How do I know which cat is Alpha?

When a cat gets described as an “alpha” (or sometimes just as “dominant”) what someone often means is that it's showing one or more of these behaviors: Doesn't stop when told. Continues unwanted behavior even when punished. Chases or pursues other cats.
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How can you tell which cat is dominant?

Simple dominance will be exhibited by a cat by marking or spraying urine on territory, stealing and hoarding toys, rubbing its face on items it wants to claim as its own, claiming specific areas to sleep, pushing other cats away from the food bowl, and/or starting at or physically intimidating other cats.
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Do house cats have an Alpha?

Cats are incapable of considering a human to be an alpha. They have no concept of alpha and beta dynamics, even among themselves. If you feel like your cat doesn't respect you but respects another member of the house more, it's not because it thinks you are weak. It just doesn't feel attached to the other person.
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How do you know which cat is the aggressor?

Behavior typical of the aggressor includes staring the other cat down, hissing and swiping at the other cat, raising its back and hackles (the erectile hairs on the back are raised), and thrashing its tail back and forth.
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Do male cats have an Alpha?

Alpha male cats are dominant, natural-born leaders. They may bully other cats or even their owners into getting what they want when they want it. They may act aggressively for attention or to get more food. You might be the owner, but the alpha male cat believes he owns you.
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How Do Cats Dominate Each Other?

Is my cat dominant or submissive?

A cat shows submission to another cat by the way they position their body, including their ears and tail. When two cats see each other and one makes a challenge, a submissive cat might flatten their ears to appear smaller. They also may crouch low and lower their tail, even tucking it between their legs in some cases.
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How do you tell if your cats are a bonded pair?

How can you tell if two cats are bonded? If you are unsure of whether cats are bonded, there are some things to look for. These include enjoying playtime together, and also sleeping next to each other. Other bonded behaviors include rubbing their bodies and faces against each other, and eating food at the same time.
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How do you assert dominance over a cat?

When dominating a cat, don't be rude to the cat. Don't mock the cat while doing it. Just be firm and loving as a cat-mom, and you will get across the message that the cat's not rejected. Time, patience, honesty, confidence and consistency are the best ways to establish enough trust that you can dominate a cat.
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Do bonded cats fight?

Many bonded cats enjoy play fighting and will chase each other, roll around and bat each other with their paws. Play fighting is often silent, with plenty of gaps in between as each cat repositions itself. The biting is gentle and causes no injury or pain to the recipient and the claws are usually retracted.
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How do cats mark their humans?

People are usually marked by cats with their forehead, while furniture and other inanimate objects are marked by the sides of their cheeks and their chins. Cats have scent glands in their paws. Scratching in a variety of areas is the sign of a cat marking and not just working to keep his claws clean and sharp.
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Can a female cat be the alpha?

Among spayed and neutered cats there are some females that are dominant by nature – these are the Alpha Female Cats. In a multiple cat household, there is often a female at the top of the cat hierarchy. This cat has a lot of responsibility – it is her job to keep all of the other cats in line.
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Are female cats more territorial than male cats?

Female cats are territorial, but not to the same extent as males, as they defend much smaller territories. However, they're still aggressive toward other cats and humans if trespassing occurs. This behavior is more prominent in females that are protecting their litter.
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Why do cats choose one person?

Key Takeaways. Cats tend to favor one person over others even if they were well-socialized as kittens. Cats are expert communicators and gravitate towards people that they communicate well with. Look for communication cues from your cat, such as your cat approaching you in search of food or petting.
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Do cats have a pecking order?

Hierarchy Among Cats

Most multi-cat households have a pecking order, which may change from time-to-time and even day by day.
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How do you tell if cats are getting along?

How to tell if your cats get along with each other – six key behaviours to look for.
  1. They head-butt each other. Don't worry, not in an aggressive way! ...
  2. They groom each other. ...
  3. They snooze together. ...
  4. They touch noses. ...
  5. They hang out together. ...
  6. They have a rough and tumble.
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How do you tell if cats are fighting or playing?

If your cats' bodies are relaxed or their ears are pointed forward, they're likely just playing. If your cats flatten their ears, hold their ears back, or puff up their fur or tails, this is a sign that they're fighting, not playing.
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Should I let my cats fight it out?

Never let the cats “fight it out.” Cats don't resolve their issues through fighting, and the fighting usually just gets worse. Interrupt aggression with a loud clap of your hands or spray from a water gun. Neuter the cats. Intact males are particularly prone to aggressive behavior.
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Should you hiss back at your cat?

You shouldn't hiss at your cat because they might perceive your hissing as a threat and become scared. Since cats use hissing as a defensive mechanism to express discomfort, stress, or fear and to avoid confrontation, you should also avoid using hissing to discipline them.
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Do cats lick to show dominance?

According to scientific studies such as this one from 1998, a prominent reason cats lick and groom each other may be as a sign of dominance. Cats have a social hierarchy all their own, where some cats are more dominant with a higher social ranking than others.
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What is a beta cat?

If your business needs a "greeter cat," look for a beta. This outgoing quality makes her especially easy to care for, because if the food dish is getting low or the litter box isn't being kept up, you will know about it right away. Betas are known as "supervisors." She loves to watch you do things.
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Is there a dominant cat in a bonded pair?

A bonded pair of cats will spend time together grooming each other, playing together, rub heads or tails, and sleep side by side. The dynamics of bonded cats can vary, but you may find one cat is comforting to the other cat, one may be more dominant than the other, or they can be on equal footing.
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Is it better to have two cats of the same gender?

A male and a female may not get along better than a pair of the same sex. Sex simply isn't an accurate predictor of how well a pair of cats will get along. Instead, whether the cats are similar in temperament is more important. Cats that act the same are more likely to get along.
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Are cats happier in pairs?

Pairs are Happier

Despite their independent natures, cats are social creatures that need companionship to thrive. Left alone, a cat can develop behavioral problems, and in some cases, even show signs of depression. Cats in bonded pairs, on the other hand, are more likely to be better adjusted.
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Are female cats more dominant than males?

Some owners and behaviorists argue that there are distinct differences between male and female cats, but only when the cats are intact. Males, for instance, are typically more aggressive and likely to display dominant behavior before being neutered.
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How do you show your cat you are the boss?

To nip bad behavior in the bud, shake a can of coins or squirt him with water when you catch him in the act. Also, lavish him with praise and treats when he displays good behavior, such as scratching a scratching post instead of the couch. The positive experience will make him want to keep up the good work.
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