How do you grow and harvest popcorn?

Leave corn drying on the stalks as long as possible, allowing the kernels to dry down naturally on the ear. Harvest and husk the popcorn and allow the ears to cure further in a dry and well ventilated location. Drying time can vary from one week to several weeks or more, depending on weather conditions.
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How do you harvest and cure popcorn?

Pick the ears after the stalks are brown and dry, but before frost. The husks will be dry and the kernels hard. Remove the husks from the ears, then cure them for two to three weeks by putting them in a mesh onion bag, an old nylon stocking or a bag made from nylon net or cheesecloth.
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Can you grow popcorn from popcorn kernels?

Planting Your Homegrown Popcorn

Once you've located fertile seeds, you are ready to grow your own popcorn. Plant the seeds exactly the same as you would sweet corn (soak the kernels for 12 hours before planting, then set them 1 to 1-½ inches deep and 8 to 10 inches apart).
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What month do you harvest popcorn?

Harvest time for popcorn usually comes very late in the summer or early in the fall. I like to wait until the husks on the cobs have completely “yellowed” and are nice and dry. You can also feel the cobs. The corn under the husks should be hard and dry before you harvest.
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How long does popcorn take to grow?

Popcorn takes longer to mature, too, generally between 90 and 120 days. Like other corns, popcorns dislike cold soil and won't germinate well, which means is best to wait until the soil warms to at least 60º F.
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Harvesting and Curing Popcorn

How do you pick corn for popcorn?

When choosing popcorn, look for kernels that are as fresh as possible, and those that can be stored in a way that will help preserve freshness longer. Additionally, consider trying to find hull-less varieties that can be easier on the teeth.
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What happens if you plant popcorn seeds?

It is possible to grow plants from the kernels you get for making popcorn, but remember this is a corn that isn't any good as sweet corn. it it very starchy and not sweet. it would only be good to use for more popcorn.
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Can you make popcorn from fresh corn on the cob?

You can make popcorn from a cob, but only if the cob is specifically a popcorn cob (sweetcorn and other varieties won't pop). It's relatively easy to make popcorn from corn cob, and it can be done using a stove or microwave.
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Can I grow popcorn from store bought?

No, you can't open a bag of popcorn from the grocery store and plant it. Most store bought popcorn isn't fertile because of the heating and sterilization processes it undergoes. You'll need to buy fertile popcorn from your local garden center and there are plenty to choose from on the internet.
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Can you grow popcorn in your garden?

Growing your own popcorn is really no different than growing regular sweet corn. Plant and grow these seeds in your garden as you would any other kind of corn, allow the ears to fully mature, and wait to harvest until the husks turn brown. After that, snack to your heart's content!
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What kind of corn is used to grow popcorn?

Zea mays everta

Some strains of corn (taxonomized as Zea mays) are cultivated specifically as popping corns. The Zea mays variety everta, a special kind of flint corn, is the most common of these. Popcorn is one of six major types of corn, which includes dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, flour corn, and sweet corn.
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What's the difference between corn on the cob and popcorn?

The most obvious difference between popcorn and corn on the cob is its appearance. Popcorn while on the cob has a deep orange-yellow color. Sweet corn is mottled yellow and white, field corn is solid yellow, and white corn is, of course, white. There are many other varieties as well.
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How dry does popcorn have to be to pop?

Your ears of popcorn are ready to shell when the kernels come easily off the cob, which is when the moisture content is around 13 to 14 percent. Test the popcorn by popping a few kernels. (To pop, put kernels or an ear in a folded paper bag in the microwave.)
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How do you dry corn kernels?

Drying Corn
  1. Select tender, mature ears. ...
  2. Cool ears in cold water only long enough to stop the cooking action. ...
  3. Cut the kernels from the cob to ¾ of their depth. ...
  4. Place in a single layer on mesh-covered dehydrator trays. ...
  5. Dry at 150°F for 1 to 2 hours and then reduce temperature to 130°F.
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Can any corn be popcorn?

It resembles corn-on-the-cob in appearance and cultivation, although only popcorn kernels have the ability to pop. Popcorn, like all six types of corn, is a cereal grain and originates from a wild grass. Its scientific name is Zea mays everta, and it is the only type of corn to actually pop.
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Do humans eat field corn?

People may pick ears of field corn when its sugar content has peaked and cook it on the cob or eat it raw. Ears of field corn picked and consumed in this manner are commonly called "roasting ears" due to the most commonly used method of cooking them.
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Which state grows the most popcorn?

Approximately 45 percent of the nation's popcorn is grown in Nebraska, followed by Indiana (19 percent), Illinois (12 percent), Ohio (11 percent), South Dakota (3.5 percent), and Iowa (2.4 percent).”
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How do you start a popcorn plant?

Plant popcorn cassia in full sun and rich, moist, well-drained soil. Start it from seed or begin with a rooted cutting. Seeds will germinate more readily when soaked in water for 24 hours. Sow seeds shallowly indoors in February or March and wait until all danger of frost has passed before transferring outdoors.
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Is there a difference between popcorn kernels?

Simply put, white popcorn has a more tender texture than yellow. This is because it pops into smaller, more fine bright white shapes. Conversely, yellow popcorn tends to produce a much larger and sturdier form than white corn, and the popped kernels hold a yellowish tint to them.
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What is better white or yellow popcorn kernels?

There is almost no difference between white or yellow popcorn; although most theaters and microwavable popcorn you'd find in a grocery store are from yellow kernels because they produce a more yellow buttery looking appeal. White kernels produce smaller, lighter popcorn.
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How many pounds of popcorn do you get per acre?

“Typical popcorn yields are 4,500 to 6,500 pounds per acre.
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Where do popcorn seeds grow?

For caramel corn, denser corn makes larger mushroom-shaped kernels. Historically, popcorn has grown all over the world, but today most of it grows in the United States in the Midwest and South, mostly in Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Nebraska.
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Is popcorn healthier than corn?

A cup of yellow or white corn kernels of the kind we eat has only about 85 calories partly due to their much higher moisture content. Not only is popcorn low in calories, it's really good for you. Three cups of air-popped popcorn has 4 grams of fiber but less than 100 calories.
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