How well do deer see?

Using a typical eye exam, a deer would have 20/100 vision. This means at 20 feet, a deer can see as well as a human can at 100 feet.
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What does deer eyesight look like?

Deer are essentially red-green colorblind like some humans. Their color vision is limited to the short (blue) and middle (green) wavelength colors. As a result, deer likely can distinguish blue from red, but not green from red, or orange from red.
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Do deer recognize you?

They first recognize you at a distance when they see you, then verify your smell as you get closer, while listening all the time. They tend to ignore you if you're on their “safe” list, and move away if you're someone who hassles them.
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Is deer vision better than humans?

Miller said more recent research estimated deer vision closer to 20/60, three times worse than normal human visual acuity. “We see fine-detailed camo prints with leaves and twigs, but fine detail isn't important to deer,” Miller said. “You'd probably do as well with a blurry camo.
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How far can a deer see at night?

Some claim that deer have spotted them from hundreds of yards away. Others have been able to creep right in front of a deer in the dark without being noticed. The general consensus is that under normal nighttime conditions, deer can see between 100 and 150 yards away.
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Deer Vision | How It Works And What They See | Deer Hunting Tips

What is a deer's best sense?

With 297 million olfactory receptors, the sense of smell is a deer's ultimate superpower—superior, even, to its hearing. Although those big ears give them an advantage in collecting sound, the deer's hearing range is similar to a human's. Therefore, it's nowhere near as powerful as their sense of smell.
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Can deer smell your breath?

Scent compounds also come from the human body itself when it breaks down molecules to make energy. The odors are emitted through the skin and breath. These substances — the VOCs — evaporate into the air and can spook deer when you're hunting.
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What color can deer not see?

They can pick out short (blue) and middle (green) wavelength colors, but they're less sensitive to long wavelength colors such as red and orange. “They're essentially red-green color blind,” said Brian Murphy, a wildlife biologist and the CEO of Quality Deer Management Association.
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Do deer remember being spooked?

Maybe he didn't look that spooked, but deer don't like surprises and they don't like anything new. He will remember it. If they are not used to seeing a person doing what you just did they will see it as an invasion (as they rightfully would when encountering you in their bedding area).
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How far can deer hear?

The “Katie Clancy Rattling-Volume Test” revealed that rattling devices could, on average, be heard 512 yards downwind and 223 yards upwind; or 2.3 times farther downwind than upwind.
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Why do deers stare at you?

The deer is not especially worried or afraid, but merely checking out the strange two-legged animal in their location. Sometimes a deer will stare and fix its eyes on a person or object to decide what to do. In other words, the deer wants to know how to react to you. Are you posing a threat?
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What does it mean if a deer stomps at you?

Deer frequently stomp a front foot to alert other deer, or attempt to lure any intruder into exposing itself. Whenever an alarmed doe stomps her forefoot, this also lays invisible spots of interdigital scent. The whitetail's body is designed for survival, and there are many features it uses to stay alive.
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How long can a deer smell where you walked?

In 6 hours your scent can dissipate to an unalarming amount. Also keep in mind ground scent on a windy day ground doesn't go up to the bucks nose it is off to the side. Same way with thermals, rising thermals bring the ground scent up to the bucks nose. If you are walking through tall grass forget it, your busted.
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Can deer see in the daytime?

What's more, a deer's pupils can let more light in, making the night vision even better. For these reasons, deer see better at night than during the daytime.
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Why do hunters wear camouflage if deer are color blind?

The reason for this is that humans and animals see differently. It's common knowledge that deer “see in black and white”. This isn't quite true, deer see “dichromatic”, being able to see more blue, and hardly any red. This helps them have better vision in the dark.
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What color can deer see best?

Cohen found that deer saw colors in the blue spectrum best, and those in the red spectrum the worst. He also confirmed anatomical studies that have found deer can see greens, yellows and UV light, but that they don't perceive the different color shades to the extent that humans do.
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Does human pee bother deer?

Koerth, human urine does not frighten deer. On a large lease, mock scrapes were created and different lures were used to attract deer. Scrapes are spots where bucks paw the ground down to bare earth and then urinate in them. This is used to attract does, which also urinate in the scrapes.
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Will deer come back after they smell you?

Spooked deer will return to their bedding area, but when they return depends on how much the intrusion frightened them. If they can't pinpoint the threat, they'll likely return sooner than if they saw or smelled you.
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How far will a deer run after being spooked?

Deer in open areas may run a half-mile. In dense cover, a buck might only bound 150 yards and hunker down.
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Is Camo necessary for deer hunting?

To sum up, camouflage is helpful, but not necessary in many hunting situations. For upland bird hunting it is less important, for rifle hunting deer it's of moderate importance. Camo is of moderately high importance for bowhunting ungulates and for all predator hunting.
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Where do deer sleep in winter?

Winter and Warmth

When the temperature drops, deer often take shelter sleeping under coniferous trees like pine trees. The dense, low branches of these trees both protect the deer from wind and falling snow while creating a makeshift roof that holds in heat.
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Are deer more active in the morning or evening?

Deer are a crepuscular species, which means they are mainly active during the twilight hours, dusk and dawn. This is when they move to their feeding areas for the night or back to their beds to sleep during the day. It's when the bucks chase the does.
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What is a deer's favorite smell?

Deer are attracted to the smell of soil as is, but if you want to up the attraction factor, pour some buck or doe urine, or scrape starter into it.
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Can deer see you in a treestand?

More often than not, a deer will smell you before seeing or hearing you when you're in the tree stand.
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Should you pee in a deer scrape?

Although urinating in a scrape might sound a bit over the top to some hunters, trust me, it's a cheap and effective way of outsmarting white-tailed bucks.
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