How do you milk a spider?

Milking a spider is usually done in a laboratory under a microscope. The spider is anesthetized using carbon dioxide. The spider's fangs are rinsed with water to remove sand or dirt. A mild, non-lethal electrical shock stimulates the spider, causing it to produce venom.
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Can you milk tarantulas?

Milking the tarantulas to extract the venom is a delicate process. A light electric charge is applied to the fangs, causing the muscles to contract and discharge venom into a container.
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Can spiders purr and make milk?

Mother spiders can produce nutritious milk-like fluids to feed their offspring. Juvenile spiders eat all kinds of food: in some spider species they feed on small insects, and in others they catch pollen. Previous research has also found some spiders simply don't eat anything until they grow large enough to hunt.
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Can I drink spider milk?

It's very nutritious, too. Researchers reported that the jumping spider's milk contains 4 times the protein, fat, and sugar typically found in cow's milk. The one-of-a-kind findings could help researchers piece together the evolutionary origins of very complex parental care, such as mammalian nursing.
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Do spiders have nipples?

"Spiders don't have nipples!" (You may also be making some rude remarks about whether spiders can ever be cute. There are some people on our team who agree with you on that.) While it's true that spiders do not have nipples, it turns out that T.
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How To Milk a Spider

Can a spider purr?

Male spiders actually produce vibrations, which hit surrounding dried leaves and cause them to vibrate. The vibrating leave produces a low "purring" sound audible to humans, and that sound travels.
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Do spiders cry?

Called stridulations, the shrill cries sound like squeaky leather and are made in response to the rhythmic squeezing actions of the male's genitalia from inside the female during sex.
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What is the white stuff that comes out of a spider?

A single silk thread comes out of each. Jan explains, 'Although it looks a bit like an icing nozzle, the silk is pulled out by gravity or the spider's hind leg. The silk is liquid when it's inside the spider.
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Do spiders talk?

Have you ever wondered how spiders find and communicate with each other? Like other animals and insects, spiders too, have their code of communication. They can send signals that only their fellow species can decode.
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Are spiders milked?

Spiders are milked to collect their venom, which is used to create antivenom to treat poisonous spider bites. Spiders are also milked to collect their silk. Spider silk is strong, flexible and elastic at the same time, making it highly desirable.
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Can you milk a snake?

Snake milking is a dangerous job, but by saving lives it can be quite satisfying. During the day, you work in a serpentarium. A serpentarium is a place where snakes live. For work, you remove venomous snakes from their homes and “milk” them.
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Do spiders breastfeed?

Like many mammals, newly hatched spiderlings are entirely dependent on milk to meet their nutritional needs. In this case, for the first 20 days of the young spiders' lives. In one illustrative experiment, the researchers glued shut the spider mothers' epigastric furrow, the egg-laying organ that also secretes milk.
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Is spider silk expensive?

Spiber has publicly stated that its commercial-scale silk will cost $20–$30 per kg. Randy Lewis, a biology professor at Utah State University and a spider silk technology pioneer, can't see any scenario where spider silk fiber can compete with basic nylon or polyester.
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Can you Devenom a spider?

Can tarantulas be de-venomized? The short answer is no—removing a tarantula's venom glands is just not something that's done. It would be overly complicated and dangerous to your pet tarantula.
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Do spiders poop and pee?

Spiders only have one hole for releasing waste. Both pee and poop are combined for a spider which comes out as one waste product from their anus. There is nothing like urine production taking place in a spider's body. There are special digestive organs that pass uric acid as a solid instead of a liquid.
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Do zombie spiders exist?

Certain species of parasitic wasps have been found to "zombify" spiders, and now a new review paper has examined exactly how the insects pull off this feat. It reads like a horror story: First, the wasp lays its eggs on a spider's back.
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Is spider poop toxic?

Experts perceive it might be because of potential antimicrobial properties found in spider venom and blood. So is spider poop toxic? The answer to this is no. Spider poop is not toxic.
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Can spiders hear u scream?

SPIDERS can identify terrified arachnophobes because they can hear their SCREAMS. Scientists have discovered that even though the eight-legged creatures do not have ears they can still pick up the sounds of terror.
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Can spiders hear you talk?

The team has started testing the hearing of other species, such as fishing and wolf spiders, all of which seem to have a similar ability. “Spiders can hear humans talking and walking, which is within the audible range,” says Menda.
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Why do I scream when I see a spider?

Both the presence and the anticipation or potential presence of spiders causes you to enter a state of panic, which can include a rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, shaking, screaming, or crying. Your fear response may also be triggered by webs, or even realistic pictures of spiders.
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Do spiders have hearts?

The heart is located in the abdomen a short distance within the middle line of the dorsal body-wall, and above the intestine. Unlike in insects, the heart is not divided into chambers, but consists of a simple tube. The aorta, which supplies haemolymph to the cephalothorax, extends from the anterior end of the heart.
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Can a spider hiss?

Many types of spider are able to make a hissing sound which is called 'stridulation'. They often make the hiss by rubbing hairs on their body together at great speed. Tarantulas and Wolf Spiders are probably the most famous examples of spiders that hiss.
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Do spiders have brains?

Spider Brain

One of the most amazing things about spiders is how much they can accomplish with such a small brain. The spider's central nervous system is made up of two relatively simple ganglia, or nerve cell clusters, connected to nerves leading to the spider's various muscles and sensory systems.
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