How do I know if my ankle pain is serious?

Seek immediate medical attention if you:
  1. Have severe pain or swelling.
  2. Have an open wound or severe deformity.
  3. Have signs of infection, such as redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or a fever greater than 100 F (37.8 C)
  4. Cannot put weight on your foot.
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Should I walk on my ankle if it hurts?

Do not walk on a sprained ankle. The inflamed tissue needs time to heal, and walking on it too soon may cause more damage. Ankle sprains are common musculoskeletal injuries that can occur from playing sports or from everyday activities.
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How do you know if something is wrong with your ankle?

Inflammation, Swelling, or Redness

Swelling or discoloration at the site of the injury may be an indication of a strain. Additionally, a strained ankle may be warm to the touch. If you experience this symptom, ice your ankle and keep it elevated.
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What does a torn ligament in ankle feel like?

If you have torn your ankle ligament, symptoms include: Swelling around your ankle joint. A feeling of instability. Bruising – sometimes up your lower leg and into your foot.
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What causes ankle pain without injury?


Instead of the body attacking its own joints, osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between two joints wears down and the bones begin to rub against each other. This can lead to sudden ankle pain without injury as the condition develops overtime.
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Ankle Pain - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

When should I go to the doctor for ankle pain?

Have severe pain or swelling. Have an open wound or severe deformity. Have signs of infection, such as redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or a fever greater than 100 F (37.8 C) Cannot put weight on your foot.
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What does it mean if your ankle hurts but you didn't twist it?

Stress fractures and tendonitis are both common conditions caused by overuse. If physical activity is not the cause of your pain, a number of other conditions may be responsible. A ruptured tendon, nerve damage, infection, or arthritis should all be ruled out by a medical professional.
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How do you tell if a tendon is torn or strained?

Signs and symptoms may include:
  1. A snapping or popping sound at the time of injury.
  2. A gritty or crunchy feeling on trying to move the affected site.
  3. Severe pain.
  4. Inability to move the affected limb.
  5. Swelling.
  6. A visible deformity at the injured site.
  7. Bruising.
  8. Inability to bear weight on the affected limb.
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What happens if a torn ligament in ankle goes untreated?

This is especially true in sprains that were not treated. If they're left untreated, sprains will often cause the ankle to become unstable, which can lead to chronic pain, swelling, instability and, ultimately, arthritis.
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How do I know if my foot injury is serious?

Go to the emergency room if:
  1. there's an open wound on your foot.
  2. pus is coming out of your foot.
  3. you can't walk or put weight on your foot.
  4. you experience severe bleeding.
  5. there are broken bones coming through your skin.
  6. you feel lightheaded or dizzy.
  7. you think your foot could be infected.
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How do I know what type of ankle injury I have?

3 Grades of Ankle Sprains
  1. Grade 1: Your ankle will probably feel sore and may be slightly swollen. In this case, the ligament has been overstretched but not torn.
  2. Grade 2: You have a partial tear in the ligament. This causes prolonged pain and swelling. ...
  3. Grade 3: This is a full tear of the ankle ligament.
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How can you tell how severe your ankle sprain is?

What are the types of ankle sprains?
  1. Grade 1 (Mild). The ligament fibers stretched slightly or there is a very small tear. Your ankle will have minor swelling and tenderness to the touch.
  2. Grade 2 (Moderate). The ligament is torn, but it isn't a complete tear. ...
  3. Grade 3 (Severe). The ligament is torn completely.
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Why is my ankle pain when I walk?

The most common causes include injury, arthritis and normal wear and tear. Depending on the cause, you may feel pain or stiffness anywhere around the ankle. Your ankle may also swell, and you may not be able to put any weight on it. Usually, ankle pain gets better with rest, ice and over-the-counter pain medications.
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When should you get a sprained ankle checked?

When to see a doctor for a sprained ankle
  1. You have swelling that is tender to the touch.
  2. You have bruising around the ankle or foot.
  3. You have a restricted range of motion.
  4. You have pain and are unable to bear weight on the affected foot.
  5. You noticed a popping sensation or sound at the time of the injury.
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How long does it take for a torn ligament in the ankle to heal?

Moderate injuries may take between three and four weeks. Because of limited blood flow to the ligaments of the ankle, more severe injuries may take between three and six months to heal.
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What is a Grade 3 ankle sprain?

Grade 3: This is a complete tear of the affected ligament(s) with severe swelling and bruising. The ankle is unstable and walking is likely not possible because the ankle gives out and there is intense pain.
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Will xray show torn ligament in ankle?

X-rays do NOT show tendons, ligaments, nerves, cartilage or blood vessels. X-rays typically show bones and joints, and may, at times, show the absence of skin (e.g. infection).
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How do you know if you need ankle ligament surgery?

You might need this surgery if one or more of the ligaments on the outside of your ankle has loosened or stretched. This leads to a condition called chronic ankle instability. It can cause chronic pain, repeated ankle sprains, and an ankle that often gives way when you walk or perform activities.
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Can you walk on a torn ligament in your ankle?

The quick answer is yes, typically you can walk with a torn ligament or tendon in the foot. Walking may be painful but you can typically still walk. For example, the Posterior Tibialis Tendon runs down the back of the shin, behind the middle bump of the ankle (medial malleolus) and to the bottom of the foot.
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How do you tell if a tendon is inflamed?

Signs and symptoms of tendinitis tend to occur at the point where a tendon attaches to a bone and typically include:
  1. Pain often described as a dull ache, especially when moving the affected limb or joint.
  2. Tenderness.
  3. Mild swelling.
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Does a torn tendon hurt to touch?

You may also experience tenderness in the area of the damage, which means the tendon is sensitive to touch or pressure.
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What does tendon damage feel like?

Pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and/or swelling near the injured tendon. Pain may increase with activity. Symptoms of tendon injury may affect the precise area where the injured tendon is located or may radiate out from the joint area, unlike arthritis pain, which tends to be confined to the joint.
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Can you have a stress fracture in your ankle?

Stress fractures are common in foot and ankle bones because we continually place force on them by standing, walking, running and jumping. In a stress fracture, the bone breaks but usually does not shift position (become "displaced").
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Can walking on a sprained ankle make it worse?

Yes. That's the very short answer. According to the National Association of Athletic Trainers, ankle injuries, including sprains, are very often undertreated. Ignoring treatment, including excessive movement of the ankle through unnecessary walking, leads to a greater risk of worsening the injury.
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Do ankle ligaments heal on their own?

Nearly all isolated low ankle sprains can be treated without surgery. Even a complete ligament tear (Grade 3) will heal without surgical repair if it is immobilized and rehabilitated appropriately.
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