Should I cover my hydrangeas for a spring freeze?

In case of severe night frost, for example if the temperature reaches -10 °C, it's best to cover garden hydrangeas with a fleece cloth. This will prevent air moving through the branches and keep the temperature more constant.
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Do I need to cover hydrangeas for frost in spring?

Hydrangeas, unlike some winter flowers, require protection only in areas where temperatures drop below zero degrees Fahrenheit, says Wilkerson Mill Gardens, but late-spring cold snaps can damage hydrangeas in almost any climate.
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How do I protect my hydrangeas from spring frost?

For even greater protection, cover the shrub with a wire cage, or build a cage around it with strong stakes and chicken wire. Wrap burlap or insulation cloth around the cage. You'll also want to water the plant generously just before the ground freezes.
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At what temperature do hydrangeas need to be covered?

Effectively, a hydrangea should be able to sustain a temperature of minus-10 degrees. But in the real world, temperatures as low as 12 degrees — and late fall or early spring freezes — may reduce the flowering capability of this hydrangea.
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How do you wrap a hydrangea?

Protect hydrangeas against winter chill and wind chill factor by wrapping the plants in burlap. National Garden Bureau recommends starting with a wire framework made from chicken wire or a tomato cage. Wrap the wire or cage with burlap, using twine to hold the burlap in place.
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Spring Hydrangea Care Tips for a Late Freeze

What do you do with hydrangeas in the spring?

Wait to prune your bigleaf hydrangeas until new growth appears in the spring. Make pruning cuts one quarter inch above the first set of live buds. Hint: stems with live buds will be green on the inside, while dead stems will be brown. Entirely dead stems should be cut flush to the base.
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Are hydrangeas cold hardy?

Botanical experimentation has developed varieties of hydrangeas for cold climates as well as specimens that conform to any size preference, bloom form, and resistance to certain diseases. This means there are even hydrangeas for zone 4, so northern gardeners don't have to forgo these eye catching bushes.
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How do you keep hydrangeas after frost?

Even though it can be a big setback, your Hydrangea can almost always recover from damage caused by cold and frost. To treat damaged Hydrangeas, wait until the temperature has warmed up and prune back the affected growth. Your Hydrangea may still bloom this year and should be back to usual growing habits next spring.
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What is a frost cloth for plants?

Frost cloth is a commercially woven fabric that is light enough to allow air flow and light penetration, but thick enough to help retain warmth from the soil and protect the plant from frost. Always use frost cloth designed for covering plants.
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When should you uncover hydrangeas in the spring?

Covering should be done when fully dormant (around November 30th), or at the same time you would cover perennials in your garden. In spring, uncover with your perennials when the ground is no longer frozen. The plant will grow from the base of the plant and also from any old branches that survived winter.
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Are all hydrangeas Hardy?

All hydrangeas are either woody or herbaceous perennials. The problem for northern states like Michigan is that not all hydrangeas are winter hardy, and are not able to take the Zone 5 winters that can dip to -20 degrees.
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What does hydrangea frost damage look like?

Foliage that has been frost damaged will turn purple/reddish. It may wilt or collapse. In a freeze, the stems, buds and foliage can turn black and dry looking. If you have experienced a frost or unexpected late freeze after your hydrangea have put on fresh new growth, it should be obvious that this is the problem.
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At what temperature do hydrangea buds get damaged?

Hydrangea Frost Tolerance

Frost damage occurs when nights are clear and cold -- at least 32 degrees Fahrenheit -- and plants lose more heat through their leaves than they receive and the plant becomes colder than the surrounding air. Water inside the plant freezes, causing cells to burst inside the plant.
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Will hydrangeas flower after frost damage?

Yes, many hydrangeas leafed out early this year, then were hit hard by frost that caused damage to leaves and stems. Fortunately, these are tough plants and many types can be cut back to the ground without damage.
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Should I cut off burnt hydrangea leaves?

Should you prune heat-damaged leaves? Sometimes it's best to wait. The reason to wait before cutting plants back is that pruning stimulates new growth from lower down on the stem. Fresh new growth is soft and quite likely to be burnt or even killed by high temperatures and a lack of water.
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Should I cut off Brown hydrangea blooms?

Are the blooms on your hydrangea shrubs fading or turning brown? No need to worry – this is simply a sign that it's time to remove the flowers, a process called deadheading. When you deadhead hydrangeas, you aren't harming the plants at all.
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How often should you water hydrangeas in the spring?

The hydrangea should be watered thoroughly at least 3 times a week. Always water the plant all the way around the container, not just in one place. Water should come out the bottom of the pot. Never let it sit in water which will cause the roots to rot away.
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Do coffee grounds make hydrangeas blue?

Some gardeners report success in turning their hydrangeas blue by applying coffee grounds to the soil. The coffee grounds make the soil more acidic, allowing the hydrangea to more easily absorb aluminum. In addition, fruit peels, lawn clippings, peat moss and pine needles, are thought to have a similar effect.
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Do you trim back hydrangeas in the spring?

If your hydrangea blooms on new growth, then you should prune it in late winter or early spring, before it comes out of dormancy. If it blooms on old growth, then it's better to prune it in late summer, right after it blooms. They aren't just pruned at different times, but in different ways as well.
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Do hydrangeas need burlap?

Wrap Hydrangeas for Insulation

The idea is to make your plants think they live in a warmer growing zone. You can use a tomato cage or build a cage with chicken wire/garden fleece/burlap and fill it loosely with leaves. You can even bubble wrap the exterior of this cage, adding even more insulation.
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Should I cut my hydrangea back for winter?

Hydrangeas that bloom on new wood require pruning in late winter or early spring. Prune to shape, cutting back to about two feet. The pruning promotes new, sturdy growth, which provides the blooms next season.
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At what temperature should you cover plants?

Remember to protect electrical connections from moisture. Cover Plants – Protect plants from all but the hardest freeze (28°F for five hours) by covering them with sheets, towels, blankets, cardboard or a tarp. You can also invert baskets, coolers or any container with a solid bottom over plants.
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Do hydrangeas like frost?

Hydrangeas are frost resistant to a degree. Some hydrangeas will tolerate cold temperatures and frost better than others, but correctly prepping them for winter, will minimize the risk of any serious damage. Hydrangeas can bounce back from superficial winter damage, but not severe winter dehydration or root damage.
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