How do COVID-19 platelets affect blood vessels?

The study also found that COVID-19–exposed platelets change cells lining blood vessels (endothelial cells) largely through a protein called P-selectin, which makes platelets stickier and more likely to form clots.
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How does COVID-19 affect the blood?

Some people with COVID-19 develop abnormal blood clots, including in the smallest blood vessels. The clots may also form in multiple places in the body, including in the lungs. This unusual clotting may cause different complications, including organ damage, heart attack and stroke.
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Which organ system is most often affected by COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 that can trigger what doctors call a respiratory tract infection. It can affect your upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose, and throat) or lower respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs).
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Can COVID-19 damage organs?

COVID-19 can cause lasting damage to multiple organs, including the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver and brain. SARS CoV-2 first affects the lungs through the nasal passages. When the lungs are severely affected, it can affect the heart.

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Can blood clots be a complication of COVID-19?

Some COVID-19 deaths are believed to be caused by blood clots forming in major arteries and veins. Blood thinners prevent clots and have antiviral, and possibly anti-inflammatory, properties.
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Coagulation Cascade Animation - Physiology of Hemostasis

Can COVID-19 cause blood clots?

Patients with severe cases of COVID-19 seem especially susceptible, as do those with other health risk factors such as cancer, obesity and a history of blood clots.

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Can COVID-19 cause pulmonary embolism?

As if the breathing complications associated with COVID-19 aren't worrisome enough, doctors are discovering another risk posed by the coronavirus: blood clots that can lead to life-threatening strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary embolism.
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Does COVID-19 cause kidney damage?

Some people suffering with severe cases of COVID-19 will show signs of kidney damage, even those who had no underlying kidney problems before they were infected with the coronavirus. Signs of kidney problems in patients with COVID-19 include high levels of protein or blood in the urine and abnormal blood work.
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Are long term side effects possible with the COVID-19 vaccine?

Benefits of Vaccination Outweigh the Risks Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unusual following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination.

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What are some potential lingering symptoms after COVID-19?

For people who have had COVID-19, lingering COVID-19 heart problems can complicate their recovery. Some of the symptoms common in coronavirus “long-haulers,” such as palpitations, dizziness, chest pain and shortness of breath, may be due to heart problems — or, just from having been ill with COVID-19.

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Can COVID-19 spread through sexual intercourse?

Although COVID-19 has been detected in semen and feces, currently we do not think that the virus is spread through the sexual act. But, given that the virus is spread through respiratory droplets—which are much more likely to be shared when in close contact with another person—many sexual acts will be considered high risk. So, as the New York City Department of Health details in its safer sex and COVID-19 fact sheet, minimizing risks by exploring other avenues of meaningful interaction is suggested and recommended.
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How does COVID-19 affect the heart and lungs?

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, most commonly affects the lungs but It can also lead to serious heart problems. Lung damage caused by the virus prevents oxygen from reaching the heart muscle, which in turn damages the heart tissue and prevents it from getting oxygen to other tissues.

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How COVID-19 infect the body?

A virus infects your body by entering healthy cells. There, the invader makes copies of itself and multiplies throughout your body.

The new coronavirus latches its spiky surface proteins to receptors on healthy cells, especially those in your lungs.

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How long could antibodies stay in your blood after a COVID-19 infection?

"Antibodies can last in your blood for months, but we don't know how much you need to be protected", said Horovitz, who was not involved in the new study. People who had more severe COVID-19 disease do have higher antibody levels but that doesn't protect them forever, he noted.
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How does the immune system reacts to the COVID-19 virus?

When a person gets a viral or bacterial infection, a healthy immune system makes antibodies against one or more components of the virus or bacterium.

The COVID-19 coronavirus contains ribonucleic acid (RNA) surrounded by a protective layer, which has spike proteins on the outer surface that can latch on to certain human cells. Once inside the cells, the viral RNA starts to replicate and also turns on the production of proteins, both of which allow the virus to infect more cells and spread throughout the body, especially to the lungs.

While the immune system could potentially respond to different parts of the virus, it's the spike proteins that get the most attention. Immune cells recognize the spike proteins as a foreign substance and begin producing antibodies in response.

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Has the coronavirus disease been detected in blood and stool?

COVID-19 virus has been detected in blood and stool, as had the coronaviruses responsible for SARS and MERS (14,16,19-21). The duration and frequency of shedding of COVID-19 virus in stool and potentially in urine is unknown.
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Do COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have long-term effects?

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were created using messenger RNA (or mRNA) technology, which has been used for about 10 years in cancer treatment, with no long-term effects detected. And even before that, scientists had been working with mRNA technology for years. 3. mRNA technology does not alter your DNA.

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What are the common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine?

The most commonly reported side effects were pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever.
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Do people who have had COVID-19 have more side effects with the vaccine?

If you had COVID-19 before being vaccinated, the first injection may cause more noticeable side effects than for people who have not had the coronavirus. If you have never had COVID-19, you may notice more side effects after the second dose than after the first dose.

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Can getting COVID-19 lead to serious complications?

Although most people with COVID-19 have mild to moderate symptoms, the disease can cause severe medical complications and lead to death in some people. Older adults or people with existing chronic medical conditions are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 .
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Should you get the COVID-19 vaccine if you have had kidney disease?

Yes, the National Kidney Foundation, American Society of Nephrology and American Society of Transplantation all recommend the COVID-19 vaccine for people living with kidney disease or who have had a kidney transplant.

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What are the common side effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine?

Commonly reported side effects in the clinical trial included injection site pain (sore arm), redness and swelling, fatigue, headache, muscle and/or joint pain, chills, fever, swollen lymph nodes, nausea and decreased appetite.

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Can COVID-19 cause lung problems?

COVID-19 can cause lung complications such as pneumonia and, in the most severe cases, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS.

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What are the uncommon symptoms of COVID-19?

Some uncommon symptoms found in COVID-19, but reported during acute illness include congestion or runny nose, skin rashes and eye issues (including conjunctivitis, eye pain and light sensitivity).

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What are some of the issues that COVID-19 infection can cause to the heart and blood vessels?

Coronavirus infection also affects the inner surfaces of veins and arteries, which can cause blood vessel inflammation, damage to very small vessels and blood clots, all of which can compromise blood flow to the heart or other parts of the body.
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