How long can lobsters go without food?

Lobsters can go over a month without food, so long as seafood department employees keep lobster tank water temperatures between 45 and 50 degree Fahrenheit.
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Can lobsters starve?

It's my understanding that lobsters caught and immediately shipped to market are not fed, because their waste would quickly contaminate storage tanks. (Megaproducers that catch lots of lobsters into late fall and store them for distribution over the winter obviously feed them.) So, yes, they're technically starving.
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How long can lobsters survive at room temperature?

How long can lobster live out of water? A good hard-shell lobster can live up to 36 hours out of water if kept cool, moist and refrigerated.
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Do you need to feed lobsters?

Lobsters, crabs and shrimp must be fed pellet food that sinks to the bottom of the tank. Feed them as much as they can eat in three minutes, twice a day. These invertebrates also like freeze-dried brine shrimp, bloodworms and tubifex worms. One tip: Make sure your fish aren't gluttons!
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How long can lobsters live before cooking?

Fresh live lobsters can stay in your refrigerator one to two days. Keep them in the back, where the refrigerator is coldest. They must be kept alive until you cook them. Do not store live lobsters in any kind of water—it will kill them.
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Can Lobsters Really Not Die of Old Age?

What happens if lobster dies before cooking?

Lobsters are not poisonous if they die before cooking, but you should cook them quickly. Many lobsters sold commercially are killed and frozen before cooking. Lobsters and other crustaceans do spoil rapidly after death, which is why many buyers insist on receiving them alive.
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Do lobsters come back to life after being frozen?

BOSTON Call it cryonics for crustaceans. A Connecticut company says its fro zen lobsters sometimes come back to life when thawed. began freezing lobsters with a technique it used for years on salmon after an offhand suggestion by some workers. It found that some lobsters revived after their subzero sojourns.
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Do lobsters get bored?

The lobster never seems to get bored with a long, leisurely sniff of each morsel. In fact, scientists have found that the nerve cells in a lobster's antennae and leg hairs are more specialized than those of any other creature.
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Do lobsters get lonely?

Companionship. Lobsters are not the type to pine away for a companion. In their natural habitat, lobsters tend to be solitary and prickly creatures. Even mating isn't meant to last forever — just for a few days until the deed is done.
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Do lobsters have feelings?

A new study on whether or not decapod crustaceans and cephalopods are sentient found that yes, they do indeed have the ability to have feelings. It's pretty strange, when you think about it, that we routinely throw live lobsters into boiling pots of water.
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How do you keep lobsters alive overnight?

“Keep them on the bottom shelf of the fridge to avoid cross-contaminating any of your other food with raw lobster. A hardshell lobster should stay alive for 36-48 hours this way.”
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Can lobster live out of water?

A lobster can live out of the water for a couple of days if kept in a moist and cool place. How can a lobster live so long out of water? A lobster can extract the oxygen from the air, but in order to do this its gills must be kept moist or they will collapse.
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Do lobsters feel pain?

U.K. researchers say crabs, lobsters and octopuses have feelings — including pain. The nervous systems of these invertebrates are at the center of a bill working its way through Britain's Parliament.
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Do lobsters feel pain when cut in half?

Do Lobsters Feel Pain When Cut In Half? Again, all the evidence shows that they do. And considering their nervous systems cannot go into shock, they are likely to feel this pain for up to an hour after being cut in half.
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How long can grocery store lobsters live?

Most lobsters that you see in a grocery store or at a restaurant are at least 5-7 years old and weigh about 1-2 pounds. But lobsters can be much bigger and much older. They could live to be over 100 years old! How big can a lobster get?
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Do lobsters scream when boiled alive?

For starters, lobsters don't scream when you boil them. In fact, they lack lungs and don't even have the proper biological equipment to form a scream. What you hear is air and steam escaping from the shells of their simmering suppers.
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What is the oldest lobster?

The oldest lobster in the world was named George and its estimated he was an incredible 140 years old, making him older than any human (the oldest human on record was 122 years old). George is an Atlantic lobster and was caught off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, in 2008.
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Why do lobsters scream?

Lobsters don't have vocal cords, and even if in agony, they cannot vocalise. The high pitched sound made by an overheating lobster is caused by expanding air rushing out of small holes in lobsters' bodies, like a whistle being blown. A dead lobster will “scream” just as loudly as if it was living.
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Do lobsters have a brain?

The lobsters nervous system is very primitive. In fact it is most similar to the nervous system of an insect. Neither insects nor lobsters have brains. Further, lobsters and other invertebrates have only approximately 100,000 neurons while humans have over 100 billion.
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Is it cruel to cook lobster live?

Most scientists and animal activists agree that it is cruel to boil a live lobster. Lobsters do not have an advanced nervous system, but they do understand how to stay away from anything that may hurt them. Placing them in boiling water will cause them to feel pain until the second they die.
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Do lobsters pee out of their face?

Lobsters pee out of their faces to turn each other on

In the lobster world, one large male typically dominates an area and the females line up to mate with him. To get him in the mood, the female waits outside of his den, peeing in his direction out of specialized nozzles on her face.
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Do lobsters have hearts?

Their heart lies above the stomach on the upper surface of the animal (but still below the carapace of course!) A lobster's circulatory system is known as an “open” system whereas our system is known as a closed system. The heart of an adult lobster beats 50-136 beats per minute.
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Which part of lobster is poisonous?

Answer: There are no parts on the lobster that are poisonous. However, the 'sac' or stomach of the lobster, which is located behind the eyes, can be filled with shell particles, bones from bait and digestive juices that are not very tasty. The tomalley is the lobster's liver and hepatopancreas.
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Do lobsters feel pain when frozen?

Lobsters lack the brain anatomy needed to feel pain, said Ayers, who builds robots modeled on lobster and sea-lamprey neurobiology. Lobsters and other crustaceans are often swallowed whole by predators, he added, so they never needed to evolve the ability to detect pain from, say, warming water or an electric shock.
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