How is prophase 1 and 2 different?

The main difference between prophase 1 and 2 is that genetic recombination occurs through crossing overs and the “Chiasmata” formation during prophase 1 whereas no genetic recombination is noticed at the prophase 2.
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How is prophase I of meiosis different from prophase of mitosis State two differences?

Chromosomes condense and the centrosomes begin to form an early spindle. Meiotic prophase I is much longer that mitotic prophase. During prophase I homologous chromosomes make contacts with each other called chiasmata and “crossing over” occurs. This is where chromosomes exchange sections of DNA.
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How is prophase II different than prophase I quizlet?

In meiosis, how does prophase I differ from prophase II? During prophase I there is one diploid cell; during prophase II there are two haploid cells.
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What's the difference between prophase and prophase 1?

There are a couple of differences between mitotic prophase and prophase I. During prophase I, homologous chromosomes come together. Every chromosome has a matching chromosome that carries the same genes and is usually the same size and shape. Those pairs are called homologous pairs of chromosomes.
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What happens in prophase 1 and 2 of meiosis?

Meiosis I includes crossing over or recombination of genetic material between chromosome pairs, while meiosis II does not. This occurs in meiosis I in a long and complicated prophase I, split into five sub-phases.
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Stages of Prophase 1 of Meiosis with a visual mnemonic

How is meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 different?

During meiosis 1, the parent cell with double the normal amount of chromosomes, splits into two diploid cells (have enough chromosomes to survive). During meiosis 2, the two diploid cells each split into two haploid cells (have half the amount of chromosomes to survive). Meiosis ends with four haploid cells.
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How is metaphase 1 and 2 different?

Metaphase 1 is associated with meiosis 1 whereas the metaphase 2 is associated with meiosis 2. The main difference between metaphase 1 and 2 is that chromosomes are attached as homologous pairs at the equator during the metaphase 1 and during metaphase 2, single chromosomes are attached at the equator.
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What happens during prophase II?

During prophase II, the chromosomes condense, and a new set of spindle fibers forms. The chromosomes begin moving toward the equator of the cell. During metaphase II, the centromeres of the paired chromatids align along the equatorial plate in both cells.
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What is a characteristic seen in prophase 1 that does not occur in prophase 2?

C) During prophase I the chromosomes coil up; the chromosomes are not coiled up during prophase II.
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What is key difference between prophase and prophase I quizlet?

The major difference between prophase I and prophase II is the genetic recombination process (crossover) that occurs during prophase I, but does not repeat in prophase II.
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What occurs in prophase I that does not happen in prophase II?

In prophase I, the first stage is known as leptotene. This stage involves the unwinding of the DNA structure to enable an exchange of alleles between homologous chromosome pairs. No crossing over occurs in prophase II. Therefore, prophase II does not feature leptotene.
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Which of the following differences between the two cells is observed during prophase of mitosis?

Which of the following differences between the two cells is observed during prophase of mitosis? In the haploid cell, only one pair of sister chromatids are present, whereas in the diploid cell, two pairs of sister chromatids are present.
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Does crossing over occur in prophase 2?

Crossing over does not occur during prophase II; it only occurs during prophase I. In prophase II, there are still two copies of each gene, but they are on sister chromatids within a single chromosome (rather than homologous chromosomes as in prophase I).
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What happens in prophase 1 of meiosis?

During prophase I, homologous chromosomes pair and form synapses, a step unique to meiosis. The paired chromosomes are called bivalents, and the formation of chiasmata caused by genetic recombination becomes apparent. Chromosomal condensation allows these to be viewed in the microscope.
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How is meiosis II different from mitosis?

The main difference between meiosis II and mitosis is that the meiosis II essentially occurs in haploid cells that have gone through meiosis I whereas the mitosis mainly occurs in diploid cells. Moreover, meiosis II occurs in the production of gametes in sexual reproduction while mitosis occurs in asexual reproduction.
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What happens during prophase 1 of mitosis?

During prophase I, the chromosomes condense, as in mitosis. However, the homologous chromosomes also pair in prophase I. When the homologous chromosomes pair up, portions of the DNA on different chromosomes are able to swap. This recombines the alleles present on each chromosome, as seen in the image below.
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What is the difference between anaphase 1 and 2 in meiosis?

Anaphase 1 and anaphase 2 are two phases in the meiotic division of cells which produces gametes during the sexual reproduction. The main difference between anaphase 1 and 2 is that homologous chromosomes are separated during anaphase 1 whereas sister chromatids are separated during anaphase 2.
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What is the difference between Telophase 1 and 2?

Telophase 1 is the final step of meiosis 1 while telophase 2 is the final step of the meiosis 2. The main difference between telophase 1 and 2 is that homologous chromosomes are separated from each other during telophase 1 while sister chromatids are separated at the centromere during telophase 2.
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How does metaphase in meiosis I and meiosis II differ?

How does metaphase in meiosis I and meiosis II differ? A. Sister chromatids are on the metaphase plate in meiosis I and tetrads are on the metaphase plate in meiosis II.
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What is the difference between meiosis 1 and 2 quizlet?

Meiosis I is a reduction division where only one member of a homologous pair enters each daughter cell which becomes halploid. Meiosis II only splits up sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are not pulled apart in meiosis I at the centromere like in mitosis but are in meiosis II.
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How do meiosis I and meiosis II differ select the two answers that are correct?

How do meiosis I and meiosis II differ? Select the TWO answers that are correct. ~Meiosis I divides homologous chromosomes, whereas meiosis II divides sister chromatids. ~Meiosis I is preceded by DNA replication, whereas meiosis II is not preceded by replication.
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Which of the following statements describes a major difference between meiosis II and mitosis in a diploid animal?

Which of the following statements describes a major difference between meiosis II and mitosis in a diploid animal? Meiosis II occurs in a haploid cell, while mitosis occurs in diploid cells.
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Does crossing over occur in prophase 1?

Crossing over occurs only during prophase I.

The complex that temporarily forms between homologous chromosomes is only present in prophase I, making this the only opportunity the cell has to move DNA segments between the homologous pair.
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Why does crossing over occur in prophase 1?

Crossing over (recombination) only occurs during Prophase 1 of Meiosis because at this point homologous chromosomes line up at the centre of the cell. Thus, the aligned chromosomes are able to have their legs intertwine with that of the chromosome beside them, in order for crossing over to occur.
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Which of these phases is the most different between mitosis and meiosis?

Which of these phases is the most different between mitosis and meiosis? In anaphase, sister chromatids separate.
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