How negative words affect your life?

Put frankly, their study proved that negative words release stress and anxiety-inducing hormones in subjects. Additionally, a study found increased levels of anxiety in children associated with higher rates of negative self-talk.
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How do words affect people's lives?

Words can build up or tear down. They can motivate or discourage. Words influence others and build relationships at work and personally. They can tear down relationships.
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How negative words affect your brain?

Positive words encourage cognitive brain function, while negative words activate our fight-or-flight response, which slows cognitive function. They say: 'a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress. '
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How the feelings are affected by harsh words?

Past research has shown that words can be used to induce rumination (Lyubomirsky, Caldwell, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 1998) and that postevent rumination can disrupt emotional processing and lead to maintained anxiety (Abbott & Rapee, 2004).
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How your words can affect someone?

Words are extremely powerful tools that we can use to uplift our personal energy and improve our lives, though we're often not conscious of the words we speak, read, and expose ourselves to. Yes, even the words of others can easily affect our personal vibration.
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Positive und negative Gedanken - Unfug des Lebens und des Sterbens - von Prentice Mulford

Why do people say negative words?

While negative words such as bad, horrible, ugly, hate, and stupid are often intended to hurt someone's feelings, other negative language may just be the result of choosing the wrong pronoun, verb or adverb.
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How words can affect mental health?

Positive words, such as “peace” and “love,” can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain's cognitive functioning. They propel the motivational centers of the brain into action, according to the authors, and build resiliency.
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What power do words have?

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” Think of the power we wield and the impact we can make if we become more intentional about encouraging our sponsored children.
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How words can hurt?

April 2, 2010 -- Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can hurt you too, according to new research. A new study suggests merely saying, "This may hurt a bit," before receiving a shot may be enough to trigger a pain response in the brain long before any actual pain is felt.
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How words can affect attitudes behavior and perception?

Words cannot change reality, but they can change how people perceive reality. Words create filters through which people view the world around them. A single word can make the difference between liking a person and disliking that person.
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What are the negative words?

The most common negative words are no and not. Other negative words include: neither, never, no one, nobody, none, nor, nothing, nowhere: She's never been abroad.
See also:
  • Inversion.
  • Word order and focus.
  • Little, a little, few, a few.
  • Hardly.
  • Hardly ever, rarely, scarcely, seldom.
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Why do words affect me so much?

New research shows that the brain's pain matrix gets activated by pain-related words. When people hear or read words such as "plaguing," "tormenting" and "grueling," the section of the brain that retains memories of painful experiences is triggered.
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Why should we speak only positive words?

Positive words will shape your mind, alleviates stress and improve your general well-being. You can have thousands or even tens of thousands thoughts every day. Therefore, it's no surprise - as you start to use positive words and language more often - your thought patterns also change for better.
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Can words cause harm?

Legal scholars advance a harm thesis, that offensive utterances harm people the same way that physical blows do (Matsuda, Lawrence, Delgado, & Crenshaw, 1993). Offensive words comprise, but are not limited to, categories of obscenity, indecency, profanity, racial insults, taboos, and scatology (see Jay, 1992).
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Why do our words matter?

Our words play a powerful part in what we do, how we care for and educate young children. Think about how often we speak with the children. We provide great amounts of conversation, direction, and response to children's actions, questions, work, and behavior.
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What hurts more actions or words?

Words can influence the brain in the ways actions cannot. “Actions speak louder than words” is untrue. It states that actions are more powerful and hurt more. Physically, actions hurt more, but mentally words hurt more.
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Why should I be careful with my words?

That is why it is so important to be mindful of the words we say to people. Our words can be the most powerful tool we have for good or they can be the most powerful tool of destruction. The choice is up to us.
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How do words shape our reality?

Psychologists have found that our subconscious mind interprets what it hears very literally. The words that come out of our mouth therefore create the reality we inhabit – for better or worse.
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Are words really powerful?

"Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble."
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How powerful are your words?

As author Yehuda Berg states, “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity… Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” The words we choose and how we use them can build others up or tear them down; bring the community together or ...
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How do you turn negative into positive?

Here are some strategies to turn negative language into positive.
This is especially useful with emails.
  1. Negative: I can't complain.
  2. Positive: I'm doing great.
  3. Negative: No problem.
  4. Positive: I'm happy to help.
  5. Negative: Keeping busy!
  6. Positive: Enjoying the holidays!
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How positive words can change your life?

When we use words filled with positivity, like “love” and “peace”, we can alter how our brain functions by increasing cognitive reasoning and strengthening areas in our frontal lobes. Using positive words more often than negative ones can kick-start the motivational centers of the brain, propelling them into action.
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How do you ignore hurtful words?

How Do You Not Let Other People's Words Affect You?
  1. No-one Can Hurt You Without Your Permission.
  2. Stand Up for Yourself.
  3. Remember Words Have Personal Interpretations.
  4. Don't Take It Personally.
  5. Give Yourself Time Before Reacting.
  6. 6: Remove Toxic People.
  7. 7: Meditation, Yoga, Diet, and Exercise.
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How do you avoid hurtful words?

Ask a Therapist: How Do I Stop Saying Hurtful Things I Don't Mean...
  1. Take Ownership.
  2. Catch Yourself.
  3. Develop a Plan Together.
  4. Work On Yourself.
  5. Practice Healthy Communication.
  6. Get Help.
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What does the Bible say about words that hurt?

3 Ways Words Hurt More than Sticks and Stones (Session 11; James 3:1-12) Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
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