How were Greek slaves treated?

Slaves in ancient Greece were treated like pieces of property. For Aristotle they were 'a piece of property that breathes'. They enjoyed different degrees of freedom and were treated kindly or cruelly depending on the personality of the owner.
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What was Greek slavery like?

Slavery in ancient Athens

Slaves in ancient Athens were the property of their masters under Athenian law. They could be bought, sold, and beaten, but only by their master. There were also people who were considered public slaves, who were the property of the polis, or city-state, thus being a sort of “elite” slave.
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What kind of slaves did ancient Greece have?

There were different types of slaves in ancient Greece, depending on what they did and where they worked. There were domestic slaves who were like home servants, agricultural slaves, industrial slaves, and public slaves.
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How were slaves in Athens treated?

Q: How were slaves in Athens treated? Slaves in ancient Greece were treated like pieces of property. For Aristotle they were 'a piece of property that breathes'. They enjoyed different degrees of freedom and were treated kindly or cruelly depending on the personality of the owner.
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What were the rights of slaves in ancient Greece?

He could give, sell, rent, or bequeath them. A slave could have a spouse and child, but the slave family was not recognized by the state, and the master could scatter the family members at any time. Slaves had fewer judicial rights than citizens and were represented by their masters in all judicial proceedings.
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Slavery - Ancient Greek Society 09

What were Greek slaves called?

In Sparta, there were state-owned slaves called helots. Helots were assigned to work a certain piece of land. They were also forced to give part of what they grew to the state. At times, helots outnumbered the free Spartans by twenty to one.
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What are the differences between ancient Greek slavery and American slavery?

In ancient Greece, a majority of the jobs were performed by slaves. This allowed citizens more time to rest and work on their hobbies, such as creating art and music. Slavery in Ancient Greece was similar to American slavery with one crucial difference: people were not born into slavery.
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How did Spartans treat their slaves?

Spartans, who were outnumbered by the Helots, often treated them brutally and oppressively in an effort to prevent uprisings. Spartans would humiliate the Helots by doing such things as forcing them to get debilitatingly drunk on wine and then make fools of themselves in public.
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How were the Roman slaves treated?

Their lives were harsh. Slaves were often whipped, branded or cruelly mistreated. Their owners could also kill them for any reason, and would face no punishment. Although Romans accepted slavery as the norm, some people – like the poet and philosopher, Seneca – argued that slaves should at least be treated fairly.
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When did Greece end slavery?

After the lawgiver Solon abolished citizen slavery about 594 bce, wealthy Athenians came to rely on enslaved peoples from outside Attica. The prolonged wars with the Persians and other peoples provided many slaves, but the majority of slaves were acquired through regular trade with non-Greek peoples around the Aegean.
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What was unusual about slaves in Athens?

What was unusual about slaves in Athens? Slaves were paid for their work.
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Could slaves buy their freedom in ancient Greece?

Owners may also allow the slave to save up money and buy their own freedom. Freed slaves were still not considered full citizens and often had obligations to their former owners. How did they know who was a slave? It was sometimes difficult to tell a slave from a free person in Ancient Greece.
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Did slaves cook in ancient Greece?

Female slaves served as maids, nurses and cooks, and there were craftsmen, artists, musicians and others who were enslaved but could live a decent life and earn income as well. Craftsmen who worked with their masters lived in their own quarters and earned their income at free will.
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Why did Greek slaves not rebel often especially outside Sparta?

Why did Greek slaves not rebel very often, especially outside Sparta? Differing nationalities and origins inhibited organization.
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How were slaves buried in ancient Greece?

Slaves were entitled to a full burial and were often interred like members of the family. Their graves were simple, however, and no gifts were offered, because the popular conception was that slaves did not have an afterlife. There was no se- parate cemetery for them.
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What were female slaves expected to do in ancient Greece?

Female slaves are known of in occupations such as woolworking, retail trade and wet-nursing. Female slaves worked in craft shops around the agora. Male slaves were involved in the building of the Erechtheon. Prostitutes were mostly slaves working in brothels.
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Is there still slavery in Greece?

In Greece, an estimated 89,000 people are modern-day slaves - about one in 125 of its 11 million population - according to the 2018 Global Slavery Index by the Walk Free Foundation.
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What does a Greek man look for in a woman?

The average Greek man may be looking for a companion, but he is certainly not looking for an equal partner. He wants a woman to support his image, make his coffee, cook his dinner, wash and iron his clothes, raise his children, and when necessary, massage his ego so that he still feels like a man.
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Why do they bury bodies 6 feet under?

Medical schools in the early 1800s bought cadavers for anatomical study and dissection, and some people supplied the demand by digging up fresh corpses. Gravesites reaching six feet helped prevent farmers from accidentally plowing up bodies.
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Why are people buried without shoes?

The family of the deceased also sometimes finds it wasteful to bury shoes, especially if someone else could wear them. Putting shoes on a dead person can also be very difficult. After death, the shape of the feet can become distorted. This is due to rigor mortis and other processes the body endures after death.
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What did ancient Greeks do at funerals?

Funeral rites. A dying person might prepare by arranging future care for the children, praying, sending all valuables to close family, and assembling family members for a farewell. Many funerary steles show the deceased, usually sitting or sometimes standing, clasping the hand of a standing survivor, often the spouse.
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Why did Sparta fear the helots?

Owing to their own numerical inferiority, the Spartans were always preoccupied with the fear of a helot revolt. The ephors (Spartan magistrates) of each year on entering office declared war on the helots so that they might be murdered at any time without violating religious scruples.
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How were female slaves treated in ancient Rome?

Female slaves were at the mercy of predatory masters. Wives protested and society expressed disapproval (albeit in a very minor way), but the law was on the side of the errant husband. Monogamy was the stated ideal in Rome, but its achievement was another thing entirely.
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What did slaves do for fun?

During their limited leisure hours, particularly on Sundays and holidays, slaves engaged in singing and dancing. Though slaves used a variety of musical instruments, they also engaged in the practice of "patting juba" or the clapping of hands in a highly complex and rhythmic fashion.
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What was life like for the slaves?

Plantation slaves lived in small shacks with a dirt floor and little or no furniture. Life on large plantations with a cruel overseer was oftentimes the worst. However, work for a small farm owner who was not doing well could mean not being fed. The stories about cruel overseers were certainly true in some cases.
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