Is paraffin the same as white gas?

Compared to White Gas, all Paraffin types create more smoke and soot. They just have to be so hot to effectively burn, that less of it completely burns. They also contain more additives (and it's worse the less regulated the fuel is!
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Is white gas a paraffin?

Kerosene (Paraffin) White gas is superior to kerosene in almost every way. Kerosene is dirtier and produces more soot. White gas has higher heat output but burns hotter, so you'll have a shorter cook time.
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Are white gas and kerosene the same thing?

White gas burns at high efficiency, using less fuel for cooking compared to kerosene. It is the preferred fuel for cold-weather hikers and higher altitude backpackers. It also burns more cleanly with few additives, leaving few deposits and requiring less cleaning of equipment.
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What is white gas called in the UK?

Here in the UK we have 'Coleman fuel' (which is what Americans call 'white gas'), 'propane' and 'butane' are the same as in the USA, US 'kerosene' is UK 'paraffin', US 'gasoline' is UK 'petrol'. In the UK we also have 'white spirit' which should not be confused with 'white gas', it's not the same thing.
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What is another name for white gas?

White gas (aka “naphtha,” “100% light hydro treated distillate,” or “Coleman Fuel”) is the first choice for most people in North America whether they're headed out for a summer weekend or for a month-long winter expedition in the Alaska Range. Almost any pressurized-type liquid fuel stove will run well on white gas.
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Compare: Canister vs. Liquid Fuel Stoves || REI

Is kerosene a paraffin?

Paraffin is used in many different forms, including: the liquid fuel (kerosene) paraffin wax to form crayons and candles.
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Can you use white gas in a kerosene lantern?

NEVER USE gasoline, Coleman fuel, white gas, paint thinner, wood alcohol, diesel, naphtha, turpentine, or any other explosive fuel in a wick lamp or lantern of any type. NEVER USE aviation fuels in any wick lamp or lantern, as the fumes from de-icing additives can be fatal if inhaled.
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Is white gas the same as denatured alcohol?

White gas contains approximately 20,000 BTU per pound, or nearly double the amount of denatured alcohol.
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Is white gas the same as white spirits?

Although white spirit is used as an alternative to kerosene in portable stoves, this is not advisable as typical grades of white spirit have a lower flash point than kerosene. It cannot be used as an alternative to white gas, which is a much more volatile gasoline-like fuel.
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Which gas is best for camping stoves?

Butane or Propane? Because propane has a lower boiling point it is preferential for cooking at higher altitudes where the air pressure is lower. It is also slightly less volatile than butane which makes it ideal as an all-round camping stove fuel where safety may be important (e.g. if there are kids around).
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Can you put kerosene in a Coleman lantern?

Coleman lantern fuel is a special blend that most closely resembles white gas, not #1 fuel oil (kerosene). James, DO NOT use any kind of kerosene in a Coleman lantern that usually uses naphtha (white gas)!!!!! That is unles you want to ruin a perfectly good Coleman lantern.
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Can I use kerosene for fire spinning?

Unless you need a quick light up, or cannot stand the smell, Kerosene wins the fire fuel match. Simply for its overall ease in acquiring and its 40% longer burn time. White gasoline burns bright, fast, but is quickly dimming within a minute or so of burning. Kerosene takes a few seconds to get hot enough to stay lit.
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What fuel should I use for fire poi?

Our fuel of choice is a mixture of Coleman white gas (aka camping fuel) and lamp oil (pure paraffin). Both can be found at hardware or outdoor recreation stores. Coleman white gas is highly combustible and ignites easily! However, it burns fast, so expect a shorter burn time.
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What fuel should I use for fire spinning?

Ya'll probably know White Gas (also known as Naptha/Coleman-Camp-Fuel) is the fuel required for use in the BM Conclave show and most commonly used for fire spinning in the U.S.
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Can I use isopropyl alcohol in an alcohol burner?

Fill the lamp with a suitable fuel: denatured or ethyl alcohol (also called ethyl alcohol, ethanol or ethyl hydrate) with an alcohol content of 90% or higher. You can also used isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol with an alcohol content of 90% or higher.
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Can I use white gas in my alcohol stove?

Lots of fuel burns off quicker than Alcohol and can explode in flames when you add fuel to a hot stove like white gas fuel.
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Can I use paraffin in an oil lamp?

If you wish to use regular paraffin in an oil candle or lamp, it is perfectly possible to do so, but be prepared for quite a strong smell and quite a lot of soot emanating from the flame. I would recommend that you only risk using cheaper paraffin outdoors.
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Can I use paraffin instead of kerosene?

In fact, general paraffin for use as a heating fluid is often called kerosene, and the terms can be used interchangeably. So whether you opt for kerosene or paraffin for home use, you are essentially using the same product.
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Can you use diesel in a paraffin heater?

Yes, you can use diesel in your kerosene heater. Kerosene heaters are multi-fuel heaters and can run off several different fuels, including diesel. You can even use pure vegetable oil in a kerosene heater! However, some types of fuel will perform better in a kerosene heater.
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What can I use instead of paraffin?

Similarly, because almond bark and compound coatings are made up of vegetable oils, vegetable shortening can be used. Substitute a couple of tablespoons of the shortening for every half bar of paraffin called for in a recipe.
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Can I use kerosene in a paraffin greenhouse heater?

Kersoene will clog your machine.

It may be instant, it may take some time, but inevitably, using Kerosene in a paraffin heater will result in a broken unit. You wouldn't put diesel into a petrol car, don't put kerosene into a paraffin heater. As stated already, paraffin is a distilled version of kerosene.
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Why is kerosene called paraffin?

Over the years, the names kerosene and paraffin, with the two fuels names becoming interchangeable by many people. This most likely happened due them both being very similar kinds of oil. Kerosene is often referred to as paraffin in the UK, but also in parts of East and South Africa too.
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