How common is Cat Cry syndrome?

Cri du chat syndrome is a rare genetic disorder caused by a missing section on a particular chromosome known as Chromosome 5. Sometimes, material from another chromosome is missing as well. Around one in every 50,000 or so babies is diagnosed with this disorder.
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Who is most likely to get cat's cry syndrome?

Cri-du-chat syndrome occurs in an estimated 1 in 20,000 to 50,000 newborns. This condition is found in people of all ethnic backgrounds.
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What is the survival rate of Cri du Chat?

Currently, the mortality rate of cri-du-chat syndrome is 6-8% in the overall population.
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Can people with Cat Cry Syndrome have children?

It usually happens by chance, but in some cases it's inherited. If you have a child with Cri du Chat syndrome, you can have your own chromosomes tested if you're thinking of having more children. The syndrome is a rare condition. It happens in around 1 in 25 000-50 000 births.
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What Causes Cat Cry Syndrome?

Cri du chat syndrome - also known as 5p- syndrome and cat cry syndrome - is a rare genetic condition that is caused by the deletion (a missing piece) of genetic material on the small arm (the p arm) of chromosome 5. The cause of this rare chromosomal deletion is unknown.
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Raising Awareness for a Rare Genetic Disorder

How many people are diagnosed with cri du chat every year?

Around one in every 50,000 or so babies is diagnosed with this disorder. This estimate is coming down. With more advanced and frequent genetic testing, and many more milder cases being diagnosed, it may be as low as one in 25,000. Around a third as many girls as boys are affected.
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What population is affected by cat eye syndrome?

It's caused by a problem with a chromosome, so people are born with it. It gets its name because one of the most common symptoms is that the eyes look similar to a cat's. This is because there's a hole in the iris (the colored part of your eye). Only between 1 in 50,000 and 1 in 150,000 people in the world have it.
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How is cri du chat treated?

Cri du chat syndrome may cause a variety of abnormalities, especially affecting the head and face. Other features may include learning difficulties and slow growth and development. There is no specific treatment.
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Can people with cri du chat live independently?

In many documented cases, children with Cri du Chat have lived well into middle age and beyond. However, people who have Cri du Chat are not always able to live independently. Many adults with the condition will need supportive health, social, case management, and vocational services.
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Can Cat Cry Syndrome be detected before birth?

The condition is usually diagnosed at birth, based on physical abnormalities and other signs like the typical cry. Your doctor may perform an X-ray on your child's head to detect abnormalities in the base of the skull. A chromosome test that uses a special technique called a FISH analysis helps detect small deletions.
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Is cri du chat recessive or dominant?

Cri du chat syndrome (CdCS) is a rare (1:15 000 to 1:50 000 live births)1 autosomal-dominant syndrome mainly caused by segmental deletions of chromosome 5p.
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How long is the average lifespan of a person with cat eye syndrome?

Some people with CES will have severe malformations in early infancy, which can lead to a much shorter life expectancy. However, for most people CES, life expectancy usually isn't reduced.
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Can anyone be a candidate for the disorder cat eye syndrome?

Cat eye syndrome (CES) is a rare chromosomal disorder that may be evident at birth. Individuals with a normal chromosomal make-up have two 22nd chromosomes, both of which have a short arm, known as 22p, and a long arm, known as 22q.
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Is cat eye syndrome recessive trait?

Cat eye syndrome can be inherited in one of two ways. Either the duplication on chromosome 22 is passed down from parent to child in what is called autosomal dominant inheritance or the duplication occurs only in the affected person this is called a de novo mutation, meaning it occurred by random chance.
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How common is cri du chat syndrome in the world?

Cri du Chat syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects approximately 1 in 37,000 to 50,000 people in the population. Cri du Chat syndrome is caused by a missing piece of information (deletion) on the short arm of chromosome 5.
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How common is trisomy 22?

22q11 deletion syndrome is a rare condition which occurs in about one in 4000 births. This condition is identified when a band in the q11. 2 section of the arm of chromosome 22 is missing or deleted. This condition has several different names: 22q11.
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What is the genetic defect that causes cat eye syndrome?

In people affected by Cat eye syndrome, each cell has at least one small extra (duplicate) chromosome made up of genetic material from chromosome 22. This extra genetic material leads to the characteristic signs and symptoms of the condition.
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Are they working on a cure for cat eye syndrome?

There is no cure for cat eye syndrome, as it is a permanent defect in the chromosome. Treatment relies solely on which symptoms your child exhibits and may include: Surgery to correct cleft lip/palate, skeletal abnormalities, anal atresia and other physical and internal issues.
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How was cat eye syndrome discovered?

The first report on the association of coloboma and anal atresia with a small extra chromosome came from Schmid in Zurich and Fraccaro in Pavia (Schachenmann et al., 1965). These authors proposed the term cat eye syndrome, in analogy with the cat cry or cri-du-chat syndrome (123450).
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What happens to the body during Turner syndrome?

Turner syndrome, a condition that affects only females, results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing. Turner syndrome can cause a variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects.
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Can Cri du Chat reproduce?

Previous investigators have noted the lack of information about the reproductive fitness of patients with this disorder. This report demonstrates that females with cri du chat syndrome are fertile, can gestate and likewise deliver affected offspring, which has significant management and counseling implications.
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Is cri du chat more common in ethnicity?

It was first described by Jérôme Lejeune in 1963. The condition affects an estimated 1 in 50,000 live births across all ethnicities and is more common in females by a 4:3 ratio.
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Who is most likely to get Turner syndrome?

Turner syndrome is a genetic condition found in females only. It affects about 1 in every 2,500 girls. Girls who have this condition usually are shorter than average and infertile due to early loss of ovarian function.
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Could Turner syndrome have been prevented?

Turner syndrome cannot be prevented. It is a genetic problem that is caused by a random error that leads to a missing X chromosome in the sperm or egg of a parent. There is nothing the father or mother can do to prevent the error from occurring.
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Is Turner syndrome fatal?

Girls and women with Turner syndrome will need to have their heart, kidneys and reproductive system checked regularly throughout their lives. However, it's usually possible to lead a relatively normal and healthy life.
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