How do I plant onions?

How to Plant Onions
  1. Bury onion sets 2 to 6 inches apart, gently pressing them into loose soil no more than 1 inch deep. ...
  2. Space transplants 4 to 5 inches apart and rows 12 to 18 inches apart.
  3. Set the bulbs with the point end up. ...
  4. Mulch with straw between rows to help retain moisture and stifle weeds.
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What is the best way to plant onion?

When seeding onions for bulbs, plant them ¼ inch deep during October through December. Place the seeds 1 inch apart. When the plants are about 6 inches high, thin them to one plant every 2 to 3 inches. Eat the extra plants as green onions.
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How do I grow onions from an onion?

If they are, fill a small pot halfway with potting soil and place the onion root end down in it. Fill the rest of the pot with soil, then water the onion cutting. Water your onion cutting whenever the soil feels dry to the touch. After about 3-4 months, your new onion should be ready to harvest!
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What is the best month to plant onions?

Onions are a cold-season crop, so the best time to plant them is in early spring. The cool weather will encourage them to grow tops. And as the weather warms up, that's the time they form bulbs. If you live in mild-winter areas, plant onions in the fall instead.
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How deep do you plant onions?

Onion varieties are available when purchasing plants. Select healthy green transplants and plant them 1 to 1 1/2 inches deep in rows 12 to 15 inches apart. To produce large, dry onions, place the plants 2 to 3 inches apart. Plant them as soon as the ground can be worked in spring.
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5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Onions in One Container or Garden Bed

How many onions will one onion grow?

How Many Onions Grow From One Bulb? One onion bulb will grow one onion. When onion bulbs are planted, they are a small version of a larger onion that has been grown the previous season. The small planted onion bulb swells and develops into one mature onion.
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Do onions require full sun?

In order to grow large onion bulbs, they need to get enough hours of daylight. Onions need full sun and at least 13 to 16 hours of light daily during bulb formation. In order to get a harvest during the summer, the onions must be planted as soon as your soil is tillable in the spring.
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How often do you water onions?

Onions need a lot of water, but the soil should never get soggy. Ideal onion water needs are to irrigate to a depth of an inch (2.5 cm.) once a week rather than a light sprinkling each day.
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How long does it take for onion to sprout?

In late summer to early fall (about 6-8 weeks before the first frost in your zone), broadcast onion seed in a garden bed. Cover with about 1/4″ of fine soil, watering well. The onions should begin to germinate within 7-10 days.
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Can I plant a whole onion?

In short the answer is, YES! You can plant a sprouted onion and grow a new one. Actually, usually you can get sometimes get three new onions from one sprouted onion! When your onions start to look rotten…
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Can you grow onions from onion tops?

Growing fresh green shoots from an onion's base is how many people reuse their onion scraps. But either on a window sill or in an outdoor onion patch, one can regrow a scrap into a full-sized onion using the method above. All that is needed is time and patience because the cycle can take 90 to 120 days.
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Are onions easy to grow?

Onions are surprisingly easy to grow! They are planted early in the spring and harvested from mid-summer through the fall. Whether you start your onions from seed or from sets, there are some tricks of the trade that make the difference between a great crop and a disappointing one.
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Should you soak onion sets before planting?

You can plant onion sets without soaking them, but soaked onions will sprout more quickly. You can also soak onion seed before planting to encourage germination. Soaking the sets in compost tea will give them added nutrition and protection from disease.
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Do onions like coffee grounds?

Yes, they do. Coffee grounds work absolutely great for onions. Coffee grounds contain nitrogen which is an essential nutrient for onions. You can have the grounds sprinkled on top of the beds and water them in or allow the rainwater to sink them in.
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How do you make an onion bed?

How to Build an Onion Bed
  1. Select an area that receives full sun for six to eight hours a day. ...
  2. Till the soil to a depth of 8 to 10 inches and remove all foreign objects, like roots and rocks, from the soil. ...
  3. Spread a 2- to 4-inch layer of organic matter, such as well-rotted manure or compost, over the onion bed.
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What do Overwatered onions look like?

Overwatering onions results in yellow leaves and rotten bulbs and roots. Allow overwatered plants to recover by withholding the water until the leaves look healthy.
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Can I plant onions in containers?

For growing onions in pots, select a container based on the type of onion. For onions you plan to harvest as scallions or spring green onions, an 8-inch (or larger) pot works fine. To raise bulb onions, you'll need a container wide enough so that each onion has about 3 inches of space around it.
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Do onions like wet soil?

Onions roots are shallow and not very efficient at taking up moisture, so they need a steady supply of water to grow without interruption. Although they actually recover well from drought and start growing again when watered, it is best to keep the soil consistently moist until the bulbs enlarge.
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Can I grow onions in shade?

Onions need ample sunlight to grow properly. The only onion type that does well in both full and partial sunlight is the green onion (scallions). Although green onions only require about four or five hours of sunlight every day, they should be planted in loose, compost-rich soil at least one inch apart.
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Do onions need fertilizer?

Onions require a high source of nitrogen. A nitrogen-based fertilizer (ammonium sulfate or ammonium nitrate) should be applied at the rate of one cup per twenty feet of row. The first application should be about three weeks after planting and then continue with applications every 2 to 3 weeks.
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How do you plant onions in pots?

If you're starting your onions indoors, prepare a large container with potting soil and dig in a slow-release fertilizer to help roots get a good start. Wait to transplant onions until the soil temperature reaches about 60°F. Plant onion sets and transplants about 2 to 3 inches deep and 1 to 2 inches apart.
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Does onion multiply?

Multiplying onions, sometimes called bunching onions or "potato" onions, grow on a pretty simple principle: You plant one bulb, and as it grows, it divides into a clump of several more bulbs.
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Should you hill onions?

Success in Harvesting Onions

Plant onions as soon as the garden can be worked. Rich soil, consistent moisture and cool temperatures help bulb development. It's best to create hills for onions that are to be used for green onions but do not hill those to be used for bulbs.
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