, such as breast tenderness, fatigue, nausea, and a missed period.
5 to 8 Weeks
  • Your twins start forming brains and spinal cords. ...
  • Little arms and legs start to form. ...
  • Two heartbeats. ...
  • All major organs take shape.
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Can you have twins if it doesn't run in your family?

Everyone has the same chance of having identical twins: about 1 in 250. Identical twins do not run in families. But there are some factors that make having non-identical twins more likely: non-identical twins are more common in some ethnic groups, with the highest rate among Nigerians and the lowest among Japanese.
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How do you know if you'll have twins?

Ultrasound. Although the factors above may be signs of a twin pregnancy, the only sure way to know you're pregnant with more than one baby is through an ultrasound. Some doctors schedule an early ultrasound, around 6 to 10 weeks, to confirm the pregnancy or check for issues.
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Why do twins skip a generation?

This belief is based on the assumption that twinning is genetic and runs in families. However, if that was truly the case—if there was a twin gene—then twins would occur with predictable frequency in those families that carry the gene. There is no concrete scientific evidence that suggests twins skip a generation.
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Do having twins skip a generation?

It's a common misconception that twins skip a generation in families. There is absolutely no evidence, other than circumstantial, that twins are more likely to occur every other generation.
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What foods help conceive twins?

Foods that contain folic acid include avocado, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, legumes, asparagus, liver, pasta and breakfast cereals. Some studies have found some connection between folic acid and increased chances of conceiving twins.
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Can a twin have a twins?

It was once believed that identical (monozygotic or MZ) twins occured at random. There is now some evidence to suggest that MZ twins may run in families, but this is very rare. In general, it is fraternal (dizygotic or DZ) twins that run in families.
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Can twins have different fathers?

But you may be left wondering: Can twins have different fathers? The answer is yes, but only in cases in which they're fraternal, as identical twins form from a single egg/sperm combination and thus cannot have different fathers.
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Can you see twins at 8 weeks?

Twin baby development at 8 weeks

You can see them both on ultrasound now and your provider can detect heart beats. Their cells have been multiplying and are differentiating into different body systems and body parts, and their organs are forming rapidly.
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Can you see twins at 7 weeks?

If your twins are fraternal — meaning, two different eggs were fertilized — there will be a separate gestational sac for each baby. If you're estimating your pregnancy accurately, multiple sacs should be pretty visible on a transvaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks.
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Why is my belly so big at 6 weeks pregnant?

Although your 6 week embryo is still well down in your pelvis, some women, especially those who've been pregnant before, seem to show much earlier. General abdominal distention is usually the cause. Nausea, increased sensitivity to smells, tiredness and feeling low on energy are all common 6 weeks pregnant symptoms.
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Does testing positive early mean twins?

Beta-hCG is a hormone detectable in pregnant women's blood or urine about 10 days post-conception. It usually doubles every two to three days, peaking at about eight to 11 weeks into the pregnancy. Regardless, elevated beta-hCG levels in early pregnancy isn't a proper way to detect twins.
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How early did you test positive with twins?

In a twin pregnancy, there are elevated levels of hCG, making it possible to have a very early positive result. However, home pregnancy tests won't confirm if twins are present, only the presence of hCG. It takes around 2 weeks after conception for hCG to be detected in a hCG pregnancy test.
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Can you tell if it's twins at 4 weeks?

How soon can you tell you're pregnant with twins? Your doctor won't be able to tell for sure until your first trimester ultrasound, which is usually done between 6 and 9 weeks of pregnancy but can be done any time between week 14.
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Can you get pregnant while pregnant?

A double pregnancy, or superfetation, is extremely rare — in fact, there aren't even stats on how often it happens — but it's scientifically possible. We're not saying you should worry about it happening to you, just that you can't say that it's impossible.
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Which twin will be born first?

Once the babies are large enough to stay in one position in the womb, the twin lowest in the uterus is known as Baby A and the one furthest from there is Baby B, according to the Stanford Medicine News Center. In the majority of vaginal births, Baby A is born first.
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Can twins be a week apart?

Although two fetuses develop simultaneously in superfetation, they differ in maturity, having been conceived days or even weeks apart. Superfetation is observed in animal reproduction, but it is exceedingly rare in humans. Only a few cases are documented in medical literature.
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What are the 7 types of twins?

Unique identical twins
  • Mirror twins. Mirror twins are exactly what they sound like! ...
  • Conjoined twins. Conjoined twins are a rare twin type in which the two siblings are physically connected. ...
  • Parasitic twins. ...
  • Semi-identical twins. ...
  • Female and male identical twins.
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Which race has the most twins?

Race – African-American women are more likely to have twins than any other race. Asian and Native Americans have the lowest twinning rates. Caucasian women, especially those over age 35, have the highest rate of higher-order multiple births (triplets or more).
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How get pregnant fast with twins?

Assisted reproduction

They increase fertility by stimulating egg production. If more eggs are produced, the chances that more than one egg will be released during ovulation also increase. Among the common ways to get pregnant with twins is through fertility treatment such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
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