How do you read for exams?

Exam Preparation: Ten Study Tips
  1. Give yourself enough time to study. via GIPHY. ...
  2. Organize your study space. via GIPHY. ...
  3. Use flow charts and diagrams. via GIPHY. ...
  4. Practice on old exams. via GIPHY. ...
  5. Explain your answers to others. via GIPHY. ...
  6. Organize study groups with friends. via GIPHY. ...
  7. Take regular breaks. via GIPHY. ...
  8. Snack on brain food.
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How do you read and prepare for an exam?

10 Quick Tips for Successful Exam Preparation
  1. Give yourself enough time to study. ...
  2. Use flow charts and diagrams. ...
  3. Practice on old exams. ...
  4. Explain your answers to others. ...
  5. Organize study groups with friends. ...
  6. Take regular breaks. ...
  7. Plan the day of your exams. ...
  8. Drink plenty of water.
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How do you read and remember for exams?

Try out these memorization tips for students that will help you exercise your mind and improve recall.
  1. Organize your space.
  2. Visualize the information.
  3. Use acronyms and mnemonics.
  4. Use image-name associations.
  5. Use the chaining technique.
  6. Learn by doing.
  7. Study in different locations.
  8. Revisit the material.
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How can I concentrate while reading for exams?

How to stay focused while studying, a guide:
  1. Find a suitable environment.
  2. Create a study ritual.
  3. Block distracting websites + apps on your phone, tablet, and computer.
  4. Divide up + space out study sessions.
  5. Use the Pomodoro Technique.
  6. Find the best tools.
  7. Focus on skills, not grades.
  8. Schedule downtime.
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How do you get 100 in all exams?

Your study plan must cover all important subjects. Try and focus more time on subjects that you are weak in while continuing to improve on the subjects that you are good at. Include adequate time for each subject if you wish to score 100% in the CBSE Class 12 board exam.
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Exam skills: 6 tips to help you with reading exams

How do I activate my brain before an exam?

Organize these things the night before your exam, so you can go to sleep easy and wake up with peace of mind.
  1. Collect your materials. ...
  2. Get enough sleep. ...
  3. Set your alarms. ...
  4. Lay out your outfit. ...
  5. Map out your route the night before. ...
  6. Listen to music. ...
  7. Repeat positive affirmations. ...
  8. Calm yourself with focused breathing.
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How can I trick my mind to study?

Tricks for Learning and Remembering
  1. Use your mind's eye. Most people have a “mind's eye”. ...
  2. Learn in bite-sized chunks. ...
  3. Clench your fists. ...
  4. Use your nose. ...
  5. Build a memory palace. ...
  6. Have a good night's sleep. ...
  7. Use mnemonics. ...
  8. Talk to yourself.
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How can I study and never forget?

6 powerful ways to help you remember what you study
  1. Study tips 1: Spaced repetition. ...
  2. Study tips 2: Active reiteration. ...
  3. Study tips 3: Directed note-taking. ...
  4. Study tips 4: Reading on paper. ...
  5. Study tips 5: Sleep and exercise. ...
  6. Study tips 6: Use the Italian tomato clock.
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How can I read without forgetting?

  1. Have a good night sleep to rest the brain. ...
  2. Study in a quiet environment. ...
  3. Focus on a topic at a time. ...
  4. Have a good grip of the language. ...
  5. Try to understand the "thought" of the writer. ...
  6. Try to write something down or underline some lines while reading.
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How do Toppers study?

Take restricted but nutritious diet and keep the negative thoughts away from your mind. Avoid losing sleep and do not disturb your sleep pattern. Practice meditation and breathing exercise for increasing your concentration. Probably the most important among the habits of toppers!
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How can I study smartly?

Study smarter, not harder: Top 10 study tips
  1. Don't miss a class. 'A' students never miss a class. ...
  2. Review your notes quickly and often. ...
  3. Organise your notes visually. ...
  4. Plan ahead. ...
  5. Explain things to others. ...
  6. Get together with a study group. ...
  7. Stay positive. ...
  8. Trust your instincts.
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What is the best brain food for studying?

The Top 9 Brain Foods for Studying and Exams
  1. Berries. Berries are rich in a variety of compounds that may help promote academic performance and protect the health of your brain. ...
  2. Citrus fruits. ...
  3. Dark chocolate and cocoa products. ...
  4. Nuts. ...
  5. Eggs. ...
  6. Avocados. ...
  7. Fish. ...
  8. Beets.
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Why do I fail even though I study hard?

Cause #6: You're Missing A Study Plan

The problem: You don't have a plan to guide your study sessions, making it hard to know what you should focus on while you are studying. The solution: Set goals for each of your study sessions of what you want to accomplish.
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Why do I study slow?

Here are some reasons you might be slow in studying:

You get easily distracted by social media or other stuff. A messy environment is one of the best distractions for any person making your studying slow. Irrelevant thoughts popping up in your head. Studying using the passive studying techniques.
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Why do I forget everything in exam?

In short, when an exam is interpreted as a threat and a stress response is triggered, working memory is wiped clean, recall mechanisms are disrupted, and emotionally laden hot cognition driven by the hypothalamus (and other subcortical regions) overrides the normally rational cold cognition driven by the PFC.
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How can I learn 10x faster?

Here are ten ways, backed by science, to speed up the learning process.
  1. Say out loud what you want to remember.
  2. Take notes by hand, not on a computer.
  3. Chunk your study sessions.
  4. Test yourself. A lot.
  5. Change the way you practice.
  6. Exercise regularly.
  7. Get more sleep.
  8. Learn several subjects in succession.
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How can I memorize faster?

9 Steps to Learn How to Memorize Something Fast
  1. Prepare. ...
  2. Record What You're Memorizing. ...
  3. Write Everything Down. ...
  4. Section Your Notes. ...
  5. Use the Memory Palace Technique. ...
  6. Apply Repetition to Cumulative Memorization. ...
  7. Teach It to Someone. ...
  8. Listen to the Recordings Continuously.
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What is the fastest way to memorize exam notes?

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.
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How can I love studying?

5 life hacks: How to fall in love with studying, and How to make studying enjoyable
  1. Study what you love – love what you do. ...
  2. Set goals. ...
  3. Adjust your learning schedule to your lifestyle. ...
  4. Add some practice. ...
  5. Surround yourself with like-minded people.
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Why does my brain refuses to study?

Brain fog can be a symptom of a nutrient deficiency, sleep disorder, bacterial overgrowth from overconsumption of sugar, depression, or even a thyroid condition. Other common brain fog causes include eating too much and too often, inactivity, not getting enough sleep, chronic stress, and a poor diet.
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How can I remember what I study in 15 minutes?

This means:
  1. Schedule a 15-minute cumulative review each day.
  2. Schedule it at the same time to help the habit stick.
  3. During your cumulative review, look at your notes from all of the previous material. ...
  4. Taking effective notes is the key to doing this review quickly, and remember to always refine your notes.
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What foods to avoid while studying?

  • Trans-fats. One thing you need to avoid to keep your brain healthy is foods that are high in trans fats. ...
  • Sugar. Sugar, while sometimes stimulating, also hits the brain pretty hard (and not in a good way). ...
  • Caffeine. Glorious, energy-producing caffeine is a staple in any university student's diet. ...
  • Tuna. ...
  • Fried food.
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How do you unlock 100 percent of your brain?

Here are some of them:
  1. Exercise. When we do physical exercise, the brain is also exercised. ...
  2. Sleep. When there is a lack of sleep, the brain cannot function at its best. ...
  3. Don't steal time from social life and fun. ...
  4. Manage stress. ...
  5. Eat well. ...
  6. Train the brain.
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Why do I feel so dumb in school?

It could be that the teaching methods used at your school or college don't fit well with your learning style. So many people have been made to feel dumb at school just because they can't absorb information in the particular way it's taught to them by their teachers.
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Why my marks are low?

Most common causes of getting low marks in the examination are as follows: A Student May Not Know How to Study Productively: Most of the students do not know the proper method of study. They think study means merely reading the words.
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