Is a nasal voice natural?

A nasal voice is a type of speaking voice characterized by speech with a "nasal" quality. It can also occur naturally because of genetic variation. Nasal speech can be divided into hypo-nasal and hyper-nasal
Hypernasal speech is a disorder that causes abnormal resonance in a human's voice due to increased airflow through the nose during speech. It is caused by an open nasal cavity resulting from an incomplete closure of the soft palate and/or velopharyngeal sphincter. › wiki › Hypernasal_speech
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Why is my voice naturally nasally?

A few factors control the quality of your voice. These include the size and shape of your mouth, nose, and throat, and the movement of air through these structures. A hyponasal voice is usually due to a blockage in the nose. That blockage can be temporary — such as when you have a cold, sinus infection, or allergies.
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Are nasal voices good?

Annabeth Novitzki, a private voice teacher, responds: "No, singing through your nose is not bad and it won't hurt you. However, most people don't prefer nasal singing because it limits the beauty and tone of the sound." Practice lifting your soft palate.
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Why do I have a nasal singing voice?

The irritating nasal sound, or nasality, in some singing voices is a result of a soft palate which is not lifted properly. Your soft palate is the soft tissue on the roof of your mouth. A soft palate that lifts helps create the ringing sound that you want. If the soft palate doesn't lift, the sound is nasal.
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Is nasal voice attractive?

In general, women find men with lower voices more attractive. A male whose voice is relatively low sounds virile. I don't know what people like in women's voices, but certainly nasal voices are kind of a joke. There are famous women with relatively low voices, too — husky voices — that people find sexy.
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Simple Solution for a Nasal Voice

Why are nasal voices annoying?

But for the rest of the country, nasal tones—think Fran Drescher—are often perceived as annoying. According to Psychology Today, nasal, pitchy voices are often caused by an obstructed airflow in the throat or nasal patches that causes an imbalance in sound vibrations during speech.
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How do I stop nasal voice?

How do I stop talking through my nose?
  1. Try saying /ah/ sound , with your mouth side open.
  2. Pinch your nostrils together, so no air goes through your nose.
  3. When you pinch your nostrils, the sound /ah/ should not stop, or change quality. That means all the air is coming through your mouth, rather than your nose.
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Is nasal voice genetic?

A nasal voice is a type of speaking voice characterized by speech with a "nasal" quality. It can also occur naturally because of genetic variation.
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Why does my child speak nasally?

Hypernasal speech is typically associated with a medical condition called velopharyngeal dysfunction, or VPD. VPD is typically diagnosed in children in the preschool or school-age years, but it can also be present in adults due to acquired or neurologic causes.
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What does it mean to talk nasally?

Nasal speech (hypernasality) and nasal air emission (air escaping down the nose when talking) happen when the back of the soft palate (roof of the mouth) does not fully close against the upper walls of the throat (pharynx) during speech, leaving the nasal cavity open.
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Why is American accent so nasally?

Scottish and Irish more toward the front of the mouth." So, perhaps the reason the American accents tend to sound "nasally" is because they are focused futher back in the mouth.
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Is vocal fry attractive?

A 2014 national study of American adults found that speech with vocal fry was perceived more negatively than a voice without vocal fry, particularly in a labor market context. In young adult women, it was perceived as sounding less trustworthy, less competent, less attractive, and less hireable.
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Do Americans speak from throat?

The Standard American accent is conceived of by most non-speakers as being focused in the back of the throat – the pharynx. This is the “engine” I mention below with the K-breath.
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What type of voice is most attractive?

Their study revealed that males find female voices that indicate a smaller body size—high-pitched, breathy voices with wide formant spacing—most attractive. Females, on the other hand, prefer to hear a low-pitched voice with narrow formant spacing, reflecting a larger body size.
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Can females have deeper voices?

And, this time, scientists have looked into why women's voices seem to have gotten deeper in the last few decades. Women today speak at a deeper pitch than the generations of women before them, which researchers believe is largely because of changing power dynamics between men and women.
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What causes deep voice in females?

'During menopause, the amount of oestrogen diminishes and affects the vocal cords, sometimes leading to a decrease in the pitch of the voice. That's why you'll often hear women in their 50s and 60s whose voices sound lower than they used to in their 20s and 30s. '
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Why do I sound like a little girl?

The Little Girl Voice is an informal name for a vocal trait in adult women that is caused by psychological trauma before the onset of puberty. Women that are affected speak in a higher sounding, child-like pattern, usually in a manner similar to the age at which they suffered the traumatic event.
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What does a Hypernasal voice sound like?

Hypernasality occurs when too much sound resonates (vibrates) in the nasal cavity (nose) during speech. This type of resonance makes the patient sound as if he or she is talking through the nose.
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Why do I snort when I talk?

A person's speaking voice takes on a nasal tone when too much air flows through the nose. This happens when the moving tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth, called the soft palate or the velum, fails to close an opening called the velophayngeal port. The result is called velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD).
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What does it mean to sound nasal?

nasal, in phonetics, speech sound in which the airstream passes through the nose as a result of the lowering of the soft palate (velum) at the back of the mouth.
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