How do I know when to repot my money tree?

Money trees usually need to be repotted every three years. When repotting, choose pots with good drainage holes and keep the bottom lined with rocks or gravel. While you can trim back some root growth, take care to not cut off more than 25% of the roots. The best time to repot is during the early spring.
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Does money tree like to be root bound?

There are some misconceptions about how Money Trees prefer to be kept. The fact is that few plants prefer to be root bound, regardless of what type they are. There are many plants, including Money Trees, that can tolerate being root bound, but that isn't necessarily a comfortable way for them to live.
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How often should I rotate my money tree?

Money Tree

Rotate your plant monthly to keep growth even. Water your Money Tree when the soil volume is 50-75% dry. Always check the soil moisture before watering.
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Do money trees outgrow their pots?

Your Money Tree can grow to a maximum height of 8 ft. To encourage this growth, continuously size your pot up every time you repot your Money Tree.
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When should I repot my Chinese money plant?

You can repot your plant any time during the year, even when it is dormant in the colder months of the year. Pileas are hardly little plants and can survive a transplant at a less ideal time of the year. However, for best results, repot your Pilea just before it starts growing again for the year in the early spring.
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Money tree REPOTTING | Money tree plant care instructions

Do Chinese money plants like to be misted?

The Chinese Money Plant does not have any specific preferences for humidity. But like all plants, it won't be happy in a very dry environment. When this plant is too dry, its leaves will become crispy – not good. To avoid this, you can mist this plant every now and then.
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How do you know if a money tree is healthy?

Feel the top inch— if it's dry, you should water your Money Tree. If your Money Tree goes too long without water, the leaves will entirely turn brown and may even begin to start dropping from the plant. Try to avoid this as it is a serious stressor for the plant. Money Tree leaves should be a healthy and vibrant green.
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Do money trees like to be misted?

Temperature and Humidity:

As far as humidity goes, money trees thrive with extra moisture, so make sure you mist your plant regularly.
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Should I cut back my money tree?

Money trees should be pruned if they start to grow too tall or wide for their pots. You may notice branches or leaves extending out from the top or sides of the tree. This means it's time to prune the tree to reshape it and encourage healthy growth.
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Should I take the twist tie off my money tree?

If you want to keep the shape of your plant, leave the wire in place. If you don't mind the branches drooping, or you just want the plant to grow in its natural form, remove the wire, taking care not to damage the wood.
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How long do money trees live?

If properly maintained, domestic money trees can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years. Interestingly enough, money trees that grow in the wild (in South and Central America) are known to last over 30 years or more. Now, let's discuss how to take care of your money tree.
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How big do money trees get indoors?

Indoors, you can treat a money tree as a bonsai plant and prune it regularly, or let it grow to its maximum inside height of about 8 feet. Money tree goes by a few other monikers, including water chestnut and Guiana chestnut.
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Why is my money tree drooping?

OVERWATERING: The most common reason for nearly every ailment your Money Tree is experiencing is overwatering. If you've given your plant too much water, it may have damaged the roots. When roots are damaged, they cannot send out water and nutrients to the rest of the plant, causing drooping or yellowing leaves.
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Why do the leaves on my money tree curl?

Overwatering can cause the leaves of the Money Tree to curl. They usually curl down, although some people have reported that the leaves of their plant curled up from overwatering. This condition can be remedied by reducing excess watering, and only water when the top inch of the soil around the plant is dry.
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What kind of soil does a money tree need?

Since a well-draining soil is necessary when potting a tree, the best soil for money trees typically contains ingredients like sand, pebbles, perlite, or horticultural charcoal, all of which help facilitate drainage. Look for soils containing either peat moss or sphagnum moss because moss makes soil slightly acidic.
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Where should a money tree be placed in the house?

Money trees are a favorite houseplant for feng shui, and they're thought to bring good financial fortune when placed in the southeast section of your home—or the area associated with money.
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How do you repot a money tree?

There's no need to fertilize in the winter. Carefully remove your tree from the pot, gently untangle any roots, and cut away any mushy roots with a sharp knife. Pour enough potting mix into the pot so that your root ball is 1 inch below the rim. Place the tree on top of the mix and fill in any remaining holes.
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How do I know if my money tree needs water?


One of the most common indicators that a Money Tree needs water is wrinkling or curling leaves. If you see this happening to your plant, check the soil with your finger or moisture meter and water it thoroughly.
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Why are leaves falling off my money plant?

A Money Tree dropping leaves is most commonly due to overwatering or underwatering, but multiple sources of stress will also cause leaf drop. Drafts, temperature stress, pests, acclimation, disease, repotting, or planting in an unsuitable pot or soil can also cause leaf drop.
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Should I cut yellow leaves off money tree?

Simply cut the unwanted leaves off so that new ones can grow and replace. Do not leave yellowing leaves on until they turn brown since it can spread decay to other parts of the plant.
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How do you get new growth on money tree?

One of the main ways to encourage a Money Tree to grow bigger is by giving it ample space to do so. Replanting your Money Tree into a larger pot, preferably one size up from its current pot, will give your Money Tree plenty of room to stretch out its roots.
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How long do Chinese money plants live?

If properly cared for, Chinese Money Plants live around 10 years, but with some extra love and attention, they may even be able to gain a couple more years as well.
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Do Chinese money plants like pebble trays?

As the water evaporates from the tray beneath, your Pilea will receive extra humidity. Be sure not to put any stones or pebbles on your Pilea soil as it can make it more difficult for pups to come through to the surface.
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