Should you cut the flowers off a prayer plant?

Flowering, blooms and leaves
The flowers take a lot of energy for the plant to create, so if you see blooms appearing, remove them before they bloom, to encourage your plant to focus its energy on producing big, bright leaves.
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What does it mean when my prayer plant blooms?

When indoor prayer plants flower, it's a sign of a happy and healthy plant. It means that growing conditions are ideal and you don't need to adjust anything. Not all marantas will flower indoors, so if your prayer plant isn't blooming, that doesn't necessarily mean that your plant isn't happy.
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How do you prune a prayer plant flower?

Use a sterilized pair of garden scissors and clip the stems right above a leaf node. The prayer plant will respond by sending out new shoots directly below the cut area, making for a bushier appearance! Do this 2 to 3 times per year in fall and early spring before your plants' growth season.
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Should I cut off Maranta flowers?

If your prayer plant has bloomed, and you've been satisfied with witnessing the (insignificant) flower show, it is probably best to cut off the flower spikes.
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How do you deadhead a prayer plant?

Prayer Plants can be trimmed using sharp, sterilized shears. Decide where the plant needs to be pruned and simply cut underneath the plant's nodes. After that, the plant should be returned to its original location, and any cuttings can be propagated to grow new Marantas!
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How to Save and Revive a Dying Houseplant: Saving My Prayer Plant from the Brink of Death!

Where do you cut on a prayer plant?

Where do you cut a prayer plant to propagate? Maranta propagation is easy! The best way is to cut just below the first node of a stem. The leaf nodes are little bumps where the plant will grow roots in water.
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Should I mist my prayer plant?

Regular misting will help them thrive

Prayer plants can be demanding when it comes to their humidity levels. To keep them really happy, you could give them a light misting when they look a little dry and sad. Misting every day is ideal, but if that feels like too much, once a week will suffice.
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Why does my Prayer Plant perk up at night?

As such, during the day, the plant leaves will lower or spread out to absorb moisture or catch rain. At night, this adapted behavior helps the plant retain water by folding leaves inwards— that way any water droplets can be stored as they trickle down to the plant instead of evaporating.
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Do Prayer Plants like smaller pots?

Remember that indoor plants like to be a little cramped. Maranta are totally happy to be in a small pot and look great when they start to spill over the sides. A pot that is too large will contain a lot of excess soil. That extra soil will hold too much moisture causing issues down the line.
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How often do Prayer Plants like to be watered?

Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Marantas can be sensitive to hard tap water.
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How long do prayer plants live?

It grows at a slow rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 5 years. This houseplant performs well in both bright or indirect sunlight and strong artificial light, and can therefore be situated in almost any well-lit room or location. It prefers to grow in average to moist soil.
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What are the balls on prayer plant roots?

The balls that you discovered are nodules that are attached to the roots which the plant uses to store energy. This is all perfectly normal. Prayer Plants are native to South America and are considered tropicals for those of us gardening in Kentucky.
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Do all prayer plants bloom?

Prayer plants rarely bloom indoors, but sometimes grow tiny, white tubular flowers on long stems. The flowers are insignificant, anyway. It's the magnificent leaves that are really the attraction. There are a few named varieties.
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How do I know if my prayer plant is happy?

This plant should have bold leaves that are mostly uniform (newly opened leaves will be lighter) with minimal brown or yellow spots. The stems should be firm, not limp. Moving leaves. A healthy Maranta moves a lot throughout the day.
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How do you encourage a prayer plant to grow?

Pruning: Prune your prayer plant by cutting just above leaf nodes using a pair of sterilized garden scissors. Pruning two or three times a year (best times are in fall and spring) helps to encourage bushy growth. Pruning a prayer plant also helps to remove any leggy stems or dead leaves.
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Why do prayer plants move so much?

Various plants in this family move their leaves up at nighttime, and lower them in the daytime in accordance to a circadian rhythm. They move their leaves by changing the water pressure in their pulvini, the swollen nodes at the base of the leaf, along the leaf stalk (petiole).
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Do prayer plants like tap water?

Keep the soil moist from spring to autumn, and provide some humidity by misting the leaves daily or standing on a tray of moist pebbles. They need to be watered with filtered or distilled water, or rainwater – not tap water. More on growing maranta: 15 of the best trailing house plants.
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When should you repot a prayer plant?

The best time to repot your prayer plant is generally in early spring. However, if you notice roots emerging on the surface of the soil or roots coming out of drainage holes, that's a sign that the plant is getting pot bound, and it's a good idea to go ahead and proceed with repotting.
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Is coffee grounds good for prayer plants?

Do prayer plants like coffee grounds? Coffee grounds are commonly used to boost the nitrogen content of potting soil and to add a mulch-like texture. However, adding too much coffee on top of the soil your plants are in can trap moisture inside and invite fungal disease.
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What is the spiritual meaning of prayer plant?

Maranta (Prayer Plant): Gratitude

Also called prayer plant, Maranta varieties earned their common name because their leaves curl up each night, like praying hands. "This movement common to Marantas symbolizes the reflective action of a daily prayer of gratitude," Lindstedt says.
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What are the benefits of prayer plant?

Plus, prayer plants help clear the air in your home by filtering indoor air pollutants. Colorful and dependable, prayer plants do well in any kind of light, although it's best to avoid direct sunlight. Prayer plant also thrives in slightly moist soil so water whenever the soil feels like it's just starting to dry out.
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Why is my prayer plant folding?

Leaves will curl if the plant is cold, or excessively dry from constant warm airflow. Your Prayer Plant is a tropical plant, so it will thrive in more humid environments. Increase the humidity around your plant by misting the leaves on a regular basis, using a pebble tray, or moving a humidifier nearby.
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Do prayer plants like deep pots?

Pot requirements:

Prayer plant has shallow roots, so a pot that is somewhat shallow and wide is more suitable than one that is tall and deep. Plant in a pot with adequate drainage holes that is slightly larger than the root ball.
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Can I put prayer plant in bathroom?

Calathea, often called prayer plant because of the way its leaves open during the day and close at night, will thrive in medium to low light and the added humidity that a bathroom would provide. Although beautiful, with dramatic foliage, calathea can be a diva and needs consistent watering, pruning and feeding.
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Should you water a prayer plant from the top or bottom?

Calathea and Prayer Plant

Prayer plants like to be in soil that's neither too wet nor too dry. Bottom watering will help you strike that right balance. Just make sure to water it only when the topsoil feels a little dry to touch.
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