Should I offer second breast if baby is asleep?

Your newborn baby needs to nurse actively for one or both breast at each feed. Offer the second breast after they seem to have finished at the first, although they may not want both sides at every feed.
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What happens if baby falls asleep after one breast?

Babies are biologically programmed to fall asleep at the breast. Falling asleep at the breast is a normal behaviour and is mostly due to a hormone called cholecystokinin or CCK. CCK makes your baby feel full and sleepy and it is released in your babies gut as soon as they start sucking.
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Should I always offer the second breast?

The decision to offer one breast or both breasts at each feeding is a matter of preference. As long as your baby is getting enough breast milk and growing at a healthy, consistent pace, it doesn't matter if you nurse from one breast or both breasts at each feeding.
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What do I do if my baby falls asleep while breastfeeding?

Here are a few favorites.
  1. Tip 1: Switch sides. If your baby falls asleep frequently while nursing, you can try a technique called switch nursing. ...
  2. Tip 2: Compression. ...
  3. Tip 3: Strip your baby down to their diaper. ...
  4. Tip 4: Tickle those toes! ...
  5. Tip 5: Check the latch. ...
  6. Tip 6: Get to skin-to-skin.
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What happens if baby doesn't want second breast?

Reasons to Breastfeed From Only One Side

Some babies will only nurse on one breast and completely refuse the other one. If your baby shows a preference, don't worry—most babies can get enough breast milk from just one breast.
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Jennifer Abbass Dick - Part 4 - Offering Both Breasts at Each Feed 1

How do I know when to switch breasts while breastfeeding?

CUES FOR to switch SIDES:
  1. Baby's drinking pattern slows or baby is not actively suckling and swallowing.
  2. Baby has pauses and breaks in swallowing, that last longer and longer.
  3. Baby falls asleep on your breasts.
  4. Baby gets fussy at the breast.
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Should I offer both breasts at each feeding?

Just as no rule says you must eat the same amount at every meal, there's no rule that says your baby must use both breasts at every feeding. You eat more when you're very hungry and less when you're not. Babies do the same thing. As your baby breastfeeds, pay attention to when he swallows and when he pauses.
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Should I burp my baby if she falls asleep nursing?

It's remarkable how much a newborn can sleep through. Even if your baby falls asleep, try burping them for a few minutes before placing them back down to sleep. Otherwise, they make wake up in pain with trapped gas. Not all babies burp, though, no matter if it's on their own or with your help.
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Can I fall asleep with baby on my chest?

It's safe for your baby to nap on your chest as long as you remain awake and aware of the baby. But if you fall asleep too, it raises the risk of injury (or death) to your baby.
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How do I know if my baby is getting Hindmilk?

Hindmilk often appears thick and creamy and is richer and more calorie dense than the foremilk. There is no point in a feed where milk suddenly switches over from foremilk to hindmilk, instead the milk gradually transitions as the feed goes on.
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How do you know if breast is empty?

There's no test or way to know for sure. In general, though, if you gently shake your breasts and they feel mostly soft and you don't feel the heaviness of milk sitting in them, you're probably fine. One thing that does NOT mean your breasts are empty: the milk stops spraying when you pump.
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Will a breastfed baby sleep if hungry?

As a rule of thumb, a truly hungry baby will rarely choose sleeping over eating. So, if your baby falls asleep in your arms without taking a full feeding, it's likely he was tired — not hungry.
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What if newborn won't wake up to feed?

If you are at home and baby still will not wake up to feed and has missed 2 feedings, pump your breasts and feed baby your pumped milk or formula with a slow flow nipple. (at home give ½ to 1.5 oz range = 15-45ml). Call your baby's doctor & report this if it continues for 2 or more feedings.
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When can I stop waking my baby to feed?

Once your baby has established a good weight gain pattern (at least 4 ounces per week, for babies under 4 months), you can stop waking baby to nurse and let him set his own pattern.
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Can a newborn go 7 hours without eating?

As newborns get older, they'll nurse less often and have longer stretches between feedings. Newborn babies who are getting formula will likely take about 2–3 ounces every 2–4 hours. Newborns should not go more than about 4–5 hours without feeding.
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Is it OK to feed the baby while sleeping?

Risks of dream feeding

It isn't considered safe to feed a baby who is completely asleep or lying down on his back. So you'll want to wake your baby up enough for him to take a bottle or do another nursing session.
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Does spit up count as a burp?

When your baby spits up, milk usually comes up with a burp or flows gently out of their mouth. Even if your baby spits up after every feeding, it is not usually a problem. Vomiting is different. Vomiting is forceful and often shoots out of your baby's mouth.
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Can you overfeed a breastfed baby?

You cannot overfeed a breastfed baby, and your baby will not become spoiled or demanding if you feed them whenever they're hungry or need comfort.
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Can a woman produce milk forever?

Human milk is secreted through your mammary glands, which are located in your breasts. Lactation is hormonally driven and occurs naturally in people who are pregnant. It can also be induced in those who are not pregnant. Lactation will continue as long as milk is being removed from your breasts.
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How long should you breastfeed on each side newborn?

Newborns. A newborn should be put to the breast at least every 2 to 3 hours and nurse for 10 to 15 minutes on each side. An average of 20 to 30 minutes per feeding helps to ensure that the baby is getting enough breast milk. It also allows enough time to stimulate your body to build up your milk supply.
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How long does it take for breasts to refill?

As mentioned, the breast is never completely empty, but milk flow is greatly reduced by nursing to the point where no significant amount is expressed. It typically takes 20-30 minutes to rebuild to an adequate flow and closer to an hour to rebuild to peak flow.
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Do I always have to hold my breast while breastfeeding?

You may only need to use a breast hold for a short time. As your baby gets older, breastfeeding becomes more established, and you become more confident, you might find that you no longer need to hold your breast when your baby latches on to breastfeed.
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Do babies unlatch when full?

How do you know when Baby is done nursing? A baby will unlatch naturally when she's finished breastfeeding. You shouldn't ever have to take your baby off your breast. Whether she falls asleep or just pulls away, she'll know when to unlatch when she's ready.
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Should I feed my baby when she wakes at night?

If your baby is older than 6 months, and/or weighs more than 15 pounds, then barring any medical issues, they are absolutely capable of sleeping through the night (11-12 hours) without needing a feed.
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