Z[x] is a UFD, but not a PID. Z[ √ −5] is an integral domain
integral domain
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, an integral domain is a nonzero commutative ring in which the product of any two nonzero elements is nonzero. Integral domains are generalizations of the ring of integers and provide a natural setting for studying divisibility.
https://en.wikipedia.orgwiki › Integral_domain
, but not a UFD. Z6 is a commutative ring, but not an integral domain.
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Is subring of UFD is UFD?

One can see that an inert subring of a UFD is a UFD and intersection of inert subrings is again inert. If A is an inert subring of B, then A is algebraically closed in B; further if S is a multiplicatively closed set in A then S−1A is an inert subring of S−1B.
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Which of the following is a UFD?

In mathematics, a unique factorization domain (UFD) (also sometimes called a factorial ring following the terminology of Bourbaki) is a ring in which a statement analogous to the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds.
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Apply that twice here: Z is a UFD, hence so is Z[x], hence so is Z[x][y] ∼ = Z[x,y]. Also, the ideal (x,y) is not principal. The elements x and y are each irreducible, so their only common divisors are ±1, so these are the only candidates for a single generator for this ideal.
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Is Z sqrt 3 a UFD?

Since Z[sqrt(-3)] is not integrally closed, it is not a UFD.
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Z[X] is a UFD

Is Z sqrt 5 )] a UFD?

It follows from (*) that the element 4∈Z[√5] has two different decompositions into irreducible elements. Thus the ring Z[√5] is not a UFD.
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Are all fields UFD?

Every field F is a PID

And every field is vacuously a UFD since all elements are units. (Recall, R is a UFD if every non-zero, non-invertible element (an element which is not a unit) has a unique factorzation into irreducibles).
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Is Rxa a UFD?

Since R[x] is a UFD, this factorization is unique, and thus g = cxl, and h = dxm. and since deg f = deg f (from above), we have that deg g = l and deg h = m.
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Is ZXA a field?

It is not a field, as polynomials are not invertible. Moreover you need to quotient by an irreducible polynomial to get a field. If you quotient by x2, then x∗x=0 in the quotient.
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Is ZXA a GCD domain?

So, for example, the ring of integers Z is a GCD domain as are the polynomial rings Z[x] and Z[x, y].
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What UFD means?

(USB Flash Drive) See USB drive.
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Are all integral domains UFD?

A unique factorization domain, called UFD for short, is any integral domain in which every nonzero noninvertible element has a unique factorization, i.e., an essentially unique decomposition as the product of prime elements or irreducible elements.
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Are the Gaussian integers a UFD?

Gaussian primes

As the Gaussian integers form a principal ideal domain they form also a unique factorization domain. This implies that a Gaussian integer is irreducible (that is, it is not the product of two non-units) if and only if it is prime (that is, it generates a prime ideal).
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Why is every PID a UFD?

A PID is a UFD. Proof. We know (result 1.2) that a PID satisfies the ascending chain condition and (result 1.3) each non zero, non unit, of a domain satisfying the ascending chain condition can be written as a finite product of irreducible elements.
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Is Z X a PID?

Here are a few quick examples. (1) We already know that Z[x] is not a PID, but the above corollary tells us again that it isn't since Z is not a field. (2) The polynomial ring Q[x] is an eligible PID and it turns out that it is. In fact, F[x] ends up being a PID for every field F.
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Which of the following is a UFD but not a PID?

Every principal ideal domain is a unique factorization domain (UFD). The converse does not hold since for any UFD K, the ring K[X, Y] of polynomials in 2 variables is a UFD but is not a PID.
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Is ZXA a ring?

The set Z[x] of all polynomials with integer coefficients is a ring with the usual operations of addition and multiplication of polynomials.
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Is the ring Z10 a field?

This shows that algebraic facts you may know for real numbers may not hold in arbitrary rings (note that Z10 is not a field).
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Why is ZX not a group?

The reason why (Z, *) is not a group is that most of the elements do not have inverses. Furthermore, addition is commutative, so (Z, +) is an abelian group. The order of (Z, +) is infinite. The next set is the set of remainders modulo a positive integer n (Zn), i.e. {0, 1, 2, ..., n-1}.
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Is Z X a Euclidean domain?

So Z[X] isn't a principal ideal domain and therefore not an Euclidean domain.
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Is a principal ideal domain?

A principal ideal domain is an integral domain in which every proper ideal can be generated by a single element. The term "principal ideal domain" is often abbreviated P.I.D. Examples of P.I.D.s include the integers, the Gaussian integers, and the set of polynomials in one variable with real coefficients.
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Is an integral domain?

An integral domain is a nonzero commutative ring for which every non-zero element is cancellable under multiplication. An integral domain is a ring for which the set of nonzero elements is a commutative monoid under multiplication (because a monoid must be closed under multiplication).
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Is every field a Euclidean domain?

Every field is a Euclidean domain. Thus C, R and Q all are Euclidean domain. If F is a field, then F[x] is a Euclidean domain with the valuation v : F[x]\{0} −→ Z♯ defined by: v(f(x)) = deg f(x), for all f(x) ∈ F[x] \ {0}.
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Is every PID a Euclidean domain?

Theorem: Every Euclidean domain is a principal ideal domain. Proof: For any ideal , take a nonzero element of minimal norm .
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Is Z sqrt a UFD?

FYI, Z[√−3] is not only not a UFD, but it's the unique imaginary order of a quadratic ring of algebraic integers that has the half-factorial property (Theorem 2.3)--ie any two factorizations of a nonzero nonunit have the same number of irreducibles.
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