How does a person get toenail fungus?

Many people pick up the fungi when they have skin-to-skin contact with someone who has a fungal infection such as athlete's foot or ringworm on their hands. Another common way to get a fungal nail infection is by walking barefoot in a warm, moist area such as a pool deck or locker room.
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What is the main cause of toenail fungus?

Fungal nail infections are caused by various fungal organisms (fungi). The most common cause is a type of fungus called dermatophyte. Yeast and molds also can cause nail infections. Fungal nail infection can develop in people at any age, but it's more common in older adults.
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How is toenail fungus contagious?

Is toenail fungus contagious? Yes, many types of toenail fungi are quite contagious. An infected person can spread the fungus to someone else through direct contact. You can also get toenail fungus by touching an infected surface.
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What kills toenail fungus?

Oral antifungal drugs.

These drugs are often the first choice because they clear the infection more quickly than do topical drugs. Options include terbinafine (Lamisil) and itraconazole (Sporanox). These drugs help a new nail grow free of infection, slowly replacing the infected part.
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Should I cut off my fungus toenail?

Nail removal: If you have a severe infection or other treatments just don't work, your dermatologist may recommend removing the nail(s) to get rid of the infection.
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How to prevent and treat nail fungus

Does toenail fungus go away?

Fungal nail infections can be difficult to cure, and they typically don't go away without antifungal treatment. The best treatment for a fungal nail infection is usually prescription antifungal pills taken by mouth. In severe cases, a doctor might remove the nail completely.
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Should I wear socks to bed with toenail fungus?

This can help whether you're the one with the infection or not. Wear clean, breathable socks to bed. If you share a bed with another person, the fungus may transfer to them via shared linens. Wearing clean socks to bed and washing sheets regularly minimizes transmission risk.
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What is the white hard stuff under my toenails?

This overgrowth is called subungual hyperkeratosis. People with hyperkeratosis may notice a white, chalky substance under the nail. When this occurs in the toenails, the pressure of shoes pushing down on the nails might cause pain.
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What is the fastest way to cure toenail fungus?

The fastest way to eliminate the infection is through toenail laser treatment. Laser nail therapy specifically targets the microorganisms under your nail while leaving the keratin intact. In just a few treatments, the infection can be entirely eliminated.
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What is the number one cure for toenail fungus?

The best pill for toenail fungus is terbinafine. Evidence suggests it works better than the alternatives with the fewest side effects. Terbinafine results in resolution of toenail fungus 76% of the time. Common side effects may include headaches, skin rash, and vomiting.
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What happens if you leave toenail fungus untreated?

If you have toenail fungus and it goes untreated, you may experience: Pain in your feet and toes due to thickened, distorted toenails. Spread of the fungus to your skin, causing athlete's foot. Infection of the surrounding areas, causing cracked skin, and increasing bacterial spread.
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How long does toenail fungus last?

Results of treatment

It can take between 6 and 18 months for the appearance of the affected nail to return to normal, and in some cases the nail may not look the same as before the infection.
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Is peroxide good for nail fungus?

Hydrogen peroxide also works as a great bleaching agent and it has antifungal and antiseptic properties which will definitely help anyone with the toe nail fungus to get rid of it.
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What does fungus toenails look like?

Nails with fungus might look yellow. Sometimes a white dot shows up on the nail and then gets bigger. When fungus builds up under your nail, it can loosen and even separate the nail from the bed. The fungus can also spread to the skin around your nail.
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How long does apple cider vinegar take to cure toenail fungus?

The antifungal properties also make vinegar soaks a good idea for people who have toenail fungus. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes daily in a vinegar bath until the infection subsides. You can increase the length of time in the soak gradually. It may take two to three weeks or longer to see improvement in symptoms.
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Why is my big toenail so thick?

Toenails that grow thicker over time likely indicate a fungal infection, also known as onychomycosis. Left untreated, thick toenails can become painful. Prompt treatment can be key to curing the nail fungus. Fungal infections might be difficult to cure and may require months of treatment.
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What are the stages of toenail fungus?

Top 5 signs your toenail fungus has gone nuclear
  • Nail color changes. If your nail turns white and chalky or yellow, it's not a good sign. ...
  • Nail position changes. If your nail starts to curl downward or upward, it's time to be concerned. ...
  • Nail texture changes. ...
  • Nail smell changes. ...
  • Nail sensation changes.
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Does nail fungus turn black when it dies?

A toenail can also become discolored from fungal infections in the skin under and around the nail. Toes can turn black from a lack of circulation causing gangrene, which is death of body tissue. If there is any doubt what is causing your black toenail, see your doctor or podiatrist.
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Can toenail fungus spread through nail clippers?

Fungi grow best in warm, moist places, and they can spread from person to person. You can get a fungal nail infection from walking barefoot in public showers or pools or by sharing personal items, such as towels and nail clippers.
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What does a podiatrist do for toenail fungus?

If you recognize the symptoms of toenail fungus, you must meet with the right doctor, a podiatrist, for proper treatment. Podiatrists will treat toenail fungus by using topical creams, removing part of the nail, and or using more modern methods like laser therapy to eliminate the infection.
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How do you cut toenails with toenail fungus?

How to cut toenails with fungus
  1. medical-grade toenail clippers, as standard clippers may not be able to cut all the way through and can slip off the nail and cut your skin.
  2. longer foot soak (20 or 30 minutes in warm water)
  3. clipper disinfection using alcohol or diluted bleach.
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Will toenail grow back after fungus?

If the infection is deep and you've had it for a while, your doctor may want to remove all or part of your nail. A new nail usually grows back, but it might take a year or so. While it's coming back, your doctor will likely give you a cream or other treatment to put on your nail bed to keep fungus away.
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What is the most effective home remedy for toenail fungus?

Try One of These 10 Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus
  • Vicks VapoRub.
  • Snakeroot extract.
  • Tea tree oil.
  • Oregano oil.
  • Olive leaf extract.
  • Ozonized oils.
  • Vinegar.
  • Listerine.
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Is it OK to put nail polish on fungus?

Nail polish gives fungus an environment to thrive in. Non-medicated nail polish can be applied over antifungal nail polish. But it is best to avoid non-medicated nail polish entirely when you want your fungal infection to clear up. Non-medicated nail polish will make the antifungal treatment penetrate the nails slower.
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Can you put apple cider vinegar directly on toenail fungus?

Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy for toenail fungus due to its antifungal properties. If you want to treat your fungus using ACV, you can soak your feet in a mixture of warm water and the vinegar for about 15 minutes, twice a day.
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