How do I know if my worm bin is too dry?

Take a handful of the compost in your worm farm and give it a good squeeze (remove any worms before you squeeze!). You should be able to just extract a few drops of water. If you can't, then your worm farm may be too dry.
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Is my worm farm too dry?

Simply pick up a small handful of bedding and squeeze. The bedding should have the consistency of a wrung-out sponge. If water leaks out between your fingers, it is too moist. If it feels flaky or crumbly, the worm bin is too dry.
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How moist should a worm bin be?

As discussed in our Worms breathe through their skin blog – keeping your worms moist is key to ensuring they can effectively dissolve oxygen into their bloodstream through their skin. Your worm farm environment should maintain a moisture content range of around 60-85%.
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Do I need to keep my worm farm moist?

Worms need moisture in order to breathe oxygen through their skin. If a worms skin dries out, they will suffocate. Likewise, if the moisture level of worm bin bedding is too high, they will drown. And when conditions are too wet, it deprives oxygen that is needed to support the breakdown of foods.
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How wet should a vermicompost bin be?

Thankfully, composting worms are very tolerant of a wide range of dampness, between 50-90%. But “wet it and forget it” is decidedly not a winning plan. A sopping wet worm bin can cause a slowdown in worm activity and reproduction and worse yet, stinky, anaerobic conditions which may spoil your entire bin.
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When is a worm bin too dry? | Vermicompost Worm Farm

How do I add moisture to my worm bin?

Feeding high-moisture foods such as fruits and tomatoes can cause a worm bin to become too moist. Add dry coir or shredded paper to reduce moisture in a worm bin. To correct a wet bin, add dry shredded paper or coir, which will help to soak up excess moisture.
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How often should I add water to my worm bin?

Once every week, pour about five litres of fresh water into the Top Working Tray, which will flood down through the lower trays, ensuring the entire worm farm remains very moist. The sudden 'flood' will not harm the worms. Adding water is especially important in the hotter months of the year.
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Why is my worm farm not producing liquid?

A worm farm not producing liquid is usually the result of one or more of the following: Evaporation/lack of moisture. pH imbalance. Pests.
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Should I wet my worm blanket?

Worm blankets need to be watered whenever you feed the worms. So long as the bedding has the consistency of a wrung-out sponge, you are doing it right.
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Is tap water OK for worms?

A. Its likely that the worms would prefer rain water but tap water is fine even with chlorine in it.
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How much water do worms need?

Watering daily or multiple times per week is not normally required. In many cases you can water every week or 2 - it depends on temperature, humidity, and other factors so monitor the bin and if you see it getting dry give it a good misting or spray.
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How do I know if my worm farm is working?

You can tell that your compost worms are happy and healthy by looking out for three signs:
  1. They reproduce. Worms can easily double their population every 90 days, given the right environment. ...
  2. They produce compost. Worms need to eat to produce worm castings. ...
  3. The compost does not stink.
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Should I put dirt in my worm bin?

Cover ALL of the food scraps with dirt and moist paper. Exposed food attracts fruit flies, but covered food scraps don't. Add dirt and moist paper to the bin until the worms have made enough compost to use to cover the food scraps. Notice what the worms are eating and what they are not.
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Do worms like grass clippings?

Grass clippings are a great addition to a traditional compost pile and worms will eat these as well in their natural setting, but in your vermicomposting system, they will heat up the soil and can kill all of your worms.
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Why are my worms going to the bottom?

The worms are heading to the bottom as they are trying to get cool. Add some bedding to the top layer (damp newspaper, cardboard) to encourage the worms upwards.
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How often should I feed my worm farm?

Plan to feed your outdoor composting worms about once every 2 or 3 weeks. Be careful not to overfeed your worms. If you add too much food for your worms they will not be able to eat it before it rots.
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Can you overfeed a worm farm?

Over-Feeding Causes Odors

The worms' job is to eat the food before it gets super-rotten and stinky. If you add too much food at a time, they cannot keep up. Too much food can also push the air out of the bin, leading to foul-smelling anaerobic decomposition.
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Why does my worm farm keep dying?

Usually, worms dying in vermicompost systems can be traced back to one of a few problems: incorrect moisture levels, problematic temperatures, lack of air circulation, and too much or too little food. Keeping a worm farm means constantly checking it for these key items.
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How much water does a worm need per day?

Add a gallon of garden soil-the worms need the grit to aid their digestion-and 4 gallons of water to provide sufficient moisture. The bedding material should be moist but not soggy.
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Do worms like banana peels?

Bananas are a great and inexpensive snack for both us and our worms. Those peels are desirable to compost worms no matter what shape they're in. They'll make short work of what otherwise would have taken up space in your trash.
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Is it OK to have maggots in my worm farm?

There are flies or maggots in the farm!

Tiny little vinegar flies are occasionally present in worm farms (and compost bins) and are absolutely nothing to worry about. If larger flies or maggots are present, it is generally a sign that food (especially meat) is rotting rather than being eaten by your worms.
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How much bedding do worms need?

When do I add the bedding? When you start your worm bin, and at each harvest time, fill or top off the bin to about three-fourths full with damp- ened bedding. Add a few handfuls of garden soil to provide bacteria and grit to help worm digestion. Maintain a 2- to 3-inch layer of dampened bedding at all times.
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Can earthworms survive in potting mix?

What is this? Earthworms should not be added to potted plants since the soil used to pot the plant may not have enough food for them to grow and proliferate like ground soil or in a vermipost, they will eventually die or crawl out.
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Why are my worms at the top of the bin?

2) Worms Are Attracted to Condensation

By far, the most common reason to see worms on the walls and underside of the lid of your worm bin is because condensation is present. Condensation occurs when warm air comes into contact with cool surfaces.
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