How can you tell where the top of a tree will land?

Measure the distance to the base of the tree from the stick on the ground, using a tape measure or by counting your paces. If the tree base is 35 feet away from the stick, for instance, the tree's top will land about 35 feet from the base after it falls.
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How do you determine where the top of a tree will fall?

Face the tree, sight with your left eye, and move back or forward until the top of the stick aligns with the top of the tree, with the top of your fist at the base of the tree. Stop and mark your location. The tree's approximate height is equal to the distance between you and the tree.
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How can you tell the spread of a tree?

To find the tree's average crown spread, measure the widest point and the narrowest point of the crown. Add them together and divide by two to calculate the average crown spread. When two trees are within 10 points of each other, they are co-champions Nominate Your Big Tree Now!
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How do you judge the height of a tree?

Sight to the base and top of the tree, noting the number of inches the entire tree height occupies. Multiply that number by four feet (4') to determine the total tree height.
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How tall is the tree math problem?

We can use this equation to find out the tree's height: Multiply the length of the tree's shadow by your height. If you are 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall, and the tree's shadow is 100 feet (30.48 meters) long, multiple them together: 5 x 100 = 500 (or for the meter measurements, 1.5 x 30.48 = 45.72).
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How to measure the height of a tree

Is there an app to measure the height of a tree?

Tree Height Calculator is a mobile Android app the integrates the various steps in this process thereby improving the accuracy and dramatically reducing the time required to go from taking measurements to analyzing data.
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What is the formula for finding height?

so h = 2 * area / b.
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What's the average height of an oak tree?

So How Tall Do Oak Trees Get? If you are looking for an average among all species of oak trees, then the answer to that question id 50 – 70 feet. Many species do reach heights of 100 feet or more. White oak trees tend to be the tallest of the species.
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How do you measure height with phone?

Simply launch Measure, point the phone's camera to an object, then pick two points to measure the distance in between. The virtual tape measure can measure either height or length.
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What is a tree crown spread?

The average crown spread is the average horizontal width of the crown, taken from dripline to dripline as one moves around the crown. The dripline being the outer boundary to the area located directly under the outer circumference of the tree branches.
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What is the path length of a tree?

The path length of a tree is the sum of the levels of all the tree's nodes. The path length can have simple recursive definition as follows. The path length of a tree with N nodes is the sum of the path lengths of the subtrees of its root plus N-1.
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What is depth and height of a tree?

The depth(or level) of a node is its distance(i.e. no of edges) from tree's root node. The height is number of edges between root node and furthest leaf.
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How likely is it for a tree to fall on your house?

12% in any one year. Yup, a 12% chance of that branch falling.
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Can a house withstand a tree falling on it?

Can a house withstand a tree falling on it? Yes, but a tree falling on a house can cause extensive damage. It depends on the size of the tree and the areas of the house that become damaged.
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How do you tell if a tree will hit your house?

Look for signs of decay, such as bark that's falling off or broken. Scan for cracks or splits in the trunk. This could indicate that the tree is structurally weak. If you spot trunk swelling, an area of bark overgrowth, it could be a sign of decay.
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How tall will an oak tree grow in 10 years?

A white oak's growth rate is considered "medium", growing between 1 foot and 1 and 1/2 feet per year. As trees mature at around 20 years, a 10 year old oak tree size, then could be anywhere between 10 feet and 20 feet tall, but this varies.
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What is so special about oak trees?

It's a long-lived tree which can live more than 1000 years. The oak is a tree with multiple uses: the boiled bark has therapeutic properties. Its fruit (acorn) is used to feed livestock and in times of shortage has also been used for human consumption. A meadow of oaks is a refuge for many animal species.
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How many years does it take for an oak tree to grow?

It takes oak trees 5 to 6 years to become completely self-sustainable. Even the fastest-growing oak trees will only grow about 3 feet per year. It takes decades before an oak tree is fully grown. Oak trees need 20 to 30 years to begin producing acorns of their own, depending on the type of oak tree.
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What instrument is used to measure height of a tree?

The clinometer and tape method, or the tangent method, is commonly used in the forestry industry to measure log length. Some clinometers are hand held devices used to measure angles of slopes. The user can sight to the top of a tree using such a clinometer and read the angle to the top using a scale in the instrument.
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Which tool is used to measure the height of tree house?

Only in exceptional cases can tree height be measured directly. There are many instruments for measuring heights. They are known as hypsometers, altimeters, or clinometers.
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How do you find initial height?

Solution: Choose the formula h = -16t2 + v0t + h0. The initial velocity, v0 = 200 ft/sec and the initial height is h0 = 0 (since it is launched from the ground). Formula: h = -16t2 + 200t + 0. a.
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