How do you cheer up a dog with a cone?

Hold the cone, or place it on the ground in front of you. Do not try and put it on your dog in any way. Reward with a treat any time your dog shows interest in the cone. Any time they sniff, touch it with their nose, or even look at it, praise and give a treat.
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How can I comfort my dog with a cone?

Having a rolled blanket or pillow to prop their coned head on can be much more comfortable. Lots of rewards. Provide lots of positive reinforcement when they're calm and relaxed in the cone. Treats and affection help to show them they're doing the right thing and eases their tension.
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Do dogs get depressed when wearing a cone?

That cone designed to protect their stitches actually makes your pet depressed. A new study by researchers in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney has found the cone, or the 'Elizabethan collar' as it's known in vet circles, does indeed impact on an animal's quality of life - owners, too.
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How long does it take for a dog to adjust to a cone?

You can pick up a dog cone at your vet's office before the surgery and let your dog adjust to it. Ochoa says it will take about two to three days for the dog to adjust to wearing one. When your dog is wearing it, give them treats to create a positive association. And take your time.
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What if my dog hates the cone?

Hold the cone, or place it on the ground in front of you. Do not try and put it on your dog in any way. Reward with a treat any time your dog shows interest in the cone. Any time they sniff, touch it with their nose, or even look at it, praise and give a treat.
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Dog Cone Care Tips

Why is my dog crying with a cone on?

Plastic cones restrict your dog's ability to move, which can be scary in itself. However, they also amplify sounds and limit your dog's field of vision. This can make for a frightening sensation for your dog, and she may act nervous or upset when wearing the cone.
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Should a dog sleep with a cone?

Yes – dogs can sleep, eat, drink, pee, and poop with a cone on. In fact, the stricter you are with the cone (officially called an Elizabethan collar or E-collar for short), the quicker your dog will get used to it.
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Can I put a shirt on my dog instead of a cone?

If your pet struggles with the cone, there is actually a pretty easy DIY alternative to keep your furry friend comfortable while they recover at home. You can make your pet a “jacket” out of an old T-shirt, and it can cover wounds or scars just like the cone.
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Can a dog be left alone wearing a cone?

Can I leave my dog alone with a cone on? It is not recommended to leave your dog alone for long periods of time when wearing a cone. If you can, try and take your dog with you so you can keep an eye on them, or leave him with someone else that you trust, such as another family member, dog sitter or neighbour.
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How can I calm my dog after surgery?

Antibiotics to prevent infection and pain medication to relieve post-op discomfort are the 2 most commonly prescribed medications for pets after surgery. If your pooch is anxious or high-strung your vet may also prescribe a sedative or anti-anxiety medication to help keep them calm while they are healing.
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How can my dog drink water with a cone on?

Try to get him to drink by holding your hands over his bowl or even in the water. As soon as he goes for it, slide his bowl all the way underneath his cone so it encloses the bowl. After you do this a few times, he'll learn to approach the bowl in a much more strategic manner.
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Can a dog sleep with an inflatable cone?

Luckily, dogs can comfortably sleep with an inflatable collar because it is lightweight, soft, and less intrusive. At the very least, the collar will keep the dog's neck in place and improve its sleeping position for a better night's sleep.
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Can dogs sleep with a donut on?

In this position, dogs lie flat on their backs with their belly exposed and paws in the air. While the donut position is ideal for conserving body heat, the belly up dog sleeping position is great for cooling off. This position is also the most vulnerable out of all because dogs are exposing their vital organs.
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Should I take my dog's collar off at night?

Removing your dog's collar at night is down to personal preference, there is no right or wrong answer but be guided by your dog's size, body type, breed, personality, and environment. If your dog does wear a collar at night, ensure it fits them properly to avoid choking hazards.
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Can I take the cone off my dog after 7 days?

The cone should stay on until the site is fully healed, and/or the sutures are removed. Most sutures and staples are left in for 10-14 days. Other lesions may take less or more time than that to heal completely.
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Can you use a baby onesie for dog after surgery?

Onesies are a great option for keeping your pet's wounds covered. They are an inexpensive, adorable way to keep your pet's wounds safe after surgery.
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Can I use a travel pillow as a dog cone?

Inflatable neck pillow

These neck pillows come in several different sizes and can be a comfortable alternative to the e-collar. To use one of these, simply inflate the pillow then place it around your dog's neck and secure it with Velcro.
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How do you keep a dog from licking a wound without a cone?

Alternatives to the “cone of shame” are inflatable collars, soft E-collars and neck brace collars. Try covering the wound with soft fabric secured by medical tape to prevent licking. Keep pets busy with other fun things to distract them from licking wounds.
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How long should a dog wear a cone for a hotspot?

Keep your pet's coat as dry as possible. Remove any matts as soon as you find them. If he or she is really worrying an area, and especially if they are prone to hot spots, get that cone out and use it for 2-3 days, break the cycle!
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Why is my dog whining after sedation?

The whining is due to the anesthetic drugs given for surgery, these drugs can cause your dog/cat to be confused and disoriented (dysphoric). We expect this behavior (as frustrating as it can be) for the next 12 to 24 hours as the anesthetic drugs wear off.
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Is it normal for dog to cry after surgery?

Some pets will also vocalize or whine as the last remaining sedative or anesthetic medications are removed from their systems, or in response to the prescribed pain medication. If crying or whining is mild and intermittent, you may simply monitor the situation. If vocalization persists, please call us for advice.
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Why does my dog sleep with his butt towards me?

The number one reason dogs face their bums towards their owners when they're sleeping is that they love and trust you. This sleeping position also makes your pup feel safe because he knows you've got his back (literally). Moreover, some dogs will do this because they are trying to mark you with their scent.
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Why do dogs sleep against you?

As your dog's owner, it sees you as part of its pack. As a result, your dog likely wants to lay close to you so that it can provide warmth and protection for you, just like you are doing for it. Even if there is not an active threat, dogs often sit in a protective or defensive mode just in case.
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Are inflatable cones better for dogs?

If your pet has a short face or doesn't tolerate cones, an inflatable collar may be a better option. The donut-shaped Kong Cloud Collar is ideal for short-nosed dogs because it still prevents them from licking most surgical sites but lets them eat more easily than a traditional cone.
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Are inflatable collars better than cones?

Inflatable collars are better than cones as they are more comfortable. Both an inflatable collar and a cone protect a dog after an injury or surgery. They are attached to the dog's neck to prevent the dog from licking the wound raw and, as a result, delaying the healing process.
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