Should you cover a guinea pig cage at night?

How Much of the Cage Should you Cover at Night? Covering the whole cage at night can create problems and affect your guinea pigs breathing. That means that you should only cover part of their cage at night. This ensures that the cage remains properly ventilated while still letting in some light.
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What do you do with guinea pigs at night?

Putting in a handful or two of fresh hay along with some quiet veggies like romaine leaves will give your guinea pigs something to concentrate on, and a few hours of feeling overly full afterwards. Just make sure you hold to your schedule, because if you forget the snacks one night, they will be sure to let you know!
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How can I keep my guinea pig warm at night?

One good way to keep your guinea pig warm is to supply him with an electric heated pad. Don't use a heating pad designed for humans, as they are unsafe for pets. Instead, try a Small Animal Heated Pad, which is designed especially for use with small animals, including guinea pigs.
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Do guinea pigs like to sleep in the dark?

Yes, as your cavy's nighttime antics would suggest, guinea pigs do like the dark. However, that doesn't mean they're nocturnal animals. In fact, guinea pigs are crepuscular, which means they're most active at twilight.
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Do guinea pigs get cold at night?

Keeping Guinea Pigs Warm. Try to bring your guinea pigs indoors if it dips below 60 °F (16 °C) outside. Guinea pigs are susceptible to cold weather. It's best to bring them inside the house in the fall or winter when you live in a cold climate or create a warm structure when temperatures dip below 60 °F (16 °C).
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Should I cover my guinea pig's cage at night?

What do guinea pigs like to sleep in?

While they don't sleep much, guinea pigs still need a secluded, comfy spot to snooze. Place a sleeping box or cuddle cup in your furry friend's cage and line it with some soft hay or paper bedding to keep him comfy. Get a large sleeping box for more than one guinea pig to share.
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How often should guinea pigs be fed?

Feed your guinea pig on a consistent schedule—twice a day, morning and evening. Because guinea pigs will overeat if given the chance, be sure not to overfeed pelleted food, as it is predominantly carbohydrate and can lead to diarrhea and decreased appetite.
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What makes a guinea pig happy?

A guinea pig is happy if he can play and run around, possibly also enjoying a few moments of freedom outside of his cage. His favourite games are simple ones, like tunnels and tubes: a guinea pig really loves running along the tunnels and don't be surprised if you find him right in the middle of it having a nap!
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Do guinea pigs like lights on or off?

Darkness isn't a bad thing for guinea pigs – at times they even prefer it. However, piggies should still be exposed to light (preferably indirect, natural sunlight) throughout the day whenever possible.
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Do guinea pigs know their owners?

However, they have also been shown to demonstrate the same enjoyment for socialization with their human family. When we are in their presence, they want to see, smell and hear us. This means that, yes, guinea pigs do recognize their owners.
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How do you know if a guinea pig is cold?

How Do I Know If My Guinea Pig Is Too Cold?
  1. If you notice your cavy's ears, nose, or feet are cold to the touch, then their body temperature is too low.
  2. If you have a thermometer, you can use it in their enclosure to see if they're too cold. ...
  3. They'll also shiver and huddle together (if you have more than one).
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What time do guinea pigs sleep?

Guinea pigs don't have a set sleep schedule. They sleep for small periods of time throughout the day and night. A single nap can last from ten to 30 minutes.
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How cold is too cold for a guinea pig?

The RSPCA advise that temperatures below 15 degrees are too cold for Guinea Pigs, and that they should be kept indoors. Therefore, if you choose to let your Guinea Pig live outside in the winter, you should make a few changes to his hutch and environment to keep him warm and happy.
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Do guinea pigs need water at night?

Vets don't make any clear recommendations on the length of time a guinea pig can survive without water, but no pet should be deprived of water for more than 12 to 24 hours. Simply put, it's best to ensure your pet always has access to water.
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Do guinea pigs need silence to sleep?

While guinea pigs generally need darkness, they do quite well being in a place where lights are dim during evenings and turned off at night. It's probably more important for them to be in a quiet room at night (and day), so make sure you're offering them a peaceful spot in your house.
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How do I know if my guinea pigs are happy?

Signs of happiness/ friendliness: If your guinea pig is pleased with you, he will find ways to express this in body language. A common sign of happiness is rapid hopping up and down, similar to popcorn popping. Another sign of friendliness is rubbing noses, which guinea pigs will often do with each other.
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Should guinea pigs be bathed?

Guinea pigs are known to be an extremely clean creatures who groom themselves very often. Therefore, you rarely need to give them a bath. Please do not bathe your guinea pig unless it is necessary. Unnecessary baths will result in dry fur coats and skin.
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Do guinea pigs like tummy rubs?

Results. Some guinea pigs will never become relaxed enough to submit to a belly rub, and few guinea pigs actually enjoy sitting in such an exposed position for very long. Most guinea pigs prefer a good scratch behind the ears or gentle petting on the back.
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How much should a guinea pig eat a day?

About 1/8 cup of pellets once a day—supplemented by hay and fresh vegetables as described below—will be enough. Timothy hay: Provide an unlimited quantity of fresh timothy hay every day. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.
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What's a guinea pig's favorite treat?

Most of them love carrots and broccoli, and some love nothing better than fresh grass nibbled from a lawn. Some owners swear by shop-bought treats, but these are not essential, and you should check the ingredients to make sure you're not feeding th GPs sugar and colorings!
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What do guinea pigs love the most?

What Do Guinea Pigs Like To Play With? This Top 10 List Will Give You Some Great Ideas!
  • Crumpled paper or paper bags.
  • Cardboard boxes.
  • Tunnels.
  • Hay or grass chew balls.
  • Chew sticks.
  • Fleece accessories.
  • Stuffed socks.
  • Stuffed tubes with hay.
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What do guinea pig Zoomies mean?

This is very common with young guinea pigs, but adult guinea pigs get zoomies too. Zoomies is a sign of happiness too, and guinea pigs tend to do this more often in a larger cage or play pen, which is why they should have as much space as possible.
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What fruit can guinea pigs not eat?

Some seeds have a high-fat content, which isn't great, and others are loaded with poison. Cyanide is present in many fruit seeds and pips, such as apples and cherries. Even if the treat that you are considering isn't toxic for a guinea pig, you should think about whether it will be good for them in the long run.
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Can guinea pigs drink tap water?

If you drink tap water, that's fine for your guinea pigs.
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How often do you change guinea pig hay?

Since replacing the hay in your guinea pig's habitat can encourage picky eating, we recommend changing it only when soiled. Young (less than six months old), pregnant, nursing, or ill animals can benefit from eating alfalfa hay in addition to grass hay because of the higher nutritional elements.
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