How tall should I let my tomato plants grow?

When the plant reaches the desired height–usually no taller than its support, 4 or 5 feet is good–consistently pinch out all new growing tips. In a week or so time, the plant will quit trying to put out new growth at the topmost part of the plant and concentrate on new growth and fruit below.
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Should I stop tomato plants growing too tall?

QUESTION: How do you keep tomatoes from growing too tall? ANSWER: You can prevent your tomatoes from growing too tall by pruning them. Pruning also encourages the plant to grow fruits instead of creating more foliage. Always use clean, sterilized shears when you prune to avoid spreading disease in your garden.
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How tall should tomato plants be before you stake them?

Begin tying your tomato plant to the stake after it reaches a height of 10 to 12 inches. Garden twine, strips of fabric, or even pieces of pantyhose are excellent materials to use as ties for your stake. Stake your tomato plant about every 8 inches or so, up the entire length of the main trunk.
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Should you top tall tomato plants?

If you would like your plant to be bushier, cut the top off it. This allows the plant to redirect energy to other areas which enables it to fill out instead of continuing to grow taller. Topped tomato plants will also, typically, produce larger fruit and more of it.
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Why are my tomato plants 6 feet tall?

Determinate types have self limiting growth and rarely reach above 4 feet high. On the other hand, indeterminate tomatoes, which includes many of the heirloom varieties, continue growing until fall frost and can grow 6 feet or more in a single season.
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5 Tomato Grow Mistakes To Avoid

Should tomato plants be trimmed back?

Pruning tomato plants isn't required. You may choose not to prune your tomatoes and still have an acceptable crop. Tomatoes require only sun, water, and nutrients to grow. Pruning enhances production – more tomatoes, bigger tomatoes, and more flavorful tomatoes.
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Should you trim the bottom of tomato plants?

As the plants grow, revisit them regularly and keep the bottom 6 to 12 inches bared. Trim away these lower leaves and stems while they're small, rather than letting them grow. This conserves the plant's resources, and a smaller pruning wound creates less opportunity for disease to enter.
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Should I pick the first flowers off my tomato plant?

The earlier you catch the tomato flowers, the better, as the plant will have wasted the least amount of energy to produce them. Remember, plucking tomato flowers should only be done on young plants that are not yet established in a final pot/garden bed!
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Why is my tomato plants growing tall but not producing fruit?

Insufficient light – A lack of adequate light is one of the main reasons for non-fruiting, as the plants require anywhere from six to eight hours of full sun to produce blooms and then fruit.
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What happens if you cut the main stem of a tomato plant?

It is unlikely that damage to the upper stalk of a mature tomato plant will be fatal. Even if a large section of stem breaks off, the plant will continue to produce. The key to successful recovery is to prune the plant to have more than one main stem.
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Is it better to cage or stake tomatoes?

Staking takes up less space than caging. Simple to install. The vines & tomatoes are up off the ground, resulting in cleaner fruit and less rotting. it is easy to see the tomatoes and easy to harvest.
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What happens if you don't stake tomatoes?

Without some attachment to a stake, fence or cage, most tomato plants will flop onto the ground where slugs and other pests may chew on the leaves and later feast on the fruit. Getting those plants up off the ground also allows air to circulate through the foliage of the plant, helping to prevent disease.
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Why are my tomato plants growing so tall?

Tomato plants need full sunlight, so they may grow tall and thin when trying to reach for the light in a shaded location! This leaves you with spindly tomato plants. If your tomato plants are not receiving enough sunlight during the day, they will grow “spindly” (tall and thin) instead of thick and strong.
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How do you trim tomato plants to produce more fruit?

To speed ripening late in the season, remove the growing tip of each main stem about four weeks before the first expected fall frost. Called "topping," this type of pruning causes the plant to stop flowering and setting new fruit, and instead directs all sugars to the remaining fruit.
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Will leggy tomato plants produce fruit?

Sometimes, tall plants become spindly and weak and are unable to produce or support fruit. Although the problem is more common in seedlings grown inside, it can strike mature plants in the garden. These plants need immediate attention to rectify the cause of their spindly vines.
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Should I water tomatoes every day?

Water newly planted tomatoes well to make sure soil is moist and ideal for growing. Early in the growing season, watering plants daily in the morning. As temperatures increase, you might need to water tomato plants twice a day. Garden tomatoes typically require 1-2 inches of water a week.
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How many leaves Should I take off my tomato plants?

The plants never get very tall here and therefore it is not necessary to remove lower leaves to maximize yield. In warm climates where you can grow tomatoes outside for much of the year, it might be beneficial to remove lower leaves once you have 18 leaves but this depends on how close together you plant.
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Should I pinch my tomato plants?

Pinching out your tomatoes is an essential part of tomato plant care. The reason for this is the tomato plant is a naturally bushy plant, and if you let it grow as it wants to, it will put all of its focus into growing foliage at the expense of fruit.
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Should you pick dead leaves off tomato plant?

Yes, you can cut dead leaves off a tomato plant, and this can be especially helpful if you are worried that the leaves might be diseased. Removing dead leaves may help increase the fruit production.
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What parts of tomato plants should be pruned?

If space in your garden is at a premium, or if you're supporting plants with tomato ladders or stakes, it's best to prune your tomatoes to one or two main stems. To do this, pinch out all suckers. Otherwise, suckers will grow into additional stems and create a wide, bushy plant.
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How do I know if my tomato is determinate or indeterminate?

Indeterminate varieties have leaves that are spaced out more and look more like vines. Check the flowers and fruit production. If the tomato plant is flowering all at once and producing all of its tomatoes at the same time, then it is a determinate tomato.
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Can you eat tomato leaves?

Contrary to popular opinion, yes—tomato leaves are flavorful, fragrant, and 100 percent edible. You can cook the fresh, young leaves like most other sturdy garden greens, such as kale, collards, or cabbage (leafy greens that need a little longer cooking time to become tender).
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