How long can a period be mate?

"A late period is different than no period," says Dr. Ross. "Anything beyond 3 months can put you at more risk for osteoporosis, for example, and other medical problems. There is that balance that's needed and expected, so it's not okay to not have a period for 6 months unless you're on the pill."
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How long can a period be late?

However, healthy cycles typically range from 21 to 35 days (three to five weeks). Unless a medical condition causes irregular cycles, most women probably have at least a rough idea of when to expect their next period. A period is considered late if it has not started within seven days (one week) of when it is expected.
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What's the longest you can get your period?

Periods can last anything between 4 and 8 days, but usually last for about 5 days. The bleeding tends to be heaviest in the first 2 days – but everyone is different. When your period is at its heaviest, the blood will be red.
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Can a girl be on her period for 3 weeks?

A period that lasts longer than seven days is considered prolonged. It's not unusual for girls to have irregular, brief, or slightly prolonged periods. But three weeks may be pushing it. There are many possible causes for prolonged bleeding but, not being a doctor, I wouldn't even like to venture a guess.
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Is it possible for a girl to be on her period for 2 weeks?

No. Normal menstrual periods last 3 to 7 days. Longer than normal periods can occur because of stress, a hormone imbalance, pregnancy, infection, a thyroid condition, and other causes. You should make an appointment with your health care provider.
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How often should I have my period, and how long should it last?

Why is my period not stopping?

Underlying health conditions that can cause long periods include uterine fibroids, endometrial (uterine) polyps, adenomyosis, or more rarely, a precancerous or cancerous lesion of the uterus. A long period can also result from hormonal imbalances (like hypothyroidism) or a bleeding disorder.
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Why is my period lasting longer than usual?

The body's reaction to stress can change the levels of many hormones that cause your period to last longer than necessary, says Dr. Horton. “Stress can cause delayed ovulation, causing your period to start later than expected, which can make your periods longer and heavier than usual,” she explains.
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What causes long periods?

If a hormone imbalance occurs, the endometrium develops in excess and eventually sheds by way of heavy menstrual bleeding. A number of conditions can cause hormone imbalances, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), obesity, insulin resistance and thyroid problems.
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Can periods go on for 10 days?

Heavy menstrual bleeding (formerly known as menorrhagia) is a common disorder among people who menstruate. It refers to bleeding lasting longer than seven days and involves more blood flow than is typical during menstruation.
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Can a period last longer than 8 days?

First, it's important to know how long your period should last. On average, the menstrual cycle is every 21 to 35 days and during your period, bleeding can last 2 to 7 days. But what is normal for one person might not be for another. However, heavier or longer periods can increase your chances of anemia.
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Can stress cause longer periods?

Stress can affect your menstrual cycle in pretty much every way possible. It can sometimes lead your period to stop altogether. But other times, it can make your period longer or heavier or lead to mid-cycle bleeding.
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What are the first signs of pregnancy?

The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include:
  • Missed period. If you're in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant. ...
  • Tender, swollen breasts. ...
  • Nausea with or without vomiting. ...
  • Increased urination. ...
  • Fatigue.
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Am I pregnant or is my period late?

A missed period

Missing a period is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy. If a period is 1 week late and pregnancy is a possibility, take a pregnancy test. Many tests are highly sensitive and can detect pregnancy hormones several days before a missed period.
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What are signs of late period?

What to Do When Periods are Late
  • You haven't had a period for 90 days.
  • Your period suddenly becomes irregular.
  • You have a period more often than every 21 days.
  • You have a period less often than every 35 days.
  • Your period lasts for more than a week.
  • Your period becomes unusually heavy.
  • You bleed between periods.
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How can I shorten my period naturally?

Regular physical activity. To shorten your period and reduce pain, sports and physical activity are good practices to have during your cycle because they have several benefits: improve your general health and lighten the menstrual flow. evacuate blood from the uterus more quickly.
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How does lemon stop your period?

No. Drinking a shot of lemon juice won't delay your period or make it stop. Using a hormonal birth control method is the only way to lighten or control when you get your period: When taking a hormonal birth control method, like the pill, ring, and patch, you have the ability to skip your period.
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Is it normal to have a period for a whole month?

For some women it may seem as if the bleeding literally doesn't stop, continuing through the entire month. But this isn't usually the case. Since the time between cycles is counted from the first day of your period, a woman who has a 24-day cycle with eight days of bleeding will experience only 16 days period-free.
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What causes menstrual bleeding for 20 days?

Having long periods frequently can indicate one of several potential conditions, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. A doctor can help diagnose and treat these conditions. Often, taking hormonal birth control pills or switching the type of hormonal medication can help people find relief.
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Should I go to the doctor if my period is longer than 7 days?

If you have bleeding that lasts longer than 7 days per period, or is so heavy that you have to change your pad or tampon nearly every hour, you need to talk with your doctor.
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Is it normal to get periods in 15 days?

Your period usually occurs every 28 days, but normal menstrual cycles can range from 21 days to 35 days. In fact, the average cycle length is 29 days. Many things cause irregular periods (or irregular menstruation) such as changes in hormone levels, stress, certain health conditions, medications and more.
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Why am I bleeding after 15 days of period?

Changes to your hormone levels

Young women often spot, or bleed very slightly, when they ovulate (release an egg from the ovary). It happens about 10 to 14 days after their period and is usually caused by a temporary drop in levels of the hormone oestrogen. This is quite normal.
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