How do you plant collard green seeds?

Collards prefer rich, well-drained soil in full sun. In spring, sow seed directly in the garden 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep after danger of heavy frost. Space the rows 30 inches apart. Thin seedlings to 6 to 8 inches apart.
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How long does it take to grow collard greens from seed?

Collards need about 80 days to mature from seed to harvest, but this can vary by variety, so check the back of your seed packet or plant pick. Depending on where you live, you might be able to do a spring planting of collards, though these greens won't have the benefit of a sweetening frost.
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How many collard green seeds are in a hole?

Collards. Use Mat #5 . Plant two to three seeds per hole and thin to one plant per hole.
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Should you soak collard seeds before planting?

Soaking seeds for 24 hours BEFORE planting can significantly cut down on germination time–and overall effort. What is this? To soak seeds, just place them in a cup of water for about 24 hours. Some people recommend starting with hot water and then just allowing it to cool as the seed soaks.
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What month do you plant collard seeds?

The collard is a cool-season crop that should be grown during early spring or fall. Direct seed midsummer or early spring. Set transplants out in early spring or late summer. The mature plant will withstand frosts and light to medium freezes.
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Starting Collard Green Seeds for Planting

How deep do you plant collard green seeds?

Sow seeds ¼ inch deep. Collards need a lot of space to grow. Plant your seedlings at least 24 inches apart.
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Do collards need full sun?

Like all vegetables, collards like full sun, but they will tolerate partial shade as long as they get the equivalent of 4 to 5 hours of sun to bring out their full flavor. Plant in fertile soil because collards should grow fast to produce tender leaves.
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What month do you plant greens?

* Set out spring plants 3 to 4 weeks before the last frost; in late summer, plant 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost for fall and winter harvests. Direct sow when the soil can be worked in the spring. Use seedlings to replant in mid-summer for a fall harvest.
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Do collard greens come back every year?

Do collard greens come back every year? Collard greens are biennials and known as a “cut and come again vegetable.” In other words, these are just veggies that are harvested in a different way than most people are used to. The leaves grow in a “rosette” which means they circulate from the inside out.
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How often should you water collard greens?

Generally, collard greens prefer at least one to one and a half inches of water per week. It's best to water greens at the base of the plant to prevent powdery mildew or damping-off on tender leaves. If you're watering by hand, in cool seasons water well once in the morning.
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How do I keep bugs from eating my collard greens?

Spicy foods such as onion, garlic and hot pepper are fatally irritating to pests on collards. Make a garlic or hot pepper spray by steeping a few cloves of garlic or a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a quart of water for about an hour. You can also add a chopped, raw onion to the water.
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What kind of soil do collard greens like?

Collards need a deep soil that is well drained and well prepared. The roots of a collard plant easily reach depths of 2 feet of more. Dig the soil as deep as possible or at least 10 inches. This will loosen the soil so the small feeder roots can grow more easily.
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What is the best fertilizer for collard greens?

Nitrogen is essential for collards to produce high-quality leaves. Side dress the plants with 5 pounds of calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) per 1000 square feet or 300 feet of row three to four weeks after planting. For smaller gardens, use ½ pound of calcium nitrate fertilizer per 100 square feet or 30 feet of row.
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Do collards like coffee grounds?

Collard plants prefer somewhat acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8. There is no difference between collard greens and mustard greens regarding soil pH and growing conditions. Applying used coffee grounds as mulch around your plants helps add nitrogen to the soil and slightly lowers the pH.
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Can collards be direct sown?

Direct sowing is recommended, but to get a head start you can grow collards indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost. Sow seeds ¼ - ½ inches deep in seed-starting formula. Keep the soil moist at 70 degrees F. Seedlings emerge in 10-21 days.
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How do you grow greens from seeds?

Greens are a cool-weather crop, and are oftentimes easy to start from seed. Plant them outside three weeks before the last frost date. For a fall harvest, begin planting greens seeds mid-summer. Plant each seed just under the soil, about 1/2 inch apart.
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Can you plant collard greens in May?

Collard greens planting may also be done in early spring for a summer harvest, but adequate moisture is necessary for collards greens growing successfully in summer heat. A member of the cabbage family, collard greens growing in the heat may bolt.
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Do collards grow well in heat?

Collard greens are a cool-season crop that is planted six to eight weeks before the last frost date for the region; however, you can plant collard greens in the hot weather of midsummer for a fall crop and enjoy two crops in one year in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 and higher.
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Do deer eat collard greens?

Deer Greens is a 100% mixture of brassicas including rape, purple top turnip, collards and radish that provides an abundant high protein and energy rich diet for deer.
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Can I sprinkle Epsom salt around plants?

If the soil becomes depleted of magnesium, adding Epsom salt will help; and since it poses little danger of overuse like most commercial fertilizers, you can use it safely on nearly all your garden plants.
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How do you get big collard greens?

Dig 2 to 4 inches of compost into a full-sun, well-drained garden bed. Plant seeds 2 to 4 inches apart in rows spaced 36 inches apart. Sterilize scissors by dipping the blades in Lysol and thin the seedlings when they reach 4 to 6 inches tall until the plants are at least 18 inches apart so they have room to grow.
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