Should you scale dummy variables?

If in a multivariate model we have several continuous variables and some categorical ones, we have to change the categoricals to dummy variables containing either 0 or 1. Now to put all the variables together to calibrate a regression or classification model, we need to scale the variables.
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Is it OK to standardize categorical variables?

It is common practice to standardize or center variables to make the data more interpretable in simple slopes analysis; however, categorical variables should never be standardized or centered. This test can be used with all coding systems.
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Should we apply scale on categorical variables?

Encoded categorical variables contain values on 0 and 1. Therefore, there is even no need to scale them. However, scaling methods will be applied to them when you choose to scale your entire dataset prior to using your data with scale-sensitive ML models.
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Will MinMax scaling affect the values of dummy variables?

MinMax scaling will affect the values of dummy variables but standardized scaling will not.
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Should you normalize dummy variables?

Normalizing dummy variables makes no sense. Usually, normalization is used when the variables are measured on different scales such that a proper comparison is not possible.
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Dummy Variables in Multiple Regression

Is scaling necessary for linear regression?

We need to perform Feature Scaling when we are dealing with Gradient Descent Based algorithms (Linear and Logistic Regression, Neural Network) and Distance-based algorithms (KNN, K-means, SVM) as these are very sensitive to the range of the data points.
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Does categorical data need to be normalized?

There is no need to normalize categorical variables. You are not very explicit about the type of analysis you are doing, but typically you are dealing with the categorical variables as dummy variables in the statistical analysis.
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Should we normalize data before regression?

It's generally not ok if you don't normalize all the attributes. I don't know the specifics of your particular problem, things might be different for it, but it's unlikely. So yes, you should most likely normalize or scale those as well.
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Should you standardize data before applying PCA?

Yes, it is necessary to normalize data before performing PCA. The PCA calculates a new projection of your data set. And the new axis are based on the standard deviation of your variables.
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Should we normalize dependent variable?

Yes, if you suspect that outliers in your data will bias your results, standardizing your variables is inevitable. Standardizing your variables will do what a median regression would do. However, you will have to standardize all your variables, not independent variables only.
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Do we need to scale ordinal variables?

Since it is a classification problem and if we use tree based models like decision tree ,random forest we don't need to scale the variables. In the case of xgboost we also generally don't do scaling. u can compare the validation score of models with and without using scaling.
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Are dummy variables categorical or numerical?

A dummy variable (aka, an indicator variable) is a numeric variable that represents categorical data, such as gender, race, political affiliation, etc.
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Are dummy variables continuous?

Some variables can be coded as a dummy variable, or as a continuous variable. For example, I can add a dummy variable for each number of cylinder (2, 4, 6 or 8), or I can consider this as a continuous variable.
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When should we use standardization and normalization?

  1. Feature scaling is one of the most important data preprocessing step in machine learning. ...
  2. Normalization or Min-Max Scaling is used to transform features to be on a similar scale. ...
  3. Standardization or Z-Score Normalization is the transformation of features by subtracting from mean and dividing by standard deviation.
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What is the difference between normalized scaling and standardized scaling?

What is the difference between normalized scaling and standardized scaling? Normalization typically means rescales the values into a range of [0,1]. Standardization typically means rescales data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 (unit variance).
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Should you normalize before correlation?

No no need to standardize. Because by definition the correlation coefficient is independent of change of origin and scale. As such standardization will not alter the value of correlation.
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Should you scale variables before PCA?

PCA is affected by scale, so you need to scale the features in your data before applying PCA. Use StandardScaler from Scikit Learn to standardize the dataset features onto unit scale (mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1) which is a requirement for the optimal performance of many Machine Learning algorithms.
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Why is PCA sensitive to scale?

Yes, scaling means shrinking or stretching variance of individual variables. The variables are the dimensions of the space the data lie in. PCA results - the components - are sensitive to the shape of the data cloud, the shape of that "ellipsoid".
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Should you normalize after PCA?

You need to normalize the data first always. Otherwise, PCA or other techniques that are used to reduce dimensions will give different results.
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Is scaling necessary for Ridge Regression?

All SVM kernel methods are based on distance so it is required to scale variables prior to running final Support Vector Machine (SVM) model. It is necessary to standardize variables before using Lasso and Ridge Regression.
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Why is scaling data important?

Scaling the target value is a good idea in regression modelling; scaling of the data makes it easy for a model to learn and understand the problem. Scaling of the data comes under the set of steps of data pre-processing when we are performing machine learning algorithms in the data set.
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Why should we normalize data?

This improves the accuracy and integrity of your data while ensuring that your database is easier to navigate. Put simply, data normalization ensures that your data looks, reads, and can be utilized the same way across all of the records in your customer database.
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How do you standardize categorical variables?

The fix for that is simple: Use correlation-based PCA (which automatically standardizes all variables). For categorical variables with more than two levels, you'll have to re-express those as a set of k - 1 dummy variates (or similar), for a variable with k levels.
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Can neural network work with categorical variables?

Machine learning algorithms and deep learning neural networks require that input and output variables are numbers. This means that categorical data must be encoded to numbers before we can use it to fit and evaluate a model.
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How does machine learning deal with categorical data?

How to Deal with Categorical Data for Machine Learning
  1. One-hot Encoding using: Python's category_encoding library. Scikit-learn preprocessing. Pandas' get_dummies.
  2. Binary Encoding.
  3. Frequency Encoding.
  4. Label Encoding.
  5. Ordinal Encoding.
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