Is a thigh gap a good thing?

Essentially, it just means someone's inner thighs don't touch or rub against each other. "[The thigh gap] is not a standard of health, but an aesthetic standard that is often recommended for women. However, it is an unrealistic beauty ideal for many," says Janet A.
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Is having a gap between your thighs good?

A thigh gap is when a person's inner thighs don't touch while standing with their feet together. For some people, there is no way to get a thigh gap since it largely depends on bone structure. Thigh gaps are a dangerous beauty ideal that can cause overexercising, extreme dieting, and anxiety.
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What is the point of a thigh gap?

The idea behind a thigh gap is that your legs are spaced far enough apart to look gamine and young. Don't think this is a coincidence. Our patriarchal society encourages women to infantilize themselves for sexual and social gain. When women relinquish their womanhood, they relinquish control over their bodies.
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Are you fat if your thighs touch?

The first step is to reeducate the mind and body to understand that touching thighs are a sign that you are in fact a human being with a normal structure, overweight or not. In good standing posture, the feet will be a bit narrower than the outside of the pelvis, under the hip joints.
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Do squats get rid of thigh gap?

And as far as thigh gap obsession goes, sorry (not really) to break the news, but it's an unrealistic goal to aim for. Squats, lunges, and running won't increase the space between your thighs because targeted exercises help you tone muscle, not torch fat. And even then, muscle definition doesn't open your leg room.
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Are thigh gaps common?

… But Thigh Gap Is Uncommon

Dr. Herold explains, "A thigh gap is a physical trait found in only a small percentage of healthy, well-nourished female body types." The media can make thigh gaps seem like a cultural standard, as though everyone has or can have one.
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What is a normal thigh size?

Based on the previously cited CDC report, medium sized thighs, which is to say the average leg circumference, tends to be around 21 inches in both men and women. In terms of a range, thighs sized between 21 and 23 inches are considered medium by most people.
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Are thigh gaps genetic?

It's a Genetic Phenomenon

On The Doctors, expert Dr. Travis Stork proved that inner thigh gaps are a genetic phenomenon based on bone structure. The primary determining factor for whether you have a thigh gap isn't body weight, a healthy diet or strength training – it's the width of your hips.
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What are Mermaid thighs?

The mermaid thigh movement is a direct response to the thigh gap trend that's taken over Instagram in recent years. Basically, having a gap between your thighs was considered beautiful, which shamed a ton of women whose thighs naturally touch.
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Do Skinny people's thighs rub together?

To those people, we thought it worth mentioning this: chub rub is not just for plus size, overweight or fat people. Chub rub, unfortunately, happens to people of all shapes and sizes. Of course it's more likely to affect you if you have a wider thigh, but you can be a slim person and still struggle with chafing.
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Is it normal for thighs to rub together?

Inner thigh chafing is common. It can be caused by a number of things, including working out, running an errand on a hot day, or even sitting with legs crossed. Home remedies may help prevent, soothe, and heal chafing between the legs. In rare cases, you may need to see a doctor to treat inner thigh chafing.
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