Should you ice a stubbed toe?

Caring for a Stubbed Toe From Home
One series of treatments is known as RICE. Rest – Let your body recover by lying down and keeping your toe stationary. Ice – Ice can reduce swelling and pain. Simply wrap some ice in a towel or use an ice pack, gently placing it on the toe in a position that does not cause pain.
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How long should you ice a stubbed toe?

Avoid putting weight on the injury and apply an ice pack for 10–20 minutes at a time. Wrap or bandage the area to reduce swelling and elevate the foot above the heart when lying or sitting.
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How often should I ice my stubbed toe?

Ice. If you have swelling in the big toe area, wrap an ice pack around it and elevate your foot above heart level for about 15 minutes 3 times per day. Move (gently).
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How long should your toe hurt after stubbing it?

Normally the pain from a stubbed toe subsides in a day or two. If the pain continues or if the toe looks deformed, come in to our office. After a careful examination, including comparing the toes to the healthy foot and x-rays right in our office, we will recommend treatment for the stubbed toe.
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How long should you ice an injured toe?

For the first 24 hours, ice your toe for 20 minutes every hour you are awake, then 2 to 3 times a day. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. Keep your foot raised to help keep swelling down. Take pain medicine if necessary.
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Stubbed Toe? How to Treat? See a Dr? Is it Broken? We will Guide You.

Is it too late to ice an injury?

Use ice for inflammation within the first 24 hours. Ice is best as soon after the injury as possible, but never during the activity. Personal preference. After 24 hours, using heat or cold therapy can be determined according to your preference.
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How do I know if my toe is broken or just bruised?

How do I know if my toe is broken or just bruised? A bruise on the bone can feel similar to a break, Dr. King says. “The most obvious sign that it's a fracture is if the painful toe is pointing in a different direction than your other toes.
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How do you treat a badly stubbed toe?

How Long Does it Take For a Stubbed Toe to Heal?
  1. Rest. The one thing you should always do is the absence of doing anything at all. ...
  2. Ice. Use an ice pack (no direct contact with actual ice to the skin) to reduce swelling. ...
  3. Compression. Wrap your toe if necessary with a compression garment. ...
  4. Elevation.
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Can you wiggle your toe if it's broken?

Can you move a broken toe? “If you can still move it then it's not broken.” – False. This is another harmful old wives' tale. Although it may be possible to move and walk on your broken toe, you should avoid doing so as this can lead to even greater damage and prolonged healing time.
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How do I stop my throbbing toe from hurting?

The following remedies can help manage toe joint pain:
  1. resting the foot.
  2. elevating the foot.
  3. icing the foot for 20 minutes every 2–3 hours.
  4. using a compression bandage to reduce swelling.
  5. wearing comfortable, wide shoes with a soft sole and no heel.
  6. placing pads or soft soles inside shoes.
  7. gently stretching the foot muscles.
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What happens if you stub your toe and it turns purple?

When you stub your toe, it's normal to expect some bruising and even some blood under the toenail. But, if the discoloration lasts for a few days, if it spreads, or if it seems like there is too much blood under the nail, you might have a broken toe. Pay attention to the color too!
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How do you heal a stubbed toe overnight?

Home treatments for a stubbed toe
  1. Rest. Stop using your toe, lie down, and let your body recover.
  2. Ice. Use ice to numb the pain and reduce swelling. ...
  3. Compression. Wrap your toe, or the entire end of your foot and toes, with an elastic bandage to provide support and keep swelling under control.
  4. Elevation.
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Why do stubbed toes hurt so much?

When you stub your toe, you're slamming it with a force equal to 2-3 times your body weight. That's about the same force as a karate punch! And since your toe has a tiny surface area, that force can't spread out. So the pain stays concentrated at the point of impact.
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How long does a jammed toe take to heal?

How long does it take to heal? A sprained toe usually takes about three to six weeks to fully heal. The more severe your sprain is, the longer you'll need to allow for recovery. Try to keep your toe taped for about four weeks, though your doctor can give you more specific guidelines.
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When should you see a doctor for a stubbed toe?

In other cases, what seems like a simple stubbed toe can become an intensely painful and increasingly worsening injury. If your toe pain gets worse over the course of several hours and your toe is swollen, bruised, deformed, or numb, you may have a broken toe bone and should seek medical care immediately.
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Should you wrap a broken toe at night?

Never tape the toes together skin-to-skin. Your broken toe may need to be buddy-taped for 2 to 4 weeks to heal. Rest and protect your toe. Do not walk on it until you can do so without too much pain.
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Can you break a toe by stubbing it?

If you've ever stubbed your toe hard, the immediate, severe pain can leave you wondering if your toe is broken. In many cases, the injury winds up being a sprain. This is painful, but it means the bone itself is still intact. If the toe bone breaks into one or more pieces, then you have a broken toe.
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How do I know if I've broken my toe?

your toe is pointing out at an odd angle. the bone is sticking out of your toe. there was a snap, grinding or popping noise at the time of injury. you feel tingling in your toe or foot or it feels numb.
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Will a broken toe bruise instantly?

Bruising around the toe may appear shades of red and purple that go away within a few days of the initial injury. However, a broken toe may cause bruising, redness, and swelling that does not go away so quickly.
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What does a sprained toe look like?

A sprained toe shouldn't look dislocated. It will still swell, but will likely have less bruising. A sprained toe may be painful for several days, but should then begin to improve. One other key difference between a break and a sprain is the location of the pain.
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Why you shouldn't ice an injury?

'If you don't have that initial inflammation, [injuries] don't heal as well as they could, or as fast,' she said. The problem with using ice as a vasoconstrictor is that, while it limits blood supply and therefore reduces swelling, it also limits arrival of immune cells and thus interferes with core parts of healing.
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Can icing an injury make it worse?

Ice can also make your pain worse if you mistakenly use it to treat a tight muscle because it will make the muscle tighten and contract more, rather than relaxing it and easing the tightness that's causing the pain.
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Does it help to ice injury after 48 hours?

Ice packs are often used after injuries like ankle sprains have occurred. Applying an ice pack early and often for the first 48 hours will help minimize swelling, and decreasing swelling around an injury will help to control the pain.
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Is Epsom salt good for a bruised toe?

Soak Sprains and Bruises: Epsom Salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups Epsom Salt to a warm bath, and soak.
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Will soaking a bruised toe help?

Treatment of Bruised Toe: Soak the toe in cold water for 20 minutes. Treatment of Bruised Toenail (blood present under toenail): Put an ice bag on the area for 20 minutes.
Care Advice for Minor Injuries of Toe
  1. Caution: Be certain that there is no deformity. ...
  2. Soak the toe in cold water for 20 minutes.
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