How do you revive a dying mum?

Correct Overwatering to Revive Mums
If the soil is moist, allow the surface to dry out before watering it again. If your mum is still growing in a plastic pot placed inside a decorative pot or foil pot cover, pull it out and ensure that water hasn't collected inside the decorative pot or cover.
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Can you bring dying mums back to life?

In many cases, untreated pests or disease will completely destroy mums, making reviving the plants unlikely. If your mums have been overtaken by fungus, their blooms may be brown and the plants may look dead. Treating the fungus can eliminate the problem and revive the plants.
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How do you bring mum's back to life?

Newly purchased potted mums need to be kept consistently moist but not wet and in bright, indirect light indoors. They need at least five hours of full sun outdoors to stay healthy enough to successfully come back the next season.
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Why do my mums keep dying?

Your potted Mums are dying because they may be suffering from a fungal disease like Verticillium, Septoria leaf spot, or Botrytis. They might have been attacked by a parasite like Pythium. You might be underwatering or overwatering them. Or they lack nutrients for their growth.
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Is Miracle Grow good for mums?

To get the most from your garden mums, place them in a sunny location and feed them every 7-14 days with an all-purpose water-soluble plant food like Miracle-Gro® Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food. Or, you can feed and water your mums at the same time with Miracle-Gro® LiquaFeed®.
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? How to Overwinter Potted Mums - SGD 259 ?

Can mums survive indoors?

Growing chrysanthemums indoors is easy and requires little special care beyond watering, good soil and drainage. Once the blooms are spent, you can keep the plant around for its deeply etched foliage.
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How long do potted mums live?

Garden mums may be grown in containers, or planted in beds with existing shrubs and flowers. Flowers generally last about two or three weeks, depending on the outdoor temperatures and how far along the blooming process was when the plants were purchased.
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What does it mean when mums turn brown?

Lack of water is a common reason for browning. Chrysanthemums need a good amount of water, and not fulfilling their watering needs can easily turn them brown. For reference, during the growing period, mums will need around an inch of water per week.
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Will potted mums bloom again?

If a mum blooms prematurely in the late summertime, it won't bloom again for the season. If it blooms in the spring, as long as you cut it back within 8 inches of the ground, it will bloom again in the fall.
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Why are my mums drooping?

You might be surprised. Water, but not too much – Mums do not like to get dry. When their leaves are drooping, which can happen ridiculously quickly, they are way too dry. Try to water before they get to that state.
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Can you overwater mums?

While overwatering your mums can lead to mold issues and root rot, Mast says not watering them enough can create problems, too. "Make sure your mums do not dry out, as this will cause the foliage to drop and blooms to fall off," she says.
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How often do you water mums?

Don't let your mums get too dry or wilt between waterings. Water your potted mums at least every other day. They like to get about 1 inch of water per week. Water at the soil level (the base of the plant) and not on top of the foliage.
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How do you take care of indoor mums?

General Care
  1. Plant mums in containers with fresh, well-drained potting media. Mums like moist, but not overly wet soil.
  2. Place them in an area that provides bright, but filtered light. When growing mums indoors, as opposed to outdoors, direct sunlight can harm them. ...
  3. Keep it cool.
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How do I save my potted mums for next year?

Choose a mostly dark cool area, such as an unheated garage shed or basement, which has temperatures between 32 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. If temperatures could fall below freezing, wrap the pots with several layers of newspaper to protect the roots. Water your mums so that the soil is slightly moist.
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What can I do with potted mums?

Bury the Pots

One option is to try to overwinter the mums by burying the pots in the garden. Cut back the dead foliage to the surface of the soil and bury the pot up to the edge. This will help keep the roots warm. A layer of mulch on top of the pots will also help keep the roots warm.
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Why are my white and yellow mums turning purple?

It's most likely the cold nights. Those nights we had last week that dipped below 55 were cold enough to tinge the petals with a pigment that is triggered or released by cold air and soil.
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Can you keep mums inside over winter?

You can leave your garden mums in the ground during winter, especially with a layer of mulch in the cooler zones. However, because potted plants are more susceptible to cold damage, bring your mums indoors for winter safekeeping.
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Do potted mums need full sun?

Whether in a pot or your garden, mums like lots of light. Mums thrive in full sun conditions as long as you give them enough water. Choose a spot that gets at least six hours of sun a day. Plants that don't get enough sunlight will be tall and leggy and produce fewer, smaller flowers.
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How many hours of sunlight do mums need?

Chrysanthemums are sun-loving plants. Although they technically require only 6 hours of sunlight each day, the more light they receive, the better their growth, bloom and hardiness.
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When should you bring mums inside?

Indoor Mums Option

Potted chrysanthemums can be brought indoors when frost threatens, if you place them where they receive full sun or supplemental light. Keep the temperature between 70 and 75 F during the day and 60 F at night, according to the University of Missouri.
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When Should mums be cut back?

It's always best to cut mums back every spring shortly after they first begin to grow. Timing is everything. If you don't cut mums back in early spring, then they are more likely to produce a premature and disappointing period of poor bloom in summer and a lackluster season of poor bloom in fall.
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Are coffee grounds good for mums?

(Most edible plants like acidic soil, but some plants, such as eucalyptus, ficus, chrysanthemum and clematis, prefer alkaline soil). Used coffee grounds make an effective and fast-acting fertilizer for plants and vegetables.
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Is Epsom salts good for mums?

Mums also benefit from additional Epsom salts being added to the irrigation water. Epsom salts provides magnesium, which can help keep the foliage a dark green color.
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