How are shells born?

As mollusks live their daily lives in the sea, they take in salts and chemicals from the water around them. As they process these materials, they secrete calcium carbonate, which hardens on the outside of their bodies and begins to form a hard outer shell.
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How are baby seashells born?

A few days after baby molluscs come out from tiny eggs, they start building their shell, layer after layer. They use salt and chemicals from the sea (such as calcium and carbonate). They also use other ingredients from their own bodies (such as special chemicals called proteins that help them build the shell).
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How is a seashell formed?

A mollusk produces calcium carbonate from its mantle, laying down layers of it over its lifetime. Together, those layers form the seashell. You can think of a seashell kind of like your own hair. Your hair grows and is part of you, but it isn't alive on its own.
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How old are seashells?

Mollusk shells found on typical east coast (US) beaches can range from days old (the animal that made the shell died recently) to thousands of years old. Some shells in our state, North Carolina, have been dated as 40,000 years old.
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How long does it take to make a seashell?

They coat the grit with shelly material. It takes about two years to grow a pearl. Some large clams can grow pearls as big as golf balls in 10 years. *The best time to collect shells is right after a storm (strong waves push more shells to shore) and at low tide.
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How Seashells Are Made

Do all shells come from animals?

Most shells come from soft-bodied mollusks. Snails, clams, oysters, and others need the hard protection of their shells. This tough outer covering protects the tasty body hiding inside. Other animals, such as crabs and lobsters, also make a tough outer covering, but here we focus on mollusk shells.
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How are seashells born from seaweed?

As mollusks live their daily lives in the sea, they take in salts and chemicals from the water around them. As they process these materials, they secrete calcium carbonate, which hardens on the outside of their bodies and begins to form a hard outer shell.
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How do clams get their shells?

A clam seashell has a shell consisting primarily of calcium carbonate exuded by the mantle. Clams obtain this calcium carbonate from the water around them. You might notice that a clam shell does not have a smooth surface, but rough ridges along the top.
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Is a conch shell alive?

Inside a living conch shell is a mollusk, or soft-bodied sea snail. Conchs get around by using a foot or horn to drag themselves along the seafloor. The entire animal is extremely valuable.
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What lives inside seashells?

clams, cockles, mussels, oysters and scallops. We call these creatures bivalves. Other mollusks that you may find on the seashore have just one shell, and this includes the sea snails, eg. whelks, conchs, winkles, top shells, cowries and limpets.
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Where do shells come from on the beach?

Most seashells come from mollusks, a large group of marine animals including clams, mussels, and oysters, which exude shells as a protective covering. Shells are excreted from the outer surface of the animal called the mantle and are made up of mostly calcium carbonate.
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Are baby clams born with shells?

No, clams aren't born with shells. They are free-swimming larvae after they hatch, and just prior to metamorphosis they secrete a hard shell.
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How are mussels born?

Males release sperm into the open water, which is then drawn into the females through their siphons. The sperm fertilizes the eggs. Inside the female mussel, fertilized eggs develop into microscopic larvae known as glochidia. And this is where the fish hosts come into play – and things begin to get interesting.
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Are clams asexual?

Clams reproduce sexually. They are male, female or hermaphroditic, but this is almost impossible to discern by appearance. One reason clams are not often found by themselves, but grouped in beds, is their reproduction.
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Are snails born with shells?

Yes, although the shell is transparent and soft to begin with. Snails need calcium to harden their shells and the first thing a newly hatched snail does is to eat the casing of its own egg to absorb calcium.
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How do you get a conch out of its shell without breaking it?

Reach into the shell's main opening and pull on the snail's body. If you cannot easily pull out the snail, you may need to drill into the upper portion of the shell. Drilling a small hole helps to break the suction of the snail to its shell.
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Do seashells decompose?

Bones and shells decompose much more slowly. Over long times, their mineral materials dissolve. That can happen rapidly when the shells and bones lie on the ground surface or on the sea bottom. If the shell or bone is buried in sediment, it dissolves more slowly.
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Are seashells born from seaweed?

However, what Spelman is holding isn't thought to be seaweed, rather an egg sac from a a sea snail. The tiny creature inside the shell creates it, and it grows larger over time along with the whelk, a type of edible sea snail, as it continually adds to its exoskeleton.
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Why are there no shells on the beach?

While the distance the shells travel can be significant, the fact of the matter is they eventually get washed up on beach shorelines. The tides bring in the shells it might be carrying and they land on sandy shores. Shells are largely unoccupied because as stated before, they are shed from a dying or dead mollusk.
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Are seashells living or nonliving?

The shell itself is acellular (i.e., non-living), consisting of layers of calcium carbonate often covered on the outside by a thin organic layer called periostracum.
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How do you know if a sea shell is alive?

If a bivalve shell is intact, and both halves are tightly closed together, then there is still a living creature inside. You may also encounter living bivalves with their shell open that may be feeding in shallow pools or stranded by storms. If you touch them and they close their shell, then of course they are alive!
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Do seashells turn into sand?

None of the critters whose activities result in turning seashells into calcareous sand, or simply putting the calcium carbonate back into the ecosystem, are directly nourished by the seashells. Instead, they either break the shells up to get to the living animal inside or they use them for their homes.
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Are clams born male or female?

One can't take this for granted in the molluscan world, as quite a few molluscs are hermaphrodites; either simultaneously male and female or capable of changing gender. In fact, a small number of softshell clams are born male but become females as they grow.
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How are oysters born?

During an oysters spawning season, the young male releases his sperm and the older females release their eggs. Sometimes up to hundreds of million eggs. One the met they develop larvae. Larvae takes 6 hours to develop and a few weeks to settle into another oyster shell or rocky place.
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