Is Knn discriminative or generative?

KNN is a discriminative algorithm since it models the conditional probability of a sample belonging to a given class. To see this just consider how one gets to the decision rule of kNNs.
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Is K means generative or discriminative?

In today's lecture we learnt that k-means would be generative model.
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Is KNN deterministic algorithm?

K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) is a basic deterministic algorithm for locating which is widely used in fingerprinting approach. The performance of the KNN can be improved extensively by employing appropriate selection algorithm.
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Is KNN classification supervised or unsupervised?

Introduction. The abbreviation KNN stands for “K-Nearest Neighbour”. It is a supervised machine learning algorithm. The algorithm can be used to solve both classification and regression problem statements.
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Is CNN generative or discriminative?

The convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven to be a powerful tool for discriminative learning.
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IAML2.23: Generative vs. discriminative learning

Is SVM a discriminative classifier?

A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a discriminative classifier formally defined by a separating hyperplane. In other words, given labeled training data (supervised learning), the algorithm outputs an optimal hyperplane which categorizes new examples.
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Is LDA generative or discriminative?

LDA is a generative model because it uses the joint probability distribution, P(x,y).
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Why is KNN unsupervised?

The k-means algorithm is an unsupervised clustering algorithm. It takes a bunch of unlabeled points and tries to group them into “k” number of clusters. It is unsupervised because the points have no external classification. The “k” in k-means denotes the number of clusters you want to have in the end.
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Is K nearest neighbor unsupervised?

While K-means is an unsupervised algorithm for clustering tasks, K-Nearest Neighbors is a supervised algorithm used for classification and regression tasks.
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Is KNN parametric or nonparametric?

kNN (even defined with gaussian weights) is a nonparametric algorithm devised to work for nonparametric models, i.e. very general models.
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Is K-means an example of a deterministic algorithm?

The basic k-means clustering is based on a non-deterministic algorithm. This means that running the algorithm several times on the same data, could give different results.
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Which algorithm is deterministic algorithm?

In computer science, a deterministic algorithm is an algorithm that, given a particular input, will always produce the same output, with the underlying machine always passing through the same sequence of states.
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What are examples of deterministic algorithm?

The most simple deterministic algorithm is this random number generator.
5 Answers
  • Given the same input, produces the same output every time.
  • Given the same input, takes the same amount of time/memory/resources every time it is run.
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Is GMM generative?

¶ The fact that GMM is a generative model gives us a natural means of determining the optimal number of components for a given dataset.
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Is decision tree a discriminative classifier?

Logistic regression, SVM, and tree based classifiers (e.g. decision tree) are examples of discriminative classifiers. A discriminative model directly learns the conditional probability distribution P(y|x).
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Is linear regression generative or discriminative?

Examples of discriminative models include: Logistic regression, a type of generalized linear regression used for predicting binary or categorical outputs (also known as maximum entropy classifiers) Boosting (meta-algorithm) Conditional random fields.
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Is Kmeans supervised or unsupervised?

K-Means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm. There is no labeled data for this clustering, unlike in supervised learning. K-Means performs the division of objects into clusters that share similarities and are dissimilar to the objects belonging to another cluster.
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Why KNN is called lazy learner?

Why is the k-nearest neighbors algorithm called “lazy”? Because it does no training at all when you supply the training data. At training time, all it is doing is storing the complete data set but it does not do any calculations at this point.
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How KNN is different from k-Means Clustering?

KNN represents a supervised classification algorithm that will give new data points accordingly to the k number or the closest data points, while k-means clustering is an unsupervised clustering algorithm that gathers and groups data into k number of clusters.
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Is K-means better than KNN?

The big main difference between K means and KNN is that K means is an unsupervised learning clustering algorithm, while KNN is a supervised learning classification algorithm. K means creates classes out of unlabeled data while KNN classifies data to available classes from labeled data.
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Which one is true about the KNN algorithm?

4) Which of the following option is true about k-NN algorithm? Solution: CWe can also use k-NN for regression problems. In this case the prediction can be based on the mean or the median of the k-most similar instances.
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Which is better KNN or K-means?

K-NN is a lazy learner while K-Means is an eager learner. An eager learner has a model fitting that means a training step but a lazy learner does not have a training phase. K-NN performs much better if all of the data have the same scale but this is not true for K-means.
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Is Autoencoder a generative model?

An autoencoder is trained by using a common objective function that measures the distance between the reproduced and original data. Autoencoders have many applications and can also be used as a generative model.
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Are all generative models unsupervised?

Generative models are a class of statistical models that generate new data instances. These models are used in unsupervised machine learning to perform tasks such as probability and likelihood estimation, modelling data points, and distinguishing between classes using these probabilities.
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Which is are generative models?

A generative model includes the distribution of the data itself, and tells you how likely a given example is. For example, models that predict the next word in a sequence are typically generative models (usually much simpler than GANs) because they can assign a probability to a sequence of words.
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