How do dragonflies give birth?

Female dragonflies lay their eggs on submerged aquatic plants, mud banks submerged in water, or if they can't find a better spot, directly in the water. Depending on the species, a female can lay hundreds or thousands of eggs during her lifespan. In tropical regions, dragonfly eggs may hatch in as little as five days.
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How do dragonflies lay their eggs?

Dragonfly larvae require water to survive, so female adults are always searching for water habitats such as ponds, streams and swamps to lay their eggs. The eggs are laid directly into or close to water. Once hatched, the larvae adopt an aquatic lifestyle very different from their parents.
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How do dragonflies have babies?

The egg, the nymph (or larva), and the adult. The dragonfly begins life in or near the water, as an egg. After mating, the female dragonfly will often lay her eggs while still holding on to the male, or while the male guards her from predators and other males. Rarely, she will lay her eggs alone.
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How many eggs does a dragonfly lay at once?

A clutch may have as many as 1500 eggs, and they take about a week to hatch into aquatic nymphs or naiads which moult between six and 15 times (depending on species) as they grow.
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Do dragonflies have live babies?

It was always thought that dragonflies and damselflies (the Odonata) were oviparous: they lay eggs which sit around in the environment and develop until they hatch into larvae. However, a recent paper has suggested that there could be some cases in which dragonflies come very close to bearing live young.
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Birth of a dragonfly (vlog)

What's a baby dragonfly called?

Like adult dragonflies, juvenile dragonflies, called nymphs, are fierce predators — for their size. Dragonfly nymphs occur in many aquatic habitats. They are especially common near clumps of aquatic vegetation or submerged tree roots.
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Do dragonflies only live for 24 hours?

Is it true that they only live for one day? At the shortest, a dragonfly's natural life-cycle from egg to death of adult is about 6 months. Some of the larger dragonflies take 6 or 7 years! Most of this time is spent in the larval form, beneath the water surface, catching other invertebrates.
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How long do dragonflies live after laying eggs?

As adults, dragonflies have life expectancies as short as a week. However, lifespans can extend. In colder weather they'll be shorter, but if conditions are warm and absent extreme weather (significant rainstorms and wind), dragonflies can live beyond a couple months and as long as six months.
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How can you tell if a dragonfly is male or female?

If you have a dragonfly in your net or your hand or a really good photo, look for a bump on the underside of the abdomen near its joint with the thorax. If there's a bump there, it's a male. If the underside of the dragonfly is smooth, it's a female.
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Do female dragonflies eat their mates?

Khelifa is interested in finding out whether the behaviour is unique to species that lay eggs alone or whether it is more widespread. Using extreme tactics to resolve sexual conflict isn't unique to moorland hawkers: in their damselfly relatives, for example, females eat their partner.
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Why do dragonflies attach to each other?

Have you noticed dragonfly pairs flying about connected tail-to-head? The common explanation is that the dragonflies are mating. This is not true, but it is a behavior related to mating. When dragonflies are ready to mate, males have to prepare for the magic moment via a process called self insemination.
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Do dragonflies mate in the air?

When a male has attracted a receptive female, he grasps her behind the neck with a pair of pincers. The female then curves her abdomen under the male's so that the sperm can be deposited. In this locked position, they often take flight in an aerial "mating circle" that's said to be unique among animals.
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Where do dragonflies deposit their eggs?

Female dragonflies lay their eggs on submerged aquatic plants, mud banks submerged in water, or if they can't find a better spot, directly in the water. Depending on the species, a female can lay hundreds or thousands of eggs during her lifespan.
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How long does it take dragonfly eggs to hatch?

A dragonfly starts life as an egg laid in or near water. Dragonfly larvae, called nymphs (also naiads), are aquatic. The egg usually hatches in 1-2 weeks. The nymph will feed and grow, shedding its skin several times.
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How do dragonflies mate?

To mate, the male first grabs a female by the back of her neck with claspers at the end of his abdomen — these structures actually fit into species-specific grooves in the female. From here, the pair can fly around together in tandem.
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How long are dragonflies pregnant?

No parental care is provided after the eggs are laid. Most dragonfly eggs hatch in one to three weeks, but some species can overwinter.
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Where do dragonflies sleep at night?

The main way dragonflies have to protect themselves when they are sleeping is to hide away from potential predators. They do this in part by physically hiding in vegetation, and in part by using camouflage.
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Where do dragonflies go in rain?

Dragonflies hover near slips of water – a puddle that forms in the monsoon, low-lying areas that are actually seasonal wetlands, small ponds, nehers. Dragonflies lay their eggs in the water, and their young ones, nymphs, emerge to eat other insects in the water.
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Do dragonflies eat each other?

- yup, they do. Big eaters: As adults, dragonflies feed on other live insects. They aren't picky eaters.
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What happens if a dragonfly bites you?

They do, however, have teeth. So a bite is possible. Dragonflies aren't an aggressive insect, but they can bite out of self-defense when they feel threatened. The bite isn't dangerous, and in most cases, it won't break human skin.
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How do dragonflies drink water?

Dragonflies drink water using their mouths; however, many people see them dipping the tips of their tails into the water and think this might be a way that they can drink; however, this is actually the female dragonflies laying their eggs.
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What eats a dragon fly?

Fish, frogs, newts, and other larger aquatic creatures eat the dragonfly nymphs. Adult dragonflies are food for birds, lizards, bats, and even spiders!
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What do dragonflies turn into?

Dragonflies undergo incomplete metamorphosis; unlike other winged insects, such as butterflies, dragonflies do not have a pupal stage and transition straight from a larva to an adult. This transition, the final larval moult, takes place out of water.
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How do dragonflies benefit humans?

"They are considered beneficial to humans. "Dragonflies are predators in the insect world and feed on many small-to-medium-sized bugs, eating things like mosquitoes, flies, moths and midges. Dragonflies eat their own weight, or even more, in harmful insects on a daily basis."
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