How long can a dhampir go without feeding?

Despite the fact that they eat normal food, dhampir feel a diminished version of the burning thirst for blood that drives vampires to kill and feed. A dhampir can go for one week plus a number of days equal to his Constitution score without tasting fresh blood.
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What happens if a dhampir doesn't feed?

If a Dhampir doesn't feed they live their non vampires parents race ages normal time. Size: Dhampirs tend to be more slender looking and paler.
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Do dhampirs need to feed?

Dhampir Hungers

You're not under any compulsion to feed on this stuff mechanically, but from a roleplaying standpoint you should either be regularly indulging or resisting your dark urges through extreme willpower.
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Can dhampirs live forever?

Eternal Life - Due to their Vampire heritage, dhampirs do not age. However, when they are born, they age normally until they reach adulthood, at which point they cease to age and can potentially live forever.
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How long can a dhampir live?

Age. Dhampir mature as humans do, but have extremely long lifespans due to their undead heritage, living upwards to a thousand years.
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Can a dhampir turn someone?

Even though a dhampir cannot turn a human, that doesn't mean they cannot be turned by a vampire; the only difference would be the time it would take.
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Do dhampirs count as undead?

Dhampir only react to the healing/damaging of Positive/Negative Energy differently than other races, but they are living creatures. They are not Undead.
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Can dhampirs eat normal food?

Human food: Dhampirs have the ability to eat normal human foods without notible side-affects.
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How are dhampirs made?

In Balkans folklore, dhampirs (sometimes spelled dhampyres, dhamphirs, or dhampyrs) are creatures that are the result of a union between a vampire and a mortal human. This union was usually between male vampires and female mortal humans, with stories of female vampires mating with male mortal humans being rare.
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Do dhampirs have reflections?

A hazy, indistinct reflection might be a cool middle-ground. As the creator of this Dhampir, you can decide. And from my expertise, most DMs give Dhampirs a reflection.
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How often do dhampirs need blood?

A fatigued dhampir must continue to make additional daily Constitutions checks until he drinks at least one pint of fresh blood. If he fails a subsequent check, he becomes exhausted until he drinks at least two pints of fresh blood.
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Do dhampirs need to breathe?

Mechanically, the Dhampir has some cool stuff going for it. You don't need to breath or use light or walk on floors (or even walls, once you reach level 3). But the Dhampir's signature trait is their bite, which carries a lot of complexity on its own (see below, under Vampiric Bite).
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Can dhampirs have babies 5e?

Dhampirs have originally been born from Moroi mixing with humans. They cannot reproduce with each other or with humans, but only with Moroi.
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Can dhampir get drunk?

Dropping them into a cup of clear water produces blood that can be drunk.
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Are dhampirs sensitive to light?

Dhampir should also get sunlight sensitivity to balance them out a bit more. Blade didn't have Sunlight Hypersensitivity (that Vampires have), but he definitely didn't like full sunlight.
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Are dhampirs sensitive to sunlight?

Dhampir don't burn in sunlight, but they are sensitive to it. Dhampir prefer to operate at night or underground, away from sunlight. Sunlight affects each dhampir differently. Some find that sunlight gives them a headache, while others find their supernatural powers are dampened in sunlight.
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Can dhampirs use magic?

Sorcery - traditional legends state that they could practice magic, especially magic useful for vampire hunters. Psychic powers - although not commonly seen, some Dhampirs may also have similar mind control or charm abilities to vampires.
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Can dhampirs Shapeshift?

Super Agility: Dhampirs possess the superhuman stamina, flexibility, reflexes, agility, and dexterity of a vampire, however, they are much more agile than humans, hunters, slayers, most shapeshifters, and most vampires.
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Do dhampirs have fangs?

Dhampirs are the hybrid offsprings of a vampire and a human, thus making them hybrids. Despite being a race of the vampire species, they are not considered vampires because they are neither immortal, undead, nor do they have fangs.
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What color eyes do dhampirs have?

A dhampir had not only the same normal appearance as their parents does, but their vampire form has pale skin (options are white or gray), red eyes, high cheekbones, fangs, pointy ears and claws. They wear darker clothing and makeup to make them look goth.
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Can dhampirs be healed 5e?

Yes, the if you're both undead and humanoid lineage per the UA, you get the benefits of both (so healing magic works on you).
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Is dhampir alive?

Regardless of their heritage, dhampirs are still mortal creatures, although their aging process slows down to the rate comparable to that of elves.
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Does cure wounds work on a dhampir?

If an effect works on at least one of a creature's types, that effect can work on that creature. For example, if you are both a Humanoid and an Undead, cure wounds works on you, since the spell works on a Humanoid.
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Are dhampirs sterile?

Deadblood (Nosferatu-born Dhampir)

Nosferatu are infertile, making it impossible for one to breed with a living mortal.
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