How do I get my baby to open his mouth wider to latch?

Tease your baby to opening her mouth
Try drawing your chin to your chest and swallowing and you'll see how uncomfortable it can be! Then, using the length of your finger (not the tip), gently draw her chin down to encourage a wider mouth.
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How can I get my baby to latch bigger?

Hold your baby close, your nipple level with his nose. Touch your nipple gently against his upper lip to encourage him to open his mouth wide. The wider his mouth is, the easier it will be to get a good latch on.
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How can I help my baby with a small mouth latch?

Steps to a Good Latch
  1. Tickle your baby's lips with your nipple. This will help baby open their mouth wide.
  2. Aim your nipple just above your baby's top lip. Make sure your baby's chin isn't tucked into their chest.
  3. Aim your baby's lower lip away from the base of your nipple.
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How do I get my baby to open his mouth to eat?

Hold the spoon 12 inches in front of your baby's face and let them notice the spoon and open their mouth. Remember, if they're uninterested or distracted, don't slip in the spoon while they're not looking. Guide the spoon toward the back corners of her mouth, not their top lip or hard palate.
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How is poor latch corrected?

The fix: Unlatch (break the suction by putting your finger into the corner of her mouth) and try again. Ditto if you hear clicking noises, which indicate your baby's not latched on properly (and is likely only sucking the nipple). Again, unlatch and start over.
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How do I get my baby to open wide?

Why is my baby's latch getting worse?

Engorged breasts

If your milk is not being removed sufficiently, you may experience engorgement, which makes it harder for your baby to latch on and breastfeed. Gently hand express a little milk before feeding to soften the breast.
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Why does my baby acts hungry but won't latch?

Slow flow. If a fast letdown isn't the problem with your baby unlatching, perhaps a slow milk flow could be the issue. She could be tugging at your nipples in the hopes of getting more milk, especially if she's particularly hungry. One simple remedy is to switch sides.
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Why does my baby not opening his mouth for food?

Your baby may refuse being spoon-fed because they'd rather feed themselves. They may be asserting their independence. In that case, let them feed themselves and try not to worry about how much they're eating if they're in control. Just give them plenty of finger foods to choose from.
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Does my baby have a shallow latch?

Look at your baby's mouth

A baby who's latching deeply should have a mouth that resembles a fish's: open wide, with lips far apart and turned out and cheeks rounded. They should have both the nipple and most of the areola in their mouth. In a shallow latch, the baby's lips are turned inward and almost meet.
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How do nurses get a deeper latch?

With your baby's head tilted back and chin up, lift him or her to touch your nipple. The nipple should rest just above the baby's upper lip. Wait for your baby to open very wide, then "scoop" the breast by placing the lower jaw on first. Now tip your baby's head forward and place the upper jaw well behind your nipple.
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How do you deep latch with flat nipples?

Helping your baby latch on to flat or inverted nipples
  1. rolling your nipple between your thumb and forefinger to encourage it to stick out.
  2. compressing your breast just behind your areola with your fingers in a 'V' or 'C' shape to push your nipple outwards.
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What should a good latch feel like?

The latch feels comfortable to you and does not hurt or pinch. Your baby's chest rests against your body. Your baby does not have to turn his or her head while drinking. You see little or no areola (the darker skin around the nipple), depending on the size of your areola and the size of your baby's mouth.
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Can pacifier cause shallow latch?

By virtue of #1 (delaying feeds) and #2 (affecting the latch) another possible drawback with using a pacifier is that a mother's milk supply might drop. Being in a shallow latch or having infrequent feeds mean the breasts are drained less well and less often.
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How do you test for tongue thrust reflex?

You can test it by simply offering a spoon as if you're trying to feed. The spoon can be clean or you may choose to add a small amount of baby cereal with breast milk or formula. If a baby's tongue thrusts forward and rejects the spoon, the reflex is still present.
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How many ounces should my baby eat?

General guidelines for baby feeding

Most newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times every 24 hours. Babies might only take in half ounce per feeding for the first day or two of life, but after that will usually drink 1 to 2 ounces at each feeding. This amount increases to 2 to 3 ounces by 2 weeks of age.
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What should I do if my newborn doesn't want to eat?

There are a few reasons that a newborn baby may not be eating enough such as a tongue-tie, blocked nose, stomach flu, illness, or being born prematurely. However, regardless of the reason, if your newborn isn't feeding normally, you should call their doctor, especially if your baby is sleepy and dull.
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Why does my baby latch on and off and cry?

Teething. Teething can cause fussy nursing behavior, as some babies experience gum discomfort with sucking. Baby might start to nurse, but then pull off and cry or fuss and not want to nurse anymore. See Teething for more information and tips.
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Why does my newborn fight latching?

"When breasts are full, it's difficult for her to latch on, because your nipples are flat," explains Meier. Expressing some milk before each feeding should help both engorgement and heavy milk flow. Finally, your baby may have gas and need to be burped more often.
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How long does it take for baby to learn to latch?


Prematurity or immaturity. Babies as early as 28 weeks may be able to nurse, but often it takes some weeks for them to latch or to nurse effectively. Time, patience, gentleness, and togetherness are your friends.
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Can a good latch still hurt?

If you have a good latch then it's usually short-lived, just while your nipples adapt to the friction they're not used to. But some soreness during this period is to be expected.
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How do you know if baby has a bad latch?

There are signs of ineffective sucking in the baby who:

Latches on and then lets go of the breast often during the feeding. Falls asleep within five minutes of latch-on or after sucking two or three minutes. Does not suck regularly for the first seven to 10 minutes of a feeding.
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What is a bad latch?

When your baby is latching on to just your nipple, or you do not see or hear your baby swallowing, they may not be getting a good latch. Additional signs of a poor latch include:8. Your child is sucking in their cheeks as they try to breastfeed. Your baby does not have their lips out like a fish.
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What causes a shallow latch?

A shallow latch occurs when your baby doesn't take a large enough mouthful of breast tissue into its mouth when latching. As a result your nipple is too far forward in your baby's mouth, it can rub on their hard palate, which can cause pain and damage when feeding.
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Can baby gain weight with bad latch?

Some common symptoms of tongue or lip tie are a poor latch, a clicking sound while nursing, gassiness, reflux, colic, poor weight gain or baby gagging on milk or popping off your breast frequently to gasp for air.
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How long does Painful latch last?

As Your Baby Latches

Until then, it's normal to feel a small amount of discomfort while your baby latches on and pulls your nipple and areola into his or her mouth. This discomfort should only last for approximately 30 to 45 seconds after latching.
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